
The Legendary Mage and his 4 Husbands

After dying for the 7th time Wu Liang Hui is brought back to life in the body of a young mage who passed away in his sleep. The reason : he must find where the body he had in his 1st life is being kept and reunite it with his soul

Daoistyeru3H · Fantasy
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13 Chs

Secret of Mages

"Inject your mana into it," came a husky whisper near Wu Liang Hui's ear, the voice low and almost erotic. He felt a shiver down his spine as his knees turned to jelly. He dumbly nodded his head. Liang Hui stiffened his legs, squared his shoulders and focused on the lock pad of the cage. When he hadn't moved for a few minutes, the man reached through the bars of the cage. "Here," the beastman gently grabbed Liang Hui's hand and placed it on the lock pad.

"Oh," Liang Hui managed to squeak out a red taint creeping onto his face. He didn't know why but he felt as if the beastman was flirting with him and he didn't know what to do. In his entire 46 years on earth no one had ever tried to be intimate with him before, he was a loner after all. Finally retraining his mind to the task at hand. Liang Hui closed his eyes and pushed all his strength onto the lock pad. He furrowed his brows when nothing happened and decided to push harder.

Wu Liang Hui grunted earning a chuckle from the beastman standing next to the cage door. Liang Hui peeked over at him from under his long eyelashes to see the man smiling down at him. Correction, he was smirking, clearly entertained by the whole situation. Annoyed, Wu Liang Hui glared back at him, though his pouty lips didn't really invoke the air of intimidation he was going for.

The beastman reached out again from the cage but this time it was to pat Liang Hui on the head, "It's okay, try again." He nodded his head then turned back to the door lock pad. "Take a deep breath, clear your mind," the man instructed. "Feel the qi in the air around you, let it flow through you. Pass it into your dantian and then to your palm as mana."

Wu Liang Hui slowly inhaled through his nose then exhaled through his mouth and followed the beastman's instructions. He felt the air around him thicken into faint streams of white light. Focusing on the streams of white light, he willed it to flow into his body through his pours. Liang Hui felt as the cool energy flowed into his body and tried to direct it to the space between his brows, but the energy flowed down towards his pelvic bone instead. It was more like his lower dantian swallowed up all of the qi before his mind could tell it where to go.

He felt the space below his navel heat up as more and more qi pooled in. Then following as instructed he sent the energy to his palm. In the time it took to take two breaths a click was heard. Wu Liang Hui opened his eyes in excitement, he did it. He looked up to the beastman who gave him an approving nod. Then something that hasn't happened in months happened, the system chimed.

||[Congratulations you absorbed Qi, 50 exp]||

||[Congratulations you increased your stored Mana, 50 exp]||

||[Mana Level 3%]||

As he mentally celebrated his achievement the beastmen exited the cage behind him. Some of the males leered at Wu Liang Hui with cryptic smiles forming on their faces. The white haired beastman glared at them, his fangs slipping past his lips as he sneered. They all looked down at their feet, tails curled between their legs. Some of the young female beastmen who saw this interaction giggled amongst themselves. The laughter roused Liang Hui from his thoughts, and he looked around to find everyone staring in his direction. He awkwardly robbed his nose and wondered how stupid he must've looked just standing there staring into space and smiling to himself. He made a mental note not to interact with the system in public again.

The white haired beastman walked up to him, towering over him intimidatingly. Wu Liang Hui braced himself, clutching his eyes closed. Once again, he heard the man chuckle, opening his eyes he saw the man just standing there smiling at him. The beastman then bowed at the waist and tilted his head, exposing his neck or more accurately the collar on his neck. Liang Hui blushed; the whole thing felt rather intimate especially the way the man held eye contact the whole time.

"Aren't you going to remove it," he smirked, his voice still as deep and erotic as the first time he spoke.

His hand slightly shook as he timidly reached out and deactivated the collar using his mana. The collar dropped to the floor and the man reached down and scooped it up before walking towards the campfire to casually have a seat. He quietly sat there with his folded across his chest as Wu Liang Hui released the collars off the other beastmen, almost like he was standing guard.

"Thank you, sir mage," the woman said as the collar around her child's neck was released.

"It was no problem, ma'am," he replied once again robbing the tip of his nose awkwardly. Then the thought occurred to him, "how did you know that I was a mage?"

