
The Legendary Rayden

Kaiga_providence · Fantasy
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16 Chs



She comes in contact with to palace guards but she teleported away from them to avoid a fight. She went straight into the throne room and then the magical leaf starts vibrating.

"Found you" maki said smiling at the leaf then she sees a large metallic door.

Then suddenly a shrill voice came from the other end of the throne room.

"I know you are here for the antidote legend... But you would have to get past me" Queen iris said...

"Your highness.." Maki said but she was interrupted by queen iris.

"Hold your greeting to your self, I know what you are here for and you will not get it" Queen iris said to Maki.

"then I will have to battle you to get the element" Maki said.

"You just made a big mistake" Queen iris said as she blows out the dark fog from her mouth and it takes control of her body, her eyes turns Red and then normal.

"You are being controlled by the dark mist and I bet you are the host body?" Maki said.

"Right you are, legend" Queen iris said.

Queen iris powers up her mana and a purple aura surround her skin and then she appears in front of Maki.

"It has been a long time since I fought hand to hand" Queen iris said as she punches maki away.

Her punch sends Maki tumbling through the shiny clean floor, maki slowly tries to get up from the ground when Queen iris kicks her to the wall.

Then Queen iris was about to attack her again with a punch but Maki avoided queen Iris's punch then she punches the wall. Maki avoids the queen trying to keep her distance so she can fire a long range attack.

Maki gathers a a blue magical blasts and she throes it towards the queen with all she had. The queen merely divers the blast with her palm and and she jumps into the air and gathers her mana into one small point and she released it at Maki,Maki tries to avoid the blast but the beam hits her and pushes her out if the palace into the yard and then it explodes.

The queen jumps down from the throne room window down to the yard, she lands on the ground in a royal majestic style looking sternly at the smoke and dust her own blast created.

Maki charges out of the smoke screen with two energy blast in her palms she releases them at the queen. The queen avoids the blast and she grabs Maki by the throat.

"Well,im done fooling around" Maki punches the queen's fist to free her grip and then she jumps away from the queen and then she powers up her soul mana and then she ascends into her glowing legendary form.

She jumps toward the queen and punches her into a wall then she grabs the queen and throws her into the air and then she blasts the queen with simultaneous mana blasts.

The queen tries to avoid the blasts but they hit her all round and a over her whole body. It explodes, the queen falls to the ground.

"and they say the dark must multiplies it's host body powers multiplied by four... Multiplied by four my foot" Maki said to her self but it gets to the ears of queen iris.

"You underestimate me legend, and you will die for that mistake" Queen iris said to Maki then she powers up her soul mana.

Maki did so as well and she forges her magical wings and they both spring up into the air like rockets.The grab each other's hands and then Maki throws her away and she hits her into the ground. Queen iris disappeared before she reached the ground, she appeared behind Maki and gives her a good head butt.

A strange wind blows around the wind due to the force of their head collision, Maki grabs her fore head and she rubs the the spot where she was hit. Queen iris charged toward Maki and tries to punch her but Maki avoided her punch and grabbed the queen arm and smash her into the ground.

"if I don't end this fight soon it will never end, I need to end this now" she said. The queen charges towards Maki and punches her, and kicks her and then she tries to hit Maki with a magical voice blast, it was a sonic magical scream.

The queen screamed at Maki with purple magical waves coming out of her mouth, the wave was specially targeted at Maki, Maki tries to block the beam and tries to move out of her range but, the queen's attack was superior.

Maki teleports behind the queen and she give her an uppercut, then she appears in front of the queen and gives her an heavy blow in her belly.

"For a moment when I was fighting lynx I gained pure mana, and that alone is an antidote to purge out the dark mist"Maki said to herself then she gathers pure mana and gathers it at her palm.

" No, what are you doing "The dark mist said through queen iris.

" Now here is my PURE TEMPEST CANNON!! " Maki said then she directs the blast to the queen. The mana goes into the body of the queen and purges the dark mist out of her body and also the force of the tempest cannon blast pushes her through the palace wall.

The queen becomes unconscious and Maki flies into the palace, to the metallic door and then she opens up the door and goes in, She sees the last element and then she grabs it and leaves straight for the silver kingdom. She springs up into the air with her magical wings and flies as fast as she can to the silver kingdom...


Meanwhile, Xenon locks in a battle with junen, they both move around the ground and the air with flames behind them.... Xenon found it difficult to defeat junen because she gives as good as she gets.

The battle between both kingdom guardians will begin in the nex chapter...



Author's words:I want you apologize for my grammatical mistakes and errors please bear with me as I improve...

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🙋Yours truly kaiga_providence