
The Legendary Janitor

Most people don't choose reincarnation. Reincarnation finds their way to them. Perhaps they did something great in their life. Or maybe truck-sama wasn't looking where it was going. But without fail, those who reincarnate are destined for something great. A new life where everything changes for the better. But... Reincarnation isn't always the greatest thing. Sometimes you just draw the short end of the stick. Di Tou just happens to have drawn the shortest stick. Pulled out of his life randomly. Taken by a crazy old eccentric man not as a disciple, but as a body double?! And a janitor body double no less?! Grasping a system to find... It's a JANITOR SYSTEM!? Truly, how unlucky can one get?

An_Ineloquent_Pen · Eastern
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1122 Chs

Eager for Success

Gazing upon the gate, Li Chang Hu said in a placid tone, "Many people believe that the gate represents the Academy's aspirations, and by stepping through the gate, one is like a carp who has jumped the gate, instantly elevating oneself to become a dragon among men. But I personally find that a bit pretentious." Turning around, Li Chang Hu gave a slightly self-deprecating smile and said, "Although learning at the Academy is indubitably an invaluable experience, learning has never been about what's given to you, but rather what you take away. No matter how much of a genius someone is, they still have to put in their hard work and efforts, and even then, they might not succeed. So how can the Academy be the dragon's gate?"