
The Legendary Spider-Man

Alex Parker, formerly known as Nate Thompson, was nothing more than your average Marvel fan. Still, after he originally died, Alex founds himself in a new life within the Marvelverse and as the twin brother of his favorite superhero. Well, it's a long road ahead to be the "Greatest Of All Time."

Mr_Stan · Anime & Comics
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19 Chs

Chapter 10: Montage Music is needed Pt.1

Tuesday, September 15, 2006

7:26 am

Queens, New York

Alex Pov.


"You're sure about this, Alex? I was just about to book you into another tournament soon; I even heard some Hollywood big shots were doing some talent scouting here. Guarantee that this could help you get into college easily." came the voice through the phone of an older man with a heavy Italian accent.

"Sorry, Benny, but I'm serious about this. I just needed a nice change of pace after my accident, and May wanted me to take things easy for a while, so no more MMA in the future, I'm afraid." I said, a bit saddened about this. Coach Benny, another great helper and friend who has been with me over the years ever since I started my "hobbies." It's safe to say that he took my training seriously, pushing me harder and harder every time we met for another session, not to mention helping me learn Italian. We were like Rocky and Mikey, him and I, though at times, coach took that inspiration a little too literally. I never forgave him for putting me in that meat locker. "Besides, The project I'm starting is important, yet it will take up much of my time. Sorry..."

"*Sigh* it's only been two days out of the hospital, and you're already getting yourself into something. Why am I not surprised? Kid, you seriously need to learn how to walk before you run. If this keeps up, you'll give this old man a heart attack one of these days."

Embarrassingly, I could only chuckle, "I'll definitely try not to."

"And you shouldn't; the last thing I need is for my wife to nag me to take even more pills. Anyway, as much as it pains me to lose my best student in years, I know I ain't your dad. So, far be it for me not to let you do what you must, even though you won't spill the beans to your good old pal Benny. I mean, come on, Al, that least one hint."

"Sorry, Benny, but it's a personal project and also top secret. So, hush, hush." I answered back with a playful tone.

"Fine, Fine...teenagers these days. Go on, keep your secrets. I just want you to be careful, things are getting hairy out there, and I don't want to see on the news that you're got caught in the crossfire."

"Again, I'll try. Oh, and Benny, thanks...for everything you taught me."

"Ahh, don't ya go getting sappy with me, kid. All I taught you was to kick some ass, and you can do just that in spades. The way I see it, my job's done." he let out a hearty laugh before pausing. "Say, since I'm a nice guy, and I don't want you getting soft on me. How about I lend you a spare key for the gym."

"...Wait, what?!" I exclaimed in shock.

"Yeah, I owe you anyway with all the money we won through our "little" bets from your matches. My good old Jessica can hit the streets again after so long. Anyway, I'll give it to you once I get the chance; just clean the place and lock up when you're done."

"Thanks, Benny, I'll hold you to that." an excited grin spread across my face, though I knew I couldn't use this so often. As helpful as it might be, it would be detrimental to my plans if I drew too much attention. Releasing that the taxi was slowing down, I continued, "Sorry, Benny, but I'm going to have some bad reception soon, so I have to end our chat for now."

"Alright then, abbi cura di te, moccioso."

"Anche tu, Vecchio." hanging up the phone, I exited the taxi, not before tossing the driver one of my spear snacks from my duffel as thanks.

As I walked, I called my plan or at least the start of one. All of my time yesterday was spent making some ideas on how to start this superhero thing, going over every spider version Nate's memories could give me. Which was a bad idea on my part since I nearly overloaded myself with the information, almost passing out. So, deciding to take things a little slower, I focused on the OG Spider-Man as my basis. This made me realize something, Peter, in a sense, jumped the gun when it came to his powers and hero career. Well, besides using it for personal gain, that is. That being said, this brought me to how I should start this hero career, and the first thing that needs to be done before anything is understanding these powers.

If what happened three days ago proved anything to me, it is either I've underestimated the spider's power, or something is off. So before hitting the streets, I must find which is most likely accurate. Not to forget solving the web-swinging problem. I can't believe I have one of those; my inner monologue stopped once I reached my destination.

West Hills County Park.

A lovely wooded area with long space-out trees, multiple different hiking trails, large enough for people to go horseback riding, and, best of all, primarily empty during the weekdays. The perfect place to begin running my first set of tests. Though as annoying as it had to start from the ground up on powers I already know of, it still wouldn't hurt to double-check and learn some essential control to avoid mistakes like last time. Thankfully no one has noticed some of the doors slightly broken or off their hinges throughout the house so far; going to need to fix those later. However, even as I limber myself up with some stretches, the nerd part of me can't help but be excited to discover my limits.