The woman just laughed and introduced herself as Zhan MuRi and her son A'Jun. She asked about the men that kidnaped them and if they would have enough time to get away. Liang Hui assured them that it was safe as the men would be doubled over for the rest of the day and maybe well into the next. By the time they were done expelling their insides they would be too weak and dehydrated to go after the escaped beastmen. All of the beastmen shared a look and then some of the men went into the forest in the same four directions that the traffickers did. When they came back covered in blood Wu Liang Hui knew exactly what they had done.

The beastmen gathered the traffickers' belongings and they all headed out after thanking Liang Hui once again. All but the white-haired man that is. When everyone had left, he stood up and dusted off his clothes then nodded in the direction of the Lighting Sect indicating that it was also time for them to set off.

"So, what's your name?" he finally asked the beastman as they silently made the trip up the mountain.

"Bai Huya."

"Hmm," Liang Hui nodded. "I'm Wu- no I mean I'm Chi BaiCai," he laughed hoping to cover up his slip up. The man silently watched him making no comment. Liang Hui touched his nose, 'Well this is awkward.' Silence took over once more as they trudged onwards. When they reached the sect walls he ducked down and dragged Bai Huya with him. How was he supposed to explain this, no they had to sneak in, it was the only way.


"Chi BaiCai!" his senior disciple, bother Shen yelled, "where is that stupid cabbage hiding?"

"Crap, the chores!" Wu Liang Hui held the sides of his head in frustration, he had completely forgot. He was so conscious of the man next to him that he'd even forgotten about collecting the water at the stream. "You wait here and when it's clear head to my room, it's in that building over there with the green tiled roof, the 3rd room from the left." He pointed at a building that stood at the center of the sect.

With a heavy sigh Wu Liang Hui traipsed to his room in Mage hall. Remembering Huya he anxiously poked his head in the room only to be disappointed when he saw that the room was empty. "Did he not find the room?" he thought to himself when a hand reached from behind the door and dragged him into the room. Liang Hui let out an embarrassing squeal in surprise as he came face to face with the towering beastman. Bai Huya stared at him with furrowed brows. His hair was a mess, and his robes were untidy. On a closer inspection one could even see some footprints on various places on his clothes.

"Oh, I just fell," he laughed nervously dusting off his robes. Silence. "So, anyway looks like we both could do with a bath now," Liang Hui went to the corner of the room to get the wooden tub he had abandoned since he came to the sect.

Huya quirked his brow at that all thoughts about why Wu Liang Hui banished, for the moment. "Together?"

"Yea why not, we're both guys and I only have one tub anyway," he plopped the tub in the center of the room then paused. Liang Hui had decided to use the tub today because he figured that he should keep the demi plane secret, but he also wanted to use the lake water. His body was aching everywhere, and Bai Huya had a wound the size of a palm on his chest that the magical waters of the lake might help heal, but he didn't know if it would look suspicious if water just appeared in the tub. Shrugging he decided to just go for it, he was too tired to think at the moment. Snapping his fingers water poured into the tub from the sky. He had aligned the demi plane above the wooden tub. When it had finished fulling Liang Hui untied his hair then dropped his robes. Remembering Bai Huya who was still just standing to the side staring at him silently he turned to him.

"Aren't you going to take you clothes off?"

When the beastman still hadn't budged he rolled his eyes and went over to him. He started stripping Huya and the beastman just stood still staring at him. Liang Hui's hands paused when he was about to reach for the man's pants, he blushed and looked away awkwardly. Out of the side of his eye he could swear that he saw the beastman smirking at him. His face lit on fire, he felt like a pervert. To cool himself down he climbed into the tub.

He heard a splash as Bai Huya got in after him. He peeked back to see a wall of tan muscles slowly sinking into the water. His jaw hung open as he counted ten abs, in all his 46 years of life he never knew that it was possible to have a ten pack. A calloused hand reached out and gently closed his mouth for him. The heat on his face worsened and started to spread downwards.

Then his eyes were attracted to the closing wound on Bai Huya's chest. "The water is helping," he absentmindedly reached out and brushed his fingers over the area where the wound had completely disappeared. The water was healing all of the beastman's old scars as well. Wu Liang Hui sighed in relief; he wasn't sure if the lake water would have worked on a deep wound like that.

Huya grabbed his hand and pulled him onto his lap. "If you want me to feel better," he bent down and whispered into Liang Hui's ear letting the mischievous glint in his eyes finish the sentence for him. Wu Liang Hui blushed beet red, his heart thumping loudly in his chest. He really should have thought things through before he proposed that they bathe together, curse his tired brain.

