

Riding his skateboard back home from Village Vanguard, a mere fifteen-minute distance, Renly left behind the bustling restaurants, bars, and cinemas to enter the residential streets. As he did, the noise gradually subsided. Coffee shops and convenience stores along the roadside had closed their shutters, with only the 24-hour convenience store nearby still illuminated.

The streetlights on both sides of the road emitted a weak glow, barely holding on as if ready to be devoured by the encroaching darkness at any moment. Occasionally, groups of black people could be seen on the street, howling and laughing raucously, their carefree laughter shattering the neighborhood's tranquility and infusing the night with a chilly peril.

When he first arrived in New York, Renly had hesitated between living in the pricy but convenient Manhattan or the cheaper but distant Brooklyn, mostly due to his limited budget. Eventually, the job opportunity at Village Vanguard allowed him to settle in Manhattan.

Despite the lateness of the hour, it was still 2:30 a.m., there were still many lights on in the building. The thin walls, as fragile as wallpaper, did little to dampen the spread of noise. Not to mention the engine roars from the street; even the whispered sweet nothings of the neighboring couple were discernible. Walking through the hallway, sporadic sounds blended into the rich night.

With the skateboard beneath his feet, Renly paused to listen for sounds within the apartment. Silence greeted him. He then fished out his keys from his pocket, trying to minimize noise, and softly unlocked the door. He had assumed his roommate would be asleep, but upon opening the door, he was startled by the sight of a robust figure standing nonchalantly in the center of the living room.

This figure was wearing nothing but a pair of white underwear, facing the full-length mirror on the wall, examining his own physique. His well-proportioned white flesh shone conspicuously under the light, his fists clenched as he flexed his biceps, showcasing his full and firm triceps. With his blonde hair tied up in a bun, the contrast between his strength and softness created a somewhat discordant sensation.

Hearing the door open, the person didn't turn around. Head lowered, he scrutinized his abdominal muscles, and muttered a question to himself, "Do you think my abdominal lines are a bit off?" His heavy local accent rendered the words somewhat unclear, making them hard to understand.

Renly couldn't help but chuckle, closing the door behind him. "Coming home to this sight... Remind me again, why did I choose you as my roommate?"

"Because you couldn't find an acting job and needed someone to share the rent." Finally letting go of his hands, he turned around, casting a confident and haughty gaze toward Renly. His azure eyes resembled the Hawaiian ocean—clear and intoxicating.

Renly furrowed his brows slightly, pondering for a moment. He then said earnestly, "So, why did someone who can find a job end up here in the middle of the night scrutinizing his muscles?"

This counterattack left the other speechless. He put his hands on his hips, snarling, "Renly Hall!"

Renly rubbed his earlobe with his index finger. "Keep it down, even Johnson on the third floor might hear you." His teasing tone broke the other's stance. Dropping his shoulders, he laughed helplessly. Yet, seeing the relaxed, slightly triumphant smile at the corner of Renly's mouth, he couldn't help but grit his teeth. He leaped in place, crossed the distance to the couch in one go, and with two large strides, he reached Renly, directly ramming into Renly's chest with his own.

Compared to the rather feminine thickness of his counterpart's chest, Renly found himself lacking. A feeling of pressure bore down on his chest, as if his bones were being compressed. "Foul play! When a woman violates a man in this manner, it's clear they want us to give up resistance!" This implication labeled the other as "woman", a decisive blow that left his opponent standing there helplessly, grinding his teeth in frustration.

"You know you're a cunning guy," his opponent gritted his teeth, yet his hands were tied.

Renly shrugged. "I know." His nonchalant demeanor elicited a smile from both of them, breaking into laughter.

Standing before Renly was Chris Hemsworth, Renly's current roommate. This man would later become world-famous for his role as "Thor". At this point, he was just a fledgling young man striving in the United States. His raw Australian accent was unmistakable, giving him a distinct local flavor.

Although Renly lived in the lower Manhattan area of Greenwich Village, which had more affordable rent compared to other parts of Manhattan, the $1,600 monthly rent was still burdensome, not to mention it didn't include utilities.

When Renly first moved in, he had another roommate. However, that person swiftly relocated to Los Angeles—clearly, the allure of rapid fame was more enticing there. To share the rent, Renly had to continue searching for a roommate. Unbeknownst to him, he would end up with the "Hammer Guy".

Chris had already gained some fame as a television actor in Australia before coming to the United States, setting him on a smooth path of development. He started by winning a role in "Star Trek" and later acted alongside Milla Jovovich in "A Perfect Getaway". His journey had been quite smooth.

