
The Legendary Actor

After getting the final relief from his past sufferings, Chu Jiashu was given a second chance when he found himself in the body of an infant from an aristocratic family of Hall. Now, nothing is going to stop him from achieving his long-cherished dream of acting. Enter Renly Hall, a Hollywood miracle of 21st century. Note from the translator - from me, that is. "Honestly, I get frustrated too much when I look at countless subpar novels being translated day after day. So much human resources wasted. I kinda get what Qidian International is doing, but it is just, I can't bear the notion of having so many wonderful novels that belong to the Chinese platform to be left in the dust. English-speaking community should know of the existence of such brilliant works, and more so, they should enjoy them. The novel is by a Chinese dude "Qiqi Jia D Mao Mao", whatever that might mean, who wrote several showbiz novels (he is probably the best at what he is doing). It is not my work, I'm just a dude who, with the help of two free machine translators (DeepL and good ol' Google), can show you a hidden gem. Wait, you said machine translators? Sadly, yes. I can't speak Chinese at all, but fortunately, this novel is structured in a machine-translation-friendly way, like really so. Most of the time context is saved. I'm just polishing the edges with my superb (not really) editing skills, so you all chaps have a splendid experience with this good staff indeed. Actually, you can go and read machine translation or just wait for my updates. Up to you dudes and dudies. And then I go away...blewb, blewb, blewb, blewb, blewb....." P.S. "I am a knife for a hire. So the managers of the site can employ me for this novel, but please don't remove it. Oh, please, I'm begging you on my knees. You guys won't even think of translating this novel, and here I am "translating" it for free,.... well for the time being, that is mwahahaha!" P.S. for P.S. This novel does not contain the following: Harem, definitely not NTR, stupid characters, NTR again (God, I hate NTR (secretly beating the meat for a one in hentai)) But this novel contains: Great storyline, relatable characters, realistic situations, very fun moments as well as tear jerking ones (so much so, you will find your throat hella sore from crying all the time), surprise after surprise for the decisions that author went with. You will have a good time indeed WARNING! READ AT YOUR OWN DISCRETION!

Shallowman · Realistic
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600 Chs


"I'll head out first. It's rare to have some weekend time, so don't work too hard. Relax and enjoy yourself. Oh, and maybe this afternoon, we'll take a drive to the Hudson River, fulfilling the promise we've owed for so long. September is definitely better than January. If you want to join, just come over to Village Vanguard."

The words were only half spoken, and the gaps were left unfilled. Renly changed into his shoes, grabbed the skateboard hidden behind the door, slung a shoulder bag over his shoulder, and dashed out like a streak of lightning. When Matthew turned around, the room was already empty, but he had long grown accustomed to it, methodically completing the work in his hands.

His steps led him to the living room, where he gazed at the box of albums on the coffee table and picked one up, studying it intently.

It bore Renly's handwriting, something Matthew could easily recognize. He carefully examined the song list on the back. He knew there was significance in the order of these songs, not merely a commercial arrangement by the record company but a deliberate choice aligned with Renly's creative intent, even the placement of tracks on the "A-side" and "B-side" had meaning. However, Matthew hadn't heard these songs before, so he couldn't judge.

With that in mind, Matthew unwrapped the album in his hands, walked over to the desk in front of the sofa, and placed the CD in the player, pressing the play button. Then, he sat down on the couch, and the swift and clear guitar strings of "Cleopatra" filled the air, carrying a poetic, sorrowful, and regretful atmosphere amidst the lively and cheerful notes, casting a captivating halo.

From "Cleopatra" to "Monster", it was a journey of shattered dreams; from "Your Bones" to "Was There Nothing", it was a wild ride through life's path; from the "A-side" to the "B-side", it was a frenzied scream from the depths of a lonely soul.

In his memories, that person was wearing a white shirt, riding a bicycle, swiftly weaving through the small alleys and arch bridges of Cambridge College. Golden sunlight spilled onto his billowing clothes, and his brilliant and gentle smile melted into the April breeze. Slowly, very slowly, he spread his arms, and the wind rustled past his arms like flowing water, and then he opened his wings and soared freely.

His gaze returned to the album cover of "Don Quixote", and Matthew couldn't help but fall into deep thought. Perhaps George and Elizabeth had never truly understood their child. To him, the importance of his dreams lay not in the dreams themselves or in life but in the fact that they were his soul, defining the meaning of his existence. Perhaps even he had never truly entered that colorful world.

Fingers danced, echoes lingered.

Matthew began to like this album.

At this very moment, on the other end of Manhattan Island, Sinai Mountain Hospital was tranquil. The early autumn sunlight was calm and peaceful, yet it hadn't completely shed the bustling and restlessness of summer. Amid the quiet, there was a touch of cheerfulness. Renly soared on his skateboard, making an emergency brake at the hospital entrance. He lightly tapped the skateboard's tail with his right foot, grabbed it in his hand, and walked skillfully toward his destination. As he greeted familiar faces along the way, he headed towards his intended location.

