
The Legendary Spider-Man

Alex Parker, formerly known as Nate Thompson, was nothing more than your average Marvel fan. Still, after he originally died, Alex founds himself in a new life within the Marvelverse and as the twin brother of his favorite superhero. Well, it's a long road ahead to be the "Greatest Of All Time."

Mr_Stan · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 2: Shadow

Friday, September 10, 2006

7:15 am

Queens, New York

Peter Pov


*Knock, Knock, Knock*

*Knock, Knock, Knock*

*Knock, Knock, Knock*

"Alex, you're up yet?!"

*Knock, Knock, Knock*

*Knock, Knock, Knock*

*Knock, Knock, Knock*

"Alex, Bro, come on, the bus could be here any minute now!" I yelled once again, hearing nothing after my third set of knocking, sighing that my brother is doing this type of thing now of all times. I went to open the door only to find it locked...figures. Good thing I came prepared, or as Alex would sometimes say, "Behold the power of plan B!" I laugh a bit internally while pulling one of my makeshift tools. 'Alright, just got to squeeze here and...' I let the machine do the rest as its small gears start turning slowly, working against the lock while not making any noise. It wasn't until I heard a *pop* from the door that I loosened my grip with a knowing smirk.

"Ahh, lockpete, how will I ever annoy Alex without you?" with that said, I open the door.

Once inside, I came across what I consider the oddest room in this house, Alex's room. His room was not dirty; in fact, it was clean. Yet the best word that I could use to describe this place is random. Besides his desk, which, as I expected, was covered with various computer parts and programming equipment along with his laptops, both were working on some unknown algorithms. The rest of his room displays items he collected for the many odd hobbies my twin took over the years—shelves scattered throughout the room filled with his computer manuals, books on different skills like investigating to even sewing, his manga collection, and hanging from the walls are frame medals with pictures of his martial arts or MMA tournaments. Though one of those frames is a picture of us at a street fighter game tournament, that was a fun day.

Looking toward the bed, I see my target sprawled out on it without a care in the world. We get many questioning looks when people find out about us being twins, usually from said twin boasting about me. It's just besides being born together on the same day and having talent when it comes to science is where our similarities end. Alex took more of his looks from mom with his long hair and golden brown eyes while I took after dad. While I have an eyesight problem, asthma, and other health problems, Alex doesn't; with his exercises and training, he became leaner and taller over the years, that damn showoff. Sighing to myself, noticing the earplugs in his ears, I tried to shake him awake.

"Alex, come on, you can enjoy sleep later. We have to get moving; the bus could be here soon and-WOAH!!!" I say, nearly avoiding an uppercut out of nowhere as it only grays my chin. As I back away from the bed, I watch as Alex springs up and enters a fighting stands, giving me a murderous look.

"I don't give a fucking flying rat's ass who you are!!! I'm not giving his identity to any...huh, Pete, what are you doing here?" my oh-so gracious twin asks, now changing his look to one of dumbfounding. He stood there in only sweatpants, yet he also was covered in sweat while breathing heavily. 'Was he having a nightmare?'

"Trying to wake you up, asshole. We're going to miss the bus because of your damn sleeping habits. Why are you even wearing earplugs anyway?"

He deadpans, "...Snoring."

"I-I'm not that bad, Okay?!" I yelled out in slight embarrassment; my twin chuckled at me before noticing me rubbing my grays chin.

"Are you okay? I didn't hurt you, right?" he asked in concern. '*sigh* Caring more about me other than yourself as always. I'm thankful for it, but man, it gets annoying.'

"I'm Okay, Alex, nothing to worry yourself about. I should be asking you the same thing; whatever that dream was, it didn't seem pretty to get you this freaked out." as if realizing what was happening, he whipped the sweat from his forehead while calming his breathing.

"Oh yeah, that, astute as ever, little brother. But as you said, nothing to worry about; I mean, it's only a dream." He said, rubbing the back of his head playfully. I know he's being truthful; one of my favorite things about him; Alex never lies. Yet, I can't help but feel there is more to this. However...

"*sigh* How many times must you bring that up. You're only 3 1/2 minutes older than me!!!"

"HA! and those 3 1/2 minutes are something I will hold over you until I di-" he stops midsentence before sniffing the air. "Pete, what's that heavenly smell?"

I forgot, "Right, Aunt May should be finishing up making breakfast, also what was-" Alex stopped me with stars in his eyes and..., is he drooling?

"That's right, Aunt May's Friday's breakfast!! Why didn't you start with that? I would've gotten up a while ago." He spun me around and pushed me out. "Out, out; you want us to get to school for the trip today, then stop wasting time. I'll be right down; give me a few minutes to get dressed, and I better not see any of my share gone, or I'll have your head, bro, you hear? Kay, bye!!!" My twin says before slamming the door behind me while I stood there, wide-eyed and flabbergasted.

"What just...that asshole, Agggh!!" I pushed my glasses up, pinching the bridge of my nose, and made my way back downstairs. 'That's Alex for you, I guess.'


9:47 am

Midtown High, NYC


"Alex needs his french toast to start off his dayyyyy.~" My twin sang his little jingle before finishing up the final bit of breakfast he had taken with him. We bearly made it on time; I got mad at Alex when he took longer than he said to get ready. I've tried asking what was taking him so long, but he only gave me half answers, like saying, "I needed to get prepared." prepared he said, Prepare for what? It doesn't help that he sometimes kept glancing at me with looks of pity while I wasn't looking; talk about weird.