When Chris came inquiring about a room, Renly was somewhat surprised. Having starred in two works, Chris had the ability to live in a better area and a nicer house. There was no need for him to settle for Greenwich Village.

During the time they spent together, although Renly didn't directly ask, he could infer from Chris's words and phrases. So far, Chris had appeared in two projects, both in supporting roles, with not particularly high compensation. Most of his income had been reinvested, in clothing purchases and hiring a personal trainer, all investments for the future, not to be skimped on.

Recently, Chris's agent had been negotiating his next project, with a high likelihood of upgrading him to the lead role.

Comparatively, a slightly simple dwelling wasn't a big deal. So, Chris temporarily stayed idle at home, following his fitness trainer's regimen to build muscle and staying prepared. However, the wait had stretched beyond expectations. Two months had gone by in a blink, yet there was still no news, leading to the conversation they had just exchanged.

After the banter, as Renly prepared to head back to his room to freshen up, Chris called him over. "How was the audition today?" Without waiting for Renly's response, Chris hopped onto the sofa, crossed his legs, and sat down. "Was it as I said? Only the casting director was there? And the crew were all unfamiliar faces? It's nothing like in the movies, where you go on set and see the big-name directors and producers."

Chris had more experience in auditioning, so he had shared quite a bit of his own experiences before this.

"Tom and Steven were there today." Standing at the doorway of the room, Renly had no intention to hide anything. He spoke frankly, "When I saw them on the scene, my first reaction was shock. Maybe they're particularly invested in this series, which is why they personally got involved in the casting process." After all, with the shining achievements of "Band of Brothers" before, the preparation for "Pacific War" indeed bore immense pressure.

Listening to Renly's words, his chin gradually dropped, a storm of astonishment brewing in his eyes. "That must be it!" Chris's tone was incredibly affirmative, but he soon realized he was a bit too eager, laughing with a chuckle as he explained, "I mean, they're so busy, overseeing the entire preparation process. It must be a lot of work, and producers can't possibly be hands-on with everything."

Pausing for a moment, Chris regretted somewhat, "If I had known, I would've gone for an audition too." He had asked his agent, but the agent deemed it not worth attending—Tom and Steven would definitely not be there. Besides, it was just a TV show, and Chris's current goal was movies, specifically as a leading man. Participating in such an audition offered Chris almost no benefits. He hadn't expected to miss an opportunity to meet top-tier professionals face-to-face.

"What about the audition result? When will it be out?" Chris raised his head again, showing concern.

Renly wore a brilliant smile, not hiding his joy. Such a simple expression conveyed everything needed. This left Chris momentarily stunned; he didn't understand at first. After several thoughts, he ventured, "So... you got the role?"

An uncertain question, yet it received Renly's affirmative reply. "Impossible" slipped from Chris's lips, and he stared at Renly in bewilderment. A hint of jealousy emerged from him. He had been home for nearly two months, almost going moldy from boredom. And now he had not only missed the chance to meet Steven Spielberg but also had no clear indication of when the next opportunity for his next project would come. More importantly, back in Australia, he had failed his first television audition, while Renly's audition had gone so smoothly.

"Are you envious of me?" Renly picked up on Chris's mixed emotions and directly exposed them, making Chris somewhat embarrassed. Renly chuckled, "You're a movie star and soon-to-be leading man. I just got my first acting opportunity, a TV actor. You should be able to do the math, right?"

That teasing tone prompted Chris to grab a pillow and toss it playfully at Renly. He couldn't help but chuckle. "I just thought that with big productions like this, they usually don't announce results so quickly. You found out the same day, are you sure you're not tricking me?"

Renly shrugged. "If Tom Hanks personally deceived me, then I have nothing to say."

That smug tone made Chris itch again. Watching Renly's departing figure, Chris remembered another matter, sat up straight, and with his neck slightly stretched, he shouted, "What about the paycheck? What role, how much are you getting paid? Have you discussed these details?"

"That's not something I can decide." Renly's nonchalant response left Chris slump onto the sofa, feeling a bit dazed. Now that Renly had found work through the audition, what about him? When would his next job come? No, he had to speed up, or he would be left behind.

Some of you may find Chris's pettiness a bit jarring, but you have to consider that Chris here is not the Chris we know and love today. No, he is just a youngling whose storyline runs parallel to our own Chris. So treat this Chris as Chris "C", who has become petty because of the outstandingness of our MC. Chris "A" didn't meet our protag so he didn't have a chance to develop this petty character, instead, he had a much better time than Chris "C" who lived in the shadow of Renly.... In the end it is up to you to decide how to feel about it, and no amount of ranting can really make you think otherwise. You have to be prepared though, as Chris "C" won't be the last petty character you will meet in this novel.

13th chupster be gone!

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