A large, calloused hand slowly slid down his back causing a shiver to run down his spine and heat up his lower half. Holding his eyes hostage with his cool blue stare, the beastman leaned down and kissed Liang Hui's bare shoulder. He then paused, his eyes searching Liang Hui's as if asking permission to continue.

Throwing all thoughts about sexuality and such things out his mind with a sigh Wu Liang Hui grabbed hold of Bai Hu ya's face with both hands and smashed their lips together. Not skipping a beat Huya dragged him even closer, there was not even an inch of space between their bodies. Their tongues tangled and danced as the two fought the raging heat that was rampaging through their bodies.

Bai Huya's hand slid passed Liang Hui's back and onto the soft mounds of flesh, gripping it tightly, a growl vibrating in his throat. Wu Liang Hui broke off the kiss to catch his breath, so Huya started to trail open mouthed kisses down his neck. Stopping at the erect pink buds on Liang Hui's chest, he lightly clamped his teeth onto one and gave it a tug. An embarrassing moan escaped Liang Hui as he held Huya's head in place.

Bai Huya's hands kneaded his mounds slowly pushing Liang Hui to kneel in front of him as he kissed his way down Liang Hui's body. He nipped at his pelvic bone looking up at him. When their eyes locked, he kissed the dripping tip of Liang Hui then ran his tongue from the base of his shaft along his length. Wu Liang Hui bit his lip as he watched, a groan vibrated in his throat when Bai Huya swallowed his full length. His eyes rolled back, and his knees buckled as Huya started to bob his head.

"Wait," he jumped in surprise when he felt Huya trace his entrance with his finger. The beastman paused and looked up at him. "I don't think this'll work," he nudged Huya's swollen length with his thigh that was as almost thick as said thigh and as long as his forearm. Bai Huya chuckled. He kissed the space right below Liang Hui's navel then pulled him down to sit on his lap.

"Oh really?" his husky voice carried a hint of amusement. "Do you want to hear a secret?" He cuddled Liang Hui in his big muscular arms and kissed the top of his head. Wu Liang Hui nodded as he settled onto his broad chest, listening to his heartbeat. He reached his hand down and wrapped it around Huya's shaft as the beastman began. "Has anyone ever told you that a mage can only store mana in their lower dantian?"

He shook his head remembering when he was trying to open the lock earlier that day. "Yes, mages traditionally can only cultivate using their lower dantian, that is why people mistakenly think of them as weak" he paused as Liang Hui's hand speed up, "However they are all wrong, unlike warriors, mages can also absorb the mana of others and only when their lower dantian has become completely full can then circulate and store mana in their other dantians." He paused to let that information sink in. Wu Liang Hui mulled over the idea of absorbing someone else's mana and the only question he had was how.

Bai Huya slid his hand onto Liang Hui's behind his fingers slowly sinking in-between the soft mounts as if answering Liang Hui's question. "It is a process needed for the formation of offspring when a beastman and a human mate." Liang Hui jumped up to look Huya in the eye incredulously.

Was he saying that mages were like succubi, but wait more importantly, "Offspring?"

"Yes, though the stronger the species of beast the harder it is to reproduce," he pulled him back down onto his lap once again, "so there is nothing to worry about." The implication being that it most defiantly would work, the two of them having sex that is. Wu Liang Hui blushed as the beastman leaned near his ear and whispered his signature erotic voice, "It can even get wet." He then sank a finger into him, the cool waters of the bath following with it. Liang Hui expected it hurt but it didn't instead all he felt was pleasure as sparks danced in front of his eyes. After the first came another stretching and prodding as Liang Hui melted into a puddle of moans.

He arched his back and his head flung back when he felt the thick shaft slide into him. He gripped onto Huya's face once more and licked his way into his mouth. Their tongues once more tangling together. With each thrust Wu Liang Hui felt heat pool into him, the mana swirling inside of his lower dantian. When it was all too much, he gripped onto Bai Huya's shoulders and released onto his mouth watering ten pack. He went on to release three more times as Huya continued to thrust in and out of him until he collapsed in fatigue a few hours later.

After cleaning and wiping down Wu Liang Hui's body he carefully dressed him then gently laid him on the bed to rest. He lightly brushed the hair off Liang Hui's face then stood up. As Bai Huya turned and walked to the door the air around him froze. His eyes set in a glare so sharp it could cut a man down with just a look.