
Selfish Old Man

At an old worn down mansion out in the countryside of the city of Srixin,

Dorell "hey old man, I see you have been living well these past years, never thought you were into social work why did you start running an orphanage"

Wayne "he he what orphanage I take them in as servants, I plan on living here as a mortal here till I die"

"Devious as always old man you will be stingy till your death, so tell me why have you called me today?"

'Who are you calling stingy bitch, this old man is too poor to spend' thought Wayne.

"Well I was hoping to get rid of the last of my things"

"And what does that include your life-bound treasure or your cultivation manual"

"NO I have already sold those things I want to sell this wooden box, I can't open it after I lost my cultivation but my treasure senses are tingling"

"Ho ho, something that makes the great grave digger Wayne to be tingling then it must be a great treasure"

"I don't know what's inside the box why don't you try it"

Dorell takes the wooden box from the hands of old man, "hmm, it won't open, tell me old man where did you find it"

"Some old grave that I dug out, but it was a strange grave it didn't have anything except the wooden box"

"Are you sure old man that it is a treasure, I can't seem to decide whether to buy it or not, it could probably be a dud"

"Hold onto it for now old man I'm gonna go back to Srixin and bring back one of the elder appraiser from the treasure hall"

"If you are lucky enough for it to be a treasure you might just have enough money to win that longevity pill you are dying to have", Dorell said.

Old man yells, "Reginald go get Mr Dorell his shoes"

Reginald storms into the room with shoes in his hand "Stop yelling old man, here Mr Dorell"

Dorell simply nods his head not bothering about it at all "Ok Wayne I will be back by next month"

Old Man Wayne was an old man at the end of his life but he didn't always used to be this way, He was once a rogue Nascent Soul Cultivator who walked on the path of cultivation without any backing, but cultivation is a tough path requiring many resources so to make ends meet, Wayne started raiding graves with his buddies.

But things went awry on one raid when he went to raid a grave just like any other but the grave turned out to be of a foreign race Empyrean powerhouse, his whole team was annihilated but only he survived with serious injuries and his foundation was damaged slowly he lost his cultivation.

He returned to his family villa which has been abandoned and desolate on the outskirts of the city of Srixin he was not ready to give up so he he tried everything to get back his cultivation but he couldn't, slowly his life-force started to diminish and he knew his end was near he had already sold all of his possession and treasures.

The only thing he had with him of value left was the wooden box which he couldn't discern even with his Nascent soul cultivation and his family home which does not have any value in eyes of cultivators.

He had taken in orphans in his house to call it orphanage for the sake of tax exemption, he knew his end was near his body was failing him but he was unwilling to die.

So he called Dorell which he had dealings with before when he was a famous Grave digger,

He wanted to purchase the longevity pills at the upcoming auction so that he can extend his life.

The old worn out house of old man was home for 5 very uncommon children who considered themselves family and each had their own aspirations.

Reginald was the oldest who had turned 16 he considered himself the big brother to all 5 of them. He was the super pervert his dream was to marry hundreds of women and have many a more children

Betty was the youngest only 13 she was doted on by all 5 of them she was a loving girl who could win all the points just by being cute.

Drude was 15 he was going through his muscle phase he was super into muscles so much that whenever you would see him, he would be hitting the weights, if he saw something heavy his heart desired to lift it up it was like an itch in his mind. He loved to fight.

Wang was the intelligent one of the bunch he had eidetic memory he also was a strong wuss so ran away from a fight.

Ellie was the last of the bunch she had a fiery temper so everyone was afraid of her and she can be super scary when she is angry, and Drude had sworn that it had been her spitting fire on him that had made him bald it was a scar that haunted him to this day and he always steered clear of Ellie.

All 5 of them were mortals and they have never cultivated, the old man thus attributed their special prowess to their bloodlines they have not activated as they were not cultivators. And he had no desires to help them do so he had kept them with him for his own selfish reasons he even considered selling them but he was not a cultivator now and he couldn't risk being captured by city guards.

Life was the same for the 6 of them 5 of the children did the chores of the house and played and the old man Wayne was busy trying to make more money to be able to buy a longevity pill. Time went by and one day their day lives took a different turn when the old man suddenly Wayne died.