
The Legendary Rayden

Kaiga_providence · Fantasy
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16 Chs



In the battle field after the fierce battle of the two kingdoms... The dark legion soldiers gave up the fight and returned back to the dark emerald kingdom. The silver knights rejoiced lifting up their weapons shouting out Rayden's name.

Maki Walks towards Xenon and Astatine and helps them off the ground. "well done Rayden, you saved the entire new Era" Astatine congratulated Maki. "Hey you guys also helped too, every one helped in this battle so if any one should be congratulated it should be you guys" Maki said letting out a wide smile.

"Let's go home and tell everyone the good news" Xenon suggested. Knights and generals all rounded themselves up and they departed from the battle field. Maki forges her magical wings and she flies into the air followed by Xenon and Astatine.

Meanwhile, in a kingdom other than the silver kingdom and the golden kingdom was the EMERALD KINGDOM.

The Emerald kingdom is located in the vast lands of the continent. And was between the silver kingdom and the golden kingdom. It was the biggest kingdom of the seven kingdoms of the New Era and was known for force warriors and deadly weapons and they were more advanced in technology.

Inside the emerald kingdom was like a grave yard with live people, Civilians walked around in a dark fog that was Almost everywhere. And this wasn't just any dark fog but it was a dark mist that has the ability to control simultaneous minds all from one host body.

The Dark fog poisons the mind and had the ability to control anything either man or animal and once it has a host body it increases the power of the host body to multiplied by four.

And so the host body controlled by the dark fog was none other than the ruler and the queen of the emerald kingdom named Queen Iris cha.

Queen Iris cha was a good queen in her days but after her mind was poisoned by the dark mist she planed to thing but to poison the minds of every one in the new Era and make her personal army and take over the rest of the world and of course it was the dark mist doings.

The Dark mist came into the kingdom from a single farmer who went to get herbs outside the kingdom and came across a tunnel and his curiosity led him inside forgetting the the dangers of being inside and so he then comes in contact with a rock door and when he tried to open it, a dark mist surrounded him and then went into his find from his nose and ears.

The dark mist took control over his body and then the farmer returned to the Emerald kingdom and contaminated the minds of every citizen from there.

In the palace, Queen Iris summoned the emerald kingdom guardians. They were three in number two males and one female.

The first guardian was named skylin, an evolved human from the tribal house of nature. The second guardian was Bello he was from the tribal house of metal. Then the third guardian was named Junen, she was from the tribal house of fire.

This three assembled before the queen bowing Dom their head to the ground... And of course they were already controlled by the dark mist inside the queen.

"I have an important mission for you all" Queen Iris said to them. "Yes Queen iris, your wish is our command, what do you want us do do?" Skyline asked the Queen.

"I want to begin a new phase in my plan and that includes taking over the rest kingdoms, so I decided to start with the silver kingdom, but of course they will resist but that's who I have you three" Queen iris said.

"You will go to the silver kingdom and try to posing the minds of the people in authority and then try to poison most of the civilians and return back to me, is that clear? " Queen iris thundered.

"yes your majesty!" skylin, Bello and junen chorused back at the Queen and they departed for the silver kingdom.

The silver kingdom knights arrive at the kingdom and then they go in to the kingdom. Azina and princess Arora runs toward a the window as soon a s they heard thunderous voices. They thought in their mind, what could that be...

The arrived at the window and they saw the knights from a distance all smiling, shouting and rejoicing. A smile appeared on azina and arora's face but then princess Arora remembers the death of her father and her smile faded away and it turned into tears.

Azina turns to Arora and hugs her. "I miss my papa" Princess Arora said. " don't cry princess Arora, you father is in a better place so you shouldn't worry" Azina said.

Then in the sky, three dark figure fly around the palace airspace and it was none other than the guardians of the dark emerald kingdom.

They surround the palace from the air and then they blow out the dark mist from their mouths, within few seconds the castle was covered with the dark mist and no one could see their way out. Every one attention was drawn to the palace castle that was now covered wit a strange cloud of gas.

Skylin, Bello and junen finishes with the palace and then the fly into the middle of the kingdom and they release the dark mist to the civilians. Soon the dark mist poisoned the mind of the entire silver kingdom.

Maki, Xenon and Astatine had already departed from the battle field but they were far behind the knights to it took them some time before they could arive. And so they did but they met the silver kingdom in shambles, civilians rampaging around the kingdom like savage animals.

They all wonder about what was happening around the kingdom and so they went in.

By that time, the fog was already gone so Immediately they landed on the ground. The civilians attention were drawn to Xenon, Maki and astatine. The civilians runs towards Xenon, Astatine and Maki.

They wondered what was happening, or was it because they were happy that the won the war.

Then suddenly Maki senses a dark presence in their mist.

"Xenon, Astatine!! Stay back, they are not who they seem to be" Maki said.

"Xenon and Astatine both look at each other wondering what Maki was saying. Then suddenly the civilians attacked Xenon and Astatine with powerful blows.

Xenon blocks his their attacks and he jumps into the air, then Astatine dodges the civilians attacks and he follows Xenon into the air.


They all wondered what was happening, but Maki suspected a dark presence has taken over the people and so she led Xenon and Astatine out of the area and they fly towards the palace....

Watch out for the next chapter coming soon...

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Author's words:I want you apologize for my grammatical mistakes and errors please bear with me as I improve...

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