'Alright, Alex, you only have five days left and a lot of things on your to-do list to cover. So you gotta make this free time count.' While hyping myself up, I dug through my bag to get the items I needed to test and hopefully improve the easiest of my abilities. Speed and Agility. 'Now, if the memories are anything to go by. Pete was one of the most agile people in the world and could run up to 250 mph at max. So, in theory, I should be just as good as he was even though I never have any experience with parkour or gymnastics, but what I need to figure out the most in this test is my max speed. Well, good thing I have these.' I thought before attaching two watch-like items around my ankles.

I wrapped up These little things last night since I had to gather my data, using a pair of G-shock watches and re-engineered them with a RADAR speed detector that I "borrowed" in the past—not going to say how I got that. Anyway, with these, they should be able to track my speed as I run and then send the data to my phone once I stop. Although he's better than me, my twin is not the only one who can make gadgets. HA, suck it, bro.

After ensuring the trackers were on tight and dawning a makeshift disguise, I got into a running start. The test was simple. All I had to do was run through the woods at full speed while testing my agility by avoiding anything in my directed path. It should be easy enough.

"Okay, Let's fucking-wait, music," I said, taking a moment to put on Queen on my mp3. "Okay, now we start." with that, I took off. *Boom* Leaving behind a large cloud of dust.



8:30 am

Manhattan, New York

George Stacy Pov.


"Dad, Your coffee is ready! Are you done yet?!" I heard Gwen calling out from the kitchen; I better hurry, then she must have woken up on the wrong side of the bed this morning.

"I'm almost done here; I'll be down in a minute!" I yelled back before finishing the last bit of my shave. Splashing the hot water on my face to both clean me off and wake myself up, I gaze at the reflection in front of me, seeing the bags slightly visible under my eyes. These past months have not been easy on me. With each passing day, the number of cases has increased by 2, with some either being simple mugging or having the Maggia move the other crime families throughout the islands. It's like New York becomes a war zone when the twilight hours hit.

It's times like this when I'm reminded just how worn out I became over the years of service, from joining the army to detective work and now being the commissioner for the NYPD. God, do I wish for the sweet release of retirement, but as I enter the kitchen to fix this stupid tie, I see why I can't.

Watching my daughter face deep in one of those advanced chemistry books while eating toast, I couldn't see the prideful smile forming on my face. Seemly to hear my approach, she looked up from her book, "Fahmai, Uok yvu too long getring up."

"No talking with your mouth full, young lady." shaking my head in amusement, I took a sip of my ready coffee. 'Ah, de-caff, my greatest friend in the morning.' sitting my drink down, I continued with the tug of war with my tie.

Gwen rolled her eyes before swallowing, "Yeah, Yeah, I know. But I'm already running late as it is all ready. We both are."

"I'm well aware; I just in to get this damn thing on properly."

Gwen sighed before walking over toward me, "Here, let me." she then process to help me put it on. As I allowed her to do so, the image of a much older woman that looked a lot like Gwen minus the headband doing the same thing flashed through my mind.

"You're a lot like your mother; you know that."

"If you mean making sure you don't look like a total mess, then I guess." Finishing helping me, she grabbed her things leaving in a hurry. "Come on, Dad. We need to get moving."

"You're acting as if you woke up on the wrong side of the bed today. Everything alright, Gwen?" I asked her as I followed suit, not failing to notice the frustration in her voice, though it wasn't directed at me from what I could tell. Gwen kept silent as we reached and entered the car. "It's not your new job again. I wouldn't have recommended it to you if it would make you this stressed."

"No, it's not OSCORP," she corrected. "though the hours are long, it's nothing I can't handle. No, my problem is with Peter."

"Peter?" that was unexpected. "What about him? Did he do something?"

"Quite the opposite, it's what he's isn't doing. Ever since last week, he's been such a stubborn jackass. He's been ignoring my and Harry's calls and texts, practically avoiding us at school, leaving him open for Flash and the "In crowd," every time I see Peter at work, he's hiding a new set of bruises and dives headfirst into his work. I try to get him to talk about what happened, but he blows me off, saying he "rather focus on his work than irrelevant things." I only saw him talking normally to Dr.Connors. Did you know he had not once visited Alex as he was hospitalized? How messed up, can you get not to see your twin?" Gwen scoffed in irritation once she finished her short rant. 'Well, more has happened these few days than I thought.'

