
Gao Yang’s Small Moves...

As for Lai Ming, he had been here a few days and entered the secret room in the gardens of Dao Xian Academy. When Lai Ming cultivated in the secret room to stabilise his foundation, his cultivation rose by one whole level. Lai Ming was now a level 9 mage. And Lai Ming could now use his spiritual powers to fight now. Lai Ming was not too worried about meeting senior Gao Yang. But he got the impression that Gao Yang had turned gay and seemed to like him.

As for Gao Yang after resting for a day he plotted on how to go on a date with both Yu Xiao Mo and Lai Ming without Ling Xiao. After all to Gao Yang he had summarised that Ling Xiao had a relationship with Yu Xiao Mo and Ling Xiao seem to like Lai Ming as well. So in Gao Yang's mind, Ling Xiao was his greatest threat to his future happiness. Gao Yang set up a date for Yu Xiao Mo to meet Lai Ming in Block A of Dao Xian Academy. Gao Yang told him, he would bring Yu Xiao Mo to see Lai Ming who was most of the time in the gardens of Dao Xian Academy in Block A. At the same time the day Yu Xiao Mo was suppose to meet Lai Ming, Gao Yang got some warrior to challenge Ling Xiao. The payment for the warrior to challenge Ling Xiao was magic pills which Gao Yang provided. All the warrior had to do was to delay Ling Xiao. After that Gao Yang had arranged everything so that Ling Xiao would not be able to step into Block A of Dao Xian Academy.

On the day of Gao Yang's date... oops meeting with Yu Xiao Mo and Lai Ming, Ling Xiao wanted to come along. Unfortunately for Ling Xiao he was challenged by an arrogant warrior. So Yu Xiao Mo told Ling Xiao that he will go alone to see Lai Ming. And Yu Xiao Mo told Ling Xiao after Ling Xiao had settled the warrior quickly he, Ling Xiao could rush over to meet Lai Ming. Ling Xiao agreed and left to fight with the arrogant warrior. Gao Yang smiled brightly when he saw Yu Xiao Mo was alone in the house waiting for him. Gao Yang took Yu Xiao Mo with him past the guards to Block A. Yes, there are now guards in Block A, so it was not easy to enter Block A of Dao Xian Academy. Gao Yang achieved this feat because Qiu Ran was being such a nuisance to Yan Fa that all Gao Yang had to do was slip a piece of paper for Yan Fa to sign with the title security for Dao Xian Academy.

Once in Block A, Gao Yang registered Yu Xiao Mo as a residence of Block A of Dao Xian Academy. It was Gao Yang's plan to separate Yu Xiao Mo from Ling Xiao. Then Gao Yang took Yu Xiao Mo to see Lai Ming in the Dao Xian Academy Block A's gardens. Lai Ming was alone in the garden, Lai Ming had prepared a picnic basket of food for four people including Ling Xiao. Lai Ming thought the butt ravisher Ling Xiao would come along as well. Lai Ming's previous life cooking skill was mediocre but recently Lai Ming noticed his cooking skills seem to have improved by leaps and bounds. Lai Ming wondered if his cooking skills improved because his cultivation rose. Little did Lai Ming know it was one of the effects of the heaven defying treasure, the mirror of the goddess of love.

When Gao Yang sat down next to Lai Ming and Yu Xiao Mo, he could smell the wonderful smell of the food coming out of the picnic basket in Lai Ming's hands. Gao Yang smiled happily, he made the right choice in deciding to marry both Lai Ming and Yu Xiao Mo. Gao Yang could tell immediately from the food prepared by Lai Ming that Lai Ming was a good cook. Gao Yang imagined in his mind that he would be extremely happy to come home every day to Lai Ming as Lai Ming his wife cooked good food for Gao Yang to eat every day. If Lai Ming was to know what Gao Yang was thinking, he would punch Gao Yang in the face now and shout out that he was straight and not gay. Yu Xiao Mo just smiled happily as Lai Ming handed out the food to eat and opened up his picnic basket.

When the picnic basket opened up, both Gao Yang and Yu Xiao Mo gasped in surprise.

To be continued...

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