
The Legendary Rayden

Kaiga_providence · Fantasy
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16 Chs



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Maki flies in the sky with her mana magical wing, she gains sight of the silver kingdom from afar though not as beautiful as before the war.

The silver kingdom has become almost like a wasteland because of the war that has been going on for thirty years.

Soon Maki arrives at the silver kingdom and her magic wings fade into dust, but she notices some changes. Instead of silver kingdom knights to be patrolling the kingdom it was now dark emerald solders from the dark legion patrolling the kingdom.

Maki goes through the kingdom front gate preparing for what ever she might face, she walks boldly into the kingdom then a dark soldier walks towards Maki and grabs her arm.

" Hey you, where are you coming from?, I thought it was made clear not to go out of the kingdom? " The soldier said at the top of his voice angrily.

" Release my hand soldier" Maki said. "Who do you think you are huh? " the soldier said angrily.

" I Am The Legendary Rayden" she said then she grabs the soldier's hand and throws her over.

More soldiers runs toward Maki trying to suppress her and arrest her, Maki kicks a soldier Away and punches another.

The dark soldiers slash out their sword and charges towards Maki, Maki blocks their sword slashes s and then she gathers a magical aura and she pushes the soldiers away from her.

"Who is this person? she strong" A soldier said to another.

Maki goes for the rest soldiers, she jumps over them and punches them all.

Meanwhile in the silver kingdom, a young palace knight runs towards an underground tunnel, he goes in and then walks towards a large door, he opens up the door and walks into the room.

" young knight why are you in a haste? " Xenon said to the knight. " Guardian Xenon, a young woman is fighting some dark soldiers alone in the gate of the kingdom,she seems powerful" the young knight said.

" Does she look like a descendant from the silver kingdom?" he asked.

" Yes she does" the knight said. " That's all I need to know" Xenon said running out of the room.

"uhhh, where is he going? " Astatine said with a question mark on his face.

Maki trashes the rest soldiers then Xenon shows up with two knights and they attack the dark soldiers.

They give the dark soldiers a good beating so Xenon and the knights escorts Maki to the royal safe house and they go in.

They walk into the room that Xenon was before he left. "Alright miss, you know it was dangerous to take on dark soldiers like that, who are you?" Xenon asked Maki not knowing it was rayden's incarnate.

" damn, How do I say this... " Maki sighs bowing her head down.

"Tell me now, I'm not joking here miss" Xenon asked Maki.

"Xenon don't you remember me, it's me Rayden" Maki said.

"Are you trying to play tricks on us, huh miss?, Rayden is dead she died 30 years ago trying to save us from this war and you're here trying to play tricks on us" Xenon said to Maki angrily.

"She did die but she has returned, I incarnated myself in the body of an infant 30 years ago" said Maki.


There was a moment of silence and everyone in the room payed Attention to Maki's face.

"You've got to be kidding about this, it can't be?" Astatine said in curiosity.

"Rayden you're really alive? How?" Xenon said with a surprised look on his face.

"All of this questions can wait, we have a war to plan" Maki said with all seriousness.

Then suddenly they heard the king from his royal chamber coughing out loud.

Xenon, Maki, Astatine and three young knights walks into the king royal chamber and meet princess Arora, a healer and a young woman named Azina.

"what's going on?" Xenon asked azina.

"the king vitals are going down, the purple lavender flower essence has done its job sustaining the king for thirty years now it is no longer in the kings blood stream" Azina said.

[ Azina is a young lady age 130 and was hired by the royal family to watch the princess and be the princess first maid but due to a virus that once plagued the new Era she had to be isolated from the kingdom until she was cured an now she has returned back to the palace and she is also a healer from the tribal house of nature ]


" No! Are you saying that my father is going to die, please save him " princess Arora said with tear drops rolling down her cheek.

" I will try my best to help but I don't think I can do much here" Azina Said.

The king starts coughing out loud again then his heart races. Azina picks up a wet cloth and puts it on the king's forehead to calm his high temperature.

But that was not all, the king grabs his chest and screams as if he was about to die, princess Arora rushes to him and grabs his hand.

" I can no longer be in this world, the pain is too much after I die crown my daughter Arora as the queen of the silver kingdom" king rajo said.

"No papa, you can't die now, I need you to be with me" prince's Arora said with tears,

"just survive, you are the last of the Rajo family and now the ruler of this kingdom do your best" The king said.

"And azina, guard my daughter and train her to become the greatest queen" king rajo said.

"I will, your majesty" Azina said.

"Xenon Astatine and azina you three are the guardians of this kingdom, do not fail the citizens but make our kingdom thrive as I am no more in this world" king rajo said.

The king eyelids drop down and they all helplessly watch the king die. The princess runs out of the room crying and Azina follows her behind.

"I have to bring her back, I will be back soon" said Azina.

The healer covers up the king body with a whit cloth and they all exit the room.

" I can't take any more of this, we have to do something" Maki said in fury.

"What else can we do? We have tried to rebel back but we always fail to lynx" Xenon said with a sad expression.

"Except this time we won't be the ones to lose, I have a plan and it can only work if you all are interested, are you in?" Maki asked Xenon and Astatine.

"count us in, now what's your plan?" Xenon asked.

"we can't plan here we need to go the the war chamber" Maki said.

"yes, I will inform all captains to be there for your plan" Astatine said.

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Note:There are five tribe houses in the new era...

House of flame.... (every single person born under this tribal house is known to be able to start fires and control fire and this tribal house was originated by lord menace the deity of fire)

House of magic... (house of mages born from the deity of magic Starious, any born from that tribal house becomes mage or a mage healer )

House of metal... ( manipulation of metallic objects and can turn into metals themselves)

House of water... (Ability to use water and it's properties their own will born from the moon deity)

House of nature... (Born from the deity of life people from the house of nature are natural healers and the have dominance over any thing alive)

An evolved human from the new Era can live for the maximum of four hundred years (400 years) after that is death.

These are the Tribal houses of the New Era and not of the Old Era

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Author's words:I want you apologize for my grammar mistakes and errors please bear with me as I improve in writing.

Yours truly kaiga_providence 😉❤️🇳🇬

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