Originally, Renly had intended to go straight to find Hazel. He wasn't one for a grandiose personality, but he knew that Hazel had been wanting his album, having mentioned it at least three times. Now that the album was finally out, he didn't plan to make a big deal out of it, as Sinai Mountain Hospital had copies aplenty, but at least he could gift one to Hazel. Today, he brought it over without delay.

However, as he passed by the stairwell, he noticed Annie Seliman sitting on the stairs, tears streaming down her face, all alone. This sight made Renly's steps involuntarily come to a halt. He carefully pushed open the stairwell's door, entering quietly, and asked, "What's wrong? Who dared to hurt our world's most adorable Annie? Come on, tell the Arcane Sorcerer, and the Arcane Sorcerer will make sure they get what they deserve."

Annie lifted her head, gazing at Renly's feigned menacing smile. She laughed through her tears, wiped the tears from her chubby cheeks with her pudgy little hands, but her mouth still pouted, looking utterly aggrieved.

Renly sat down beside Annie without saying much, just earnestly watching the young girl. Annie soon explained herself, "Renly, do you think Alex is going to die?"

Alex? Alex Reich, that little boy with congenital heart disease, the one who had a crush on Kelly Patton.

Renly couldn't help but pause, and Annie pursed her lips. Tears once again welled up in her eyes. "If Alex dies, will I be next? Am I going to die too?"

Those innocent words tugged at Renly's heartstrings. In their world, they had been facing life and death early on, a subject that many people couldn't comprehend throughout their lives. Life was truly cruel. "Annie, Annie, why do you think something happened to Alex? I haven't heard anything."

Just moments ago, he had run into Kelly on his way upstairs. She hadn't mentioned anything and seemed to be in good spirits. Renly thought maybe Annie had misunderstood.

Annie looked up with tearful eyes, biting her lip hard to hold back her tears. "But... but... Alex is going into that little room... Isn't it that once people go in there, they never come out? Johnson was like that, and so was Alison..." As she spoke, Annie started to cry, her words becoming fragmented, "Is Alex not going to come out too? Am I not going to come out if I go in there?"

Those bewildered words left Renly feeling a pang of sadness. He gently embraced Annie, lifting his hand to tenderly pat her shoulder. The young girl buried her head in Renly's chest, crying her heart out, letting her sorrow flow freely. Her mournful cries even made Renly's eyes well up with tears.

"Annie, it's not like that," Renly softly explained. "That's the operating room. It's a room full of magic where doctors work their magic. Some children are kind and gentle, so they become angels and accompany God. Some children are cheerful and face illness with optimism, so they come back again to spread the magic's effects to more people."

Renly knew his explanation was inadequate. Despite living two lives, he was now at a loss when faced with such a simple question from a child. He didn't know how to make the children understand the complexities of life and death because they were still at an age when they should be carefree, when they should revel in their freedom, when they should be a little reckless. Once that time was missed, there was no going back. Yet now, they were forced to confront a puzzle that even grown-ups struggled to solve.

Annie paused, lifted her head, bit her lower lip, and tears still clung to her long eyelashes. After a moment of hesitation, she asked, "Renly, will Alex come back?"

Renly didn't have a very detailed understanding of Alex's condition, but he knew that Alex had undergone several surgeries for his congenital heart disease, with no improvement. The best option was to find a matching heart for a transplant. Renly wasn't sure if this was another surgery or if they had found a matching heart.

Faced with Annie's question, Renly could only reply, "Since Annie cares so much about Alex, why don't you go ask him directly? Encourage him to stay strong and come out soon so that you and Alex can continue growing up together." Growing up together, for many, it was the most natural thing in the world, but for them, it was an elusive dream.

Annie didn't answer but instead fell into deep thought for a moment. "Renly, Annie is cheerful, and Annie is strong. Annie will definitely come back, right? God has many angels already, so he won't be sad without Annie, right?"

Unexpectedly, Renly's eyes welled up with tears. He awkwardly raised his head and then deliberately burst into laughter. "Yes, I think the same way! Annie is the strongest among all the children I know, just like Alex."

Suddenly, Renly felt a small hand holding his own. Lowering his head, he saw Annie's innocent face, which had now brightened up with a smile. "Renly, let's go cheer Alex on together!" Annie stood up, tugging at Renly's arm. Renly stood up as well, and the two of them ran hand in hand towards Alex's hospital room.

Outside the room, Alex's parents were in conversation with the doctor. Renly and Annie couldn't help but slow down their steps. Alex's mother smiled at Renly, their faces familiar. "Go on in, Alex's little friends are all inside."

Renly cleared his throat gently and hesitated for a moment before asking, "Today's surgery?"

"Heart transplant," the gentle and elegant lady replied