Knowing she was expecting some answer, I gave her one, "Well, maybe Peter is still reeling on what happened last week. From what you told me, he and Alex argued in front of everyone. Maybe this could be another family dispute they must resolve."

My daughter shook her head, "That's what Alex said to me, but I can't help but think there is more to this when it comes to Peter. I know it's none of my business, and I can't help, but I-I don't want to see neither of them hurt because of this." a smile came across my lips, seeing how much she cares about those two. The Parker twins better be lucky to have a friend like that.

"Anyway, you've been mentioning Alex a lot lately. I'm guessing that he's out of his coma, then?" I said, wanting to change the subject with her. As I expected, Gwen blushed, realizing she was doing just that. Coughing in her hand, she turned away, probably hoping to God that I didn't see it. 'Too late for that, sweetheart.'

"A-ah, yeah, I didn't get to tell you since you were busy with work, but he worked up when I lasted to visit him."

"Well, that's good to hear. Glad he's doing alright." I said as my mind wondered a bit about the knowing subject. Alex, I have mixed feelings about the kid if I was too honest with myself. Oh, don't me wrong, he's a great person. Brilliant, strong, protective, and caring to those close to him, especially Gwen. I'd be a pretty shitty father if I didn't notice how they look at each other occasionally. It's suitable for his sake that Alex is wise enough to take things slow with my daughter.

However, a part of me couldn't help to be conscious of him due to one thing, Alex rearly, if not ever, lies. I've been in the force for a long time and met and integrated many types of people, and not one is as honest as that kid. Almost like a maze, it's worrying how Alex could hide secrets the way he does, and I know he's carrying some because no one is ever that honest with others, even at his age.


Let's not forget the odd number of hobbies he's been taking. I still remember when Gwen and the twins visited me at the station. Alex spent that entire time asking officers questions about crime scenes, integrating witnesses and detective skills. He even found one of the bomb squad members to ask how to defuse them.


Alex does scare me sometimes, but I know I can trust him, even if it's only a little bit. As far as I'm aware, Alex hasn't used his skills for personal of any kind, mainly focusing on helping others like defending his brother from those jocks, so I know he has a good heart. I only pray that whatever secret he's hiding doesn't hurt Gwen or that I find out what it is before that happens. And if it could, I would do what any father would...and protect my family.

"Dad!" I heard Gwen call out, taking me out of my train of thought, realizing we were parked in front of Midtown High. 'Uh, I got here a lot quicker than I thought.' "Are you okay? You zone out for ten minutes while driving."

"Yeah, just had a lot on my mind at the moment, that's all," I said, giving a small smile of reassurance.

Gwen, however, wasn't buying it, "Dad, I've seen the news. You and the other officers are being worked to the bone, but the crime rate keeps getting worse, and you're coming home later than I am, not getting enough sleep. Maybe you should take the day off this once and get some proper rest." she suggested with worry laced in her tone.

Still smiling, I gently brushed her hair before kissing her forehead, "Thanks for the concern, kiddo, but I can't afford to do that. Sometimes, you must give up personal gain to truly help people in need, so if I have to lose some sleep so I can see people like you, that be it. Besides, this ordeal can't last forever, and when the streets get cleaned up, your old man can finally retire. I'll even take you on that London trip that you wanted. So no more worrying about what you hear on the news, deal?" Gwen didn't answer but, after a moment, hesitantly nodded in agreement. "Good, now you should get moving. You're running late, remember."

Remembering that she was late, my daughter immediately grabbed her things and kissed me on the cheek as thanks, then ran out of the car, trying to make it to class. As she vanished from sight my expression became solemn as I turned on the radio in my car to hear the latest reports for today.

Fourteen reports of mugging, assault, and signs of narcotic sales in Manhattan alone, with some more scattered in the Brox and Brooklyn. The strangest one is a noise complaint from West Hills County, but I'm putting it as an M.L.I for now. As I was about to take another sip of coffee, getting ready for the long day ahead, my phone buzzed in my pocket. Taking it out and reading the caller ID, I could only sigh in annoyance at who it was l 'Once again, a peaceful morning slipped from my figures. Please, God, let retirement come soon.'

"*click* Yes, Mayor de Blasio."


A/N~ Hey Guys, sorry for the long update. I needed a mental break, but I'm back baby. I just wanted to thank those who added this fic to their library cause now we're at 1k followers, and I have reached double digits in the number of chapters, so...GOALS!!!

Anyway, that's enough from me, catch ya later

~ Stan out

~ Follower Shout out:

- Jah1140

- AsuraAzure

- I11IGriffinI11I

- Dav_Jam

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