

Emperor Yuwen sat on his throne, his eyes dark and brooding as he watched Lucius approach. Lucius had been his most trusted aid for years, but lately, the Emperor had noticed that the man's power was growing stronger. He feared that Lucius might one day use that power to try and snatch the throne from him.

As Lucius knelt before him, the Emperor's grip tightened on the golden scepter in his hand. "Lucius, my loyal servant," he began, his voice deceptively calm. "I have noticed that your power has been growing stronger lately. It is a dangerous thing, to have such strength and ambition."

Lucius looked up at the Emperor, his expression one of confusion and fear. "My lord, I assure you, I have no such ambitions. I serve you and you alone."

The Emperor's eyes narrowed. "I cannot take that chance. Your power must be sealed off."

As the Emperor and the nine tower masters stood over Lucius, they began to weave a powerful sealing spell. The magic crackled and hummed around them, as they worked to lock away Lucius's power once and for all.

But just as the spell was about to be completed, Lucius suddenly began to glow with an intense light. The Emperor and the tower masters shielded their eyes as the light grew brighter and brighter, until it seemed to consume Lucius entirely.

When the light faded, Lucius was nowhere to be seen. The Emperor and the tower masters looked around in confusion, wondering what had just happened. Had Lucius somehow self-destructed in a final act of desperation?

Unknown to them, Lucius had cast the Chrono Reversio spell just as the sealing magic had reached its apex. The spell had regressed him back in time, to a point where he could escape the Emperor's grasp and start anew.

As Lucius stood in the past, he knew that he would never forget the betrayal of his former lord. But now he had a chance to change his destiny, to avoid the mistakes that had led him down this path.