"Alright, we get it. You love french toast, so please stop singing that jingle like an infomercial." I begged him as he smirked.

"You're just upset because it's catchy." It wasn't. "But I'll stop since you ask nicely...for now. Anyway, I've wanted to ask if you have seen Gwen anywhere. I haven't seen her in the first period; she never misses AP chemistry. She's not answering her phone nor my text either." now it was my turn to smirk at him, knowing exactly why he wanted to find Gwen. Though he makes a good point, Gwen rarely misses a class since middle school, only doing so if she has to, and she would've let Alex and myself know if she were sick.

I shrugged, "No clue; she was just as excited about the field trip as I was. Didn't think she'll miss it." We walked along with our fellow second and first-year students toward the buses for our trip.

"You never told me why you're so happy about this trip. Would you care to share it with your twin, Pete? I know it's not just to see their labs, so spill." Alex said while seeming to be on the lookout for something.

"Only if you tell me what you're being "prepared" for first." I cocked an eyebrow. "We're family, you know. We shouldn't be keeping things from each other." he looks away from me, mumbling something to himself.

"I...just have a bad feeling about today, that's all."

"A bad feeling about what? Oscorp?"

"Did someone mentions my family?" a cheerful voice called out near us both. I only turn to see a young man around our age, wearing quite a pricey outfit like they were nothing more than casual clothes.

"Hey Harry, how's it going?" I greeted my friend with a high five. Harry Osborn, the only son of New York's Norman Osborn, Heir to Oscorp, and the richest kid in midtown high. He and I became the best of friends 'second to Alex and me, of course' since the start of our first year. So much so that he even introduced me to his dad. That was a pretty intimidating first meeting, but at least I know that the hairstyle runs in the family. The same can be said about when Harry and Alex met; two words for you: awkward and tense.

"Oh, you know, same old, same old. I got here this morning, it only took 5 minutes, and I was already bored out of my mind. At least I've got my two favorite pairs of twins to lighten the mood." he said, hooking an arm over us. He struggled a bit due to Alex being 6'0", again, the showoff.

"Speaking of us, you haven't seen or heard from Gwen today? She didn't show up for the first period." Alex asked, removing the arm around his neck.

"Don't worry about it, lover boy. She-"

"We're not dating!!!" He blushed. Harry holds his arms out placatingly.

"She'll be there waiting for us back at the facility, trust-" Harry continued as if nothing had happened before shutting himself up. 'Seems that he was not supposed to say that.' This made Alex squint his eyes.

"Why is she at Oscorp, Harry?" Harry nervously looks away. "You know something, don't you?" He slowly starts backing away towards the buses. While the two of them start having one of their daily friendly arguments, I pay it no mind. My focus was on the trip or, rather, Oscorp HQ. If everything goes well, I could turn my life around for the better. I can even see it now, helping to make discoveries that can benefit the world, assisting Aunt May and Uncle Ben with their bills so they can retire comfortably, and finally being able to get out of-

"Hey, Puny Parker!"

That voice...shit!!!

My attention, along with everyone who heard, was toward one of the open second-floor windows. That's when I found the bane of my mid-high life; Flash Thompson. He and his cronies, all with water balloons aimed at me. Peter, you idiot!! Too engrossed in the Oscorp trip that you forgot to keep a simple lookout for Flash.

"Dodge!!!" with that, midtown high's prize quarterback and the gang throw the balloons at once toward me. I froze; I knew I wouldn't avoid them all, so I stood there like a deer in headlights. '*sigh* Great, yet another humiliation in front of everyone, and just before getting to Oscorp too. Nice going, Parker.' I thought, beginning to brace myself for the upcoming impact...but it never came. Opening my eyes, I see Alex in front of me with his arm out, taking the water balloons for me as the flash gang all laugh hardy. I watched as he got drenched in my stead in front of everyone; Flash's dumb laugh continued to echo throughout the courtyard along with some others as Harry hurried toward my brother's side.

"Alex, you okay there, man?" Alex shrugged it off as if it were nothing, yet a small bruise formed on his forehead. 'Was there a rock in one of them

"Yeah, I'm good, but those mother fuckers ruin my hoodie, *sigh* god damn it." he said while taking the hoodie off. "Anyway, I'll deal with them later. You alright, little bro?" I was about to thank him, grateful for the save, yet I took a look around. A small crowd formed around us; people scattered throughout the area, talking about how awesome of a thing for my brother to do, while some commented how much of a coward I was to hide behind the "better" twin. That got me; more than anything Flash could do to me, even with some of the girls taking a second glance at my brother.

I couldn't help it; I brought my head down. "I'm fine; I'll...go to the bus." I walked as fast as possible to get a few moments. My time will soon come; they will witness just how amazing I can be when I get my opportunity. Once that happens, I'll no longer have to be in your shadow...Alex.

I want to thank all those who commented, gave power stones, and even just read this shit. It really might be a lot to me.

Fun Question: Who do you guys thank is the best company within the Marvel universe? Leave a comment if you want.

Anyway, Have some idea about my story? Comment or Review it and let me know.

~Stan out

Mr_Stancreators' thoughts