
The Legendary Kunoichi

About a girl transmigrated into naruto world and became Ten Ten. What kind of changes will happen because of her? A newbie author! English is not my first language. So if there was some grammer errors , please say in the comments. The cover photo was not mine. Credit to the original owner.

Silvercrescent · Anime & Comics
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18 Chs

Chapter 009

The next morning,

Might Guy was rushing to the third training ground. He planned to teach eight gates to his students. After working together more than a month, he thought his students had enough strong will and perseverance to learn eight gates technique. Eight gates technique was not a complicated technique. Anyone who could use chakra could practice this technique. Eight gates was such a simple and difficult technique.

To be honest, Guy was very satisfied with his three students. He had noticed Rock Lee since that kid was still in ninja academy. He saw his younger self in Rock Lee. Although he was not talented in ninjutsu and genjutsu, he did not give up and still was working hard to become a shinobi. Therefore he even went to Hokage sama and requested to let Rock Lee graduated and assign to his team. And he thought Lee was the best successor for eight gates technique.

As for Ten Ten and Neji, although he thought both of them were genius, he did not sure they wanted to learn eight gates or not. Neji was from Hyuga clan. As a noble clan, Hyuga clan had their own secret technique, gentle fist. So he did not think Neji wanted to learn eight gates with his pride for gentle fist and Byakugan. Even if Neji was to learn, Hyuga clan would not allow him. Ten Ten was a rare genius like his eternal rival, Kakashi. And this was also the reason why he thought she would not make a big process in eight gates technique. After all, for genius like them, there were many choices in strengthening themselves. Compared to ninjutsu and genjutsu, taijutsu was more time consuming especially eight gates technique. But as a teacher, he would try his best to teach and treat fairly to his students.

When he went into the training ground, his three students were already training very hard. This made him more enthusiastic to teach them eight gates.

" Good morning, Gai sensei," as soon as Gai went into the training ground, Lee greeted him.

"Good morning sensei," Ten Ten and Neji also stopped their training and greeted.

" Okay, today I'm going to teach you a taijutsu technique. It is a powerful technique. After you have learned the whole technique, your strength will surpass most jonin," Gai said.

" Really? Is there really such taijutsu technique?" Lee asked excitedly.

Among three genin, Ten Ten,a transmigrator and Neji,a hyuga clan member had heard of the famous eight gates technique. Only Lee didn't know about it.

"Of course, there is. But I want to warn you. Although this technique doesn't require kekkei genkei or any special condition, it needs a lot of hard work. You couldn't be lazy while practicing this jutsu. You have to practice everyday no matter what happens otherwise your wouldn't process much in this technique." Gai said seriously.

"Hai , Guy sensei," they nodded.

" The technique I'm going to teach you is eight gates. Now I'll explain you the basics of this jutsu. Eight gates are actually eight specific tenketsu which exist in order to limit the flow of chakra within our body. Because of this eight tenketsu, we can only use less than 20 percents of our body's full potential. So we call this eight tenketsu as eight gates. But we can open these gates by training, " Guy explained to them.

" Although opening gates give us more chakra and increase our speed and strength, it causes us serious harm. It is like a double-edged sword. So you must promise me not to use unless you are protecting something that is precious enough to give one's life," he continued.

"We promise sensei," Ten Ten and the other two nodded.

"Actually it's still too early talk about that matter. Now I'll tell you how to open first gate: gate of opening. It's located in the brain's left hemisphere and will help to remove your mental inhibitions after opening this gate," Gai continued to explain.

They understood how to open the gate of opening easily as it was not too complicated. But it was just theoretical understanding after all. They still needed to practice for a long time to transform theoretical understanding into actual mastery.


A few months later,

A young girl was practicing kenjutsu in the forest. She waved her sword while aiming at a tree five meters away.

"Shadowless crescent"

A second later, a big sword mark appeared on the trunk of the tree.

"Although the damage increases ,the cutting power decreases. So increasing chakra output is not solution." Ten Ten murmured.

"You should try shape transformation of chakra or adding a chakra attributes," a man suddenly appeared beside her and said.

He was a tall man with a mask covering his face and had silver white hair. He was undoubtedly the copy ninja Kakashi Hatake, the future sixth hokage.

"Kakashi sensei, you're late again."

"Sorry Ten Ten, I ran into a grandma in trouble on my way here and ....," Kakashi scratched his head and replied with his famous lines.

'No, actually I was reading Icha Icha paradise because the plot was at climax '

Ten Ten did not complain Kakashi anymore. After all she had been training with Kakashi for two months. Therefore she was already used to his lateness.

Eight months ago, Might Guy started to teach them eight gates. Then what Gai had guess happened. Hiashi, the patriarch of hyuga clan came to Gai and told him that main house wanted Neji to focus only on gentle fist. They didn't want Neji to waste time by practicing an unsuitable technique for him.

How did they decide eight gates was not suitable for Neji? Is it still need to ask? Gentle fist was the only taijutsu technique suitable for a hyuga. It would be a shame if the others know that a hyuga was practicing another taijutsu technique. Moreover they believed gentle fist was better than eight gates.

"Konoha's eternal genin, Might Duy defeated the seven swordsmen of the mist with eight gates technique. Is that eight gates biggest achievement? If our patriarch was there, he would also be able to defeat those seven swordsmen who lost to a genin."

That was what hyuga elders thought. As for a Byakugan that was taken by Hidden mist during third shinobi war, they obviously forgot about it after punishing some Branch house members.

After Hiashi told him not to teach Neji eight gates , Gai did not immediately agree. He reported to Sandaime and let hokage decide. Hiruzen happily agreed Hiashi's request. The old fox had guessed that this scene would happen since he put Neji into team Guy. The village also did not wanted a member of noble clan to learn a powerful secret technique because the village worried that the noble ninja clan would monopoly the jutsu. For example, if Neji had learned eight gates technique, although he could not share to the clan due to shinobi rules, he would most likely to choose a hyuga clan member as his successor. In this way, after three or four generation, eight gates would become a secret technique of hyuga clan. That was why Sandaime happily agreed Hiashi's request.

As for Ten Ten, she honestly practice eight gates in the beginning. However after practicing for six months, her process in eight gates started to slow down. It was more difficult for her to break the limits because her upper limit was higher than others. Later she found a way to accelerate her process in eight gates. It was using shadow clones.

Using shadow clones for a long time made her body and mind tired. In this way, she could break her limits easier than usual. But how to handle her clones became an issue. Just let them do whatever they want: going shopping, eating, sleeping. It was obviously not a good idea. So she planned to let two shadow clones to practice medical ninjutsu and three clones to practice wind release, water release and lightning release respectively. And she thought that she should not continue to train nature transformation with her incomplete knowledge.

Therefore she asked Guy sensei to teach her nature transformation. Although Guy sensei mostly used taijutsu, he could use ninjutsu and had lightning release and fire release. But he didn't agree her request and persuaded her to focus on training eight gates. Only after hearing her explanation, he agreed and checked her natural affinity release. Her natural affinity was lightning release. But Guy sensei did not teach her by himself. He introduced her with Kakashi Hatake, his eternal rival.