
Chapter 8: The Choice of Destiny

Through the morning mist, Benson and his companions left the ancient temple. Sunlight bathed them, as if blessing their victory. However, they knew this was just the beginning; the path ahead was still filled with unknowns and dangers.

"Where to next?" Michael asked, slinging his bow over his shoulder, his eyes fixed on the horizon.

Benson unfolded the map and carefully studied the next route. "We need to head to the Black Forest. There's a temple there that supposedly hides the next crystal orb."

Jessie furrowed her brow. "The Black Forest? That's one of the most dangerous places according to legends. Are we really going there?"

"We have no choice," Olivia said softly. "To defeat the dark forces, we must find all the crystal orbs."

With their plan set, they continued their journey. Along the way, everyone was lost in their thoughts, moving in silence, each contemplating their own concerns. Benson walked at the front of the group, his gaze sharp, but his mind was a whirl of thoughts. He recalled the battle with Darkon, the sheer power of the dark forces sent chills down his spine. Although they had won the fight, Benson understood that this was just the beginning and greater challenges lay ahead.

Passing through a dense forest, they arrived at a small village by evening. The villagers looked tense, as if something was amiss.

"It seems something has happened here," Michael whispered.

"Let's ask around," Benson suggested, leading the way to an elderly man in the village.

"Sir, may I ask what's happened here?" Benson inquired politely.

The old man looked up at them, a glimmer of hope in his eyes. "Are you adventurers? Recently, this village has been plagued by monster attacks. The villagers are living in constant fear."

Benson nodded, sensing the old man's anxiety. "We can help. Please tell us where these monsters appear."

The old man's eyes showed a hint of gratitude as he pointed towards a dark forest outside the village. "The monsters always come from there. They appear out of nowhere, bringing terror to our village."

"Don't worry, we will handle this," Benson assured him, leading the team towards the forest.

Entering the Black Forest, the air grew colder, and the twisted trees cast eerie shadows. Jessie tightened her cloak, feeling uneasy about the surroundings.

"Everyone, be cautious. Something feels off here," Olivia warned, scanning the area.

Suddenly, rustling noises came from the bushes ahead, and several large black wolves emerged from the shadows, their eyes gleaming with ferocity.

"Prepare for battle!" Benson quickly drew his sword and charged forward.

Michael swiftly notched an arrow and shot at the wolves. Jessie and Olivia also sprang into action, casting fire and ice spells to fend off the attackers.

However, the wolves were numerous and exceptionally fierce. Benson fought a fierce battle with one of the wolves, narrowly dodging a deadly swipe. At that moment, Michael's arrow struck the wolf's eye, saving Benson's life.

"Thanks, Michael!" Benson gasped, continuing to fight the wolves.

After a tough battle, they finally drove the wolves away. Exhausted, they leaned against the trees, checking each other's injuries.

"These wolves are too powerful, not like ordinary beasts," Jessie said, wiping sweat from her forehead.

"They're controlled by dark forces," Olivia explained. "We must find and destroy the source of this power."

Benson nodded, realizing the gravity of their mission. "We need to act quickly. We can't afford to delay."

After a brief rest, they ventured deeper into the forest. In the heart of the forest, they found an abandoned temple covered in vines. The temple's doors were ajar, and faint whispers seemed to emanate from within, like countless ghosts whispering.

"This is our destination," Benson said softly, leading the way into the temple.

Inside the temple, the temperature dropped sharply, and the cold air made them shiver. The walls were covered with ancient runes, emitting a faint blue glow.

"These runes seem to be warning us about something," Jessie observed, studying the symbols on the walls.

"Everyone be careful. There might be traps," Benson warned.

They cautiously made their way deeper into the temple when suddenly, a dark figure descended from above, blocking their path. It was a massive dark beast, its eyes gleaming with malice.

"How dare you trespass into my domain!" the beast roared, its voice thunderous.

"We must defeat it, or we can't proceed!" Benson shouted, charging at the beast with his sword.

Michael and Jessie quickly flanked the beast, attacking from both sides. Olivia stayed behind, casting protective spells to shield her companions.

The battle was fierce, the beast's power immense, and each of its attacks carried destructive force. Benson fought valiantly, but the beast's defenses seemed impenetrable.

"We need to find its weak spot!" Benson yelled, dodging another strike.

"Its chest! There's a strange glow there!" Michael called out after a moment of observation.

"Everyone, focus your attacks on its chest!" Benson quickly adjusted their strategy, leading the assault on the beast's weak point.

Jessie unleashed a powerful fire spell, hitting the beast's chest directly. Michael's arrows followed, piercing the glowing spot precisely. The beast let out a pained roar, clearly wounded.

"Keep attacking, don't let it recover!" Benson urged, putting all his strength into his strikes at the beast's chest.

With their combined efforts, the beast finally collapsed. Benson, panting heavily, looked at the fallen creature, feeling a wave of relief.

"We did it," Olivia sighed with relief, wiping sweat from her forehead.

"Look, what's that?" Jessie pointed to where the beast had fallen, noticing a glowing object.

Benson walked over and picked up the glowing object, realizing it was a small crystal.

"This is the source of the dark power," Benson said, holding the crystal in his hand. "We must destroy it."

Jessie nodded, releasing a powerful fire spell that reduced the crystal to ashes. As the crystal was destroyed, the dark power in the temple dissipated, and the air became fresh again.

"We've completed an important task, but there are many more temples awaiting us," Benson said, looking at the now peaceful temple with determination.

"Yes, our mission isn't over yet," Michael responded with equal resolve.

Leaving the temple behind, they continued towards their next goal. Despite the unknown challenges ahead, Benson and his companions were prepared. They knew that as long as they stayed united, nothing could stop their progress.

Embarking on a new journey, their hearts were filled with hope and courage. Benson understood that only by completely eliminating the dark forces could their world see true peace. And this path would be walked together, facing every challenge, overcoming every difficulty, until the final victory.

In the glow of the setting sun, Benson and his companions pressed on, moving towards new adventures.