
The Legendary Sorcerers

The legendary sorcerers are 5 young teens that journey into the magical world. They search for their magic so they may have enough power to defeat the dark sorcerers that threaten both the magical and non magical world. The young legendary sorcerers continue their travels saving many in the process.

DaoistQSBLhX · Fantasy
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21 Chs

Fang shows his Fangs

It was early in the morning and David and the others were out of the dark spot of the forest. David stretched and yawned from his sleeping bag. He stood up and looked at Shadow who was practicing his kicking. David and walked over to Shadow and said with a yawn, "Good morning. What's for breakfast?"

"Do I look like a menu" Shadow asked. He stopped kicking and grabbed the back of his ankles and bent down to touch his head to his legs without bending his knees.

Foxy walked up to David and said with a voice to cheerful for the morning, "Good morning David. Good morning Shadow. We still have some meat apples left to eat if your hungry."

David said, "Yeah." Foxy held out both hands and two orange meat apples appeared. "Thanks Foxy." David to one of the orange meat apples and Shadow to the other and they both bit into it. Ken, Sara, and Ashley came over and Foxy conjured up the remaining meat apples (that he kept in his magic space that only he could each much like how David and the others conjure their wands out of thin air) and gave them to Ken, Sara, and Ashley.

After a few more bites David asked Shadow, "So now that Ratso is gone who are we going to fight next?"

"The next in the line of power is Fang" Shadow answered. "But you better be careful with him because he's toughest of the legendary dark sorcerers. He is fierce and without mercy. Out of all the legendary dark sorcerers he is the one I would love to beat down the most."

"Don't worry we can take him the same way we took on Ratso" David said with confidence.

Shadow smirked and said cockily , "Did I say I had any doubts? I can beat Fang on my own and run a mile in under seven minutes."

"And I'll be right there with you" David said with a grin.

Fang wearing his black robe with designs of pale yellow fangs on his it and was in a common room in the castle of darkness with the other legendary sorcerers of darkness. Saturn asked, "Do you think you can succeed where Ratso failed Fang?"

Fang said, "Ratso was weak. He didn't deserve to be one of the legendary sorcerers of darkness."

"I hope you have a plan sweetheart" Doom said in mock concern. "I would hate to see you end up like Ratso." She laughed.

Fang said, "I'll be the one to get the last laugh when I return with the powers of the legendary sorcerers." Fang waved his wand and disappeared in a swirl of black smoke.

David and the others were walking in the forest. Their was a pretty but sad animal sound that they all heard. Ashley asked, "What was that? Some kind of bird?"

Foxy said, "It sounds like a call from a blue swan. A young one by the sound of it."

Ashley was giddy and said, "I want to see it." She lightly ran to the sound of the blue swan.

On the ground close to a big red oak tree was a normal size blue swan that seemed to be struggling. The blue swan cried out in a musical voice. Ashley said, "It's pretty."

Foxy said, "It's a baby."

"That's a baby?"

"Yes" Foxy said. "They grow up to be quite big. It looks like it fell out of its nest."

Ken looked up and said, "I see the nest in the tree. It's big and it's way up there." Ken turned to David and Foxy and asked, "Can we help it? It doesn't feel good to be small and scared thinking someone is going to hurt you." David looked at Ken with concern. Ken's face turned a bit red and he continued, "I mean It must feel scary."

David put a hand on Ken's shoulder and said, "Don't worry I'll do it. I'll put the baby blue swan back in its nest." Ken smiled.

Shadow shrugged and said, "I wouldn't bother. It's all part of nature. I'm sure it will be fine anyway its mother should be back soon."

"It's no trouble" David took a few steps and exclaimed, "Magical animal spirit evolution!" David was engulfed in golden fire and he transformed into the twenty foot tall red dragon with orange being the color of his stomach and gold being the color of his fangs.

Dragontame walked over to the baby blue swan and said, "Don't worry little guy, I'll help you." He gently picked up the baby blue swan in his hands and flew to the nest high in the red oak tree. The baby blue swan whistled musically as he place it in the nest. A big blue swan that was almost as big as Dragontame came flying through the forest to him. The blue swan screeched in an angry yet musical way. "Don't worry I was only helping." He began to fly way but the blue swan screeched and sent out a blast of water from its mouth causing Dragontame to fall. He flapped his wings and remained airborne. "Hey!"

Shadow said whipped out his wand and said, "I'll get the blue swan."

Fang stepped out from behind a tree and said, "I would save what strength I have if I were you."


Shadow, Ken, Sara, and Ashley raised their wands and exclaimed, "Sorcerer evolution!" In flashes of lights they were now wearing their robes.

Shadow asked, "Do you want to do it the easy way and give up your dark magic or the hard way where we kick your butt?"

"The easy way is for the soft."

"I'm glad you said that."

"You won't beat me as easily as you beaten Ratso."

Sara pointed her white wand at Fang and exclaimed, "White feathers attack!" A strong gust of wind blown out of her wand along with glowing white feather being thrown like dart. Fang held up his arms and wand and a dark energy covered his body. The wind slid Fang across the ground on his feet and the feathers left scratch marks on him. Fang ran forward.

Ken exclaimed, "Water blaster!" A blast of water burst from Ken's blue wand at Fang but Fang dodged it by jumping and was about to land a side kick to Shadow's face but Shadow blocked it with his arm and Shadow fell down by the force of impact.

Shadow turned to face Fang and exclaimed, "Shadow blaster!" Fang went to jump high out of the way but Shadow's attack caught Fang's foot and he fell.

Ashley exclaimed, "Rose petals!" Her attack of light energy in the shape, color, and smell of glowing rose petals flown from her wand and smashed into Fang and knocked him backwards.

Fang yelled and shouted, "I hate flowers." He pointed his wand at Ashley and exclaimed, "Wolf bite attack!" Black energy in the shape of a chomping jaw with fangs burst out of his wand. Ashley screamed but then Shadow pushed her out of the way and Fang's attack bit him on the lower leg. Shadow yelled out in pain.

The big blue swan was blocking Dragontame and was circling him. "I'll tell you one more time I don't want to fight you." The big blue swan opened its mouth and blasted out water. Dragontame exclaimed, "Golden flames!" Beautiful gold color fire erupted out of his mouth turning the water to steam when the attacks collided and the golden fire hit the big blue swan and the blue swan fell from the air. He speeded to the big blue swan and caught it on his back and gentle placed it on the ground. The baby blue swan chirped. Dragontame looked up and said, "Don't worry little guy. Your mom will be alright.

Ashely asked Shadow who was clutching his lower leg, "Are you going to be okay Shadow?"

Shadow said, "I'm fine. I just can't walk well right now."

Fang asked, "I thought you were taught not to protect the weak."

Sara said angerly, "You will pay for what you did."

"Yeah you big bully" Ken shouted.

Fang raised his wand at Ken and exclaimed, "Wolf bite attack!

Ken exclaimed, "Water blaster!

Sara exclaimed, "White feathers attack!" The three attacks collided and the force of the pressure pushed Ken and Sara backwards a few steps.

Fang said, "I can't believe after so many chances Ratso ended up losing to you." He laughed mockingly.

Dragontame landed in front of Fang with his back to his friends and said, "If you have a problem with my friends you have a problem with me."

"And here is the big hero coming to save the day" Fang said with mocking amusement. He pointed his wand at Dragontame's throat and exclaimed, "Wolf bite attack!"

Dragontame exclaimed, "Golden flames!" Gold fire erupted out of his mouth and collided with the dark energy chomping jaw of fangs and the force of heat and power from what was left hit Fang and knocked him down.

Fang slowly got up and said, "I'm not through. I don't surrender." The big blue swan chimed a beautiful sound and then blasted water from its mouth hitting Fang in the face knocking him to his knees. He got up again and growled.

Dragontame said, "If you won't stop then we will have to stop you." Shadow, Ken, Sara, and Ashley were all standing and pointing their wands at Fang.

Fang waved his wand at himself and said, "Next time." He disappeared in a swirl of black smoke. Everyone transformed back and to their normal clothes.

David turn to the big blue swan and asked with a smile and a wave, "Is everything good? The blue swan sang a melody as it flew up the red oak tree and landed in the nest.

Everyone gathered around Shadow. David asked, "Are you okay man?"

"I'm fine. I just better go easy on it for a while."

Ashley leaned forward to Shadow and said, "I'm only going to do this once. Thank you." She kissed him on his cheek."

Shadow's eyes widen and his lip twitched into a smile for a moment but then he said, "Whatever."

David playfully elbowed Shadow in the arm and said in a light teasing voice, "You got a kiss."

Shadow said, "I'm just glad it's a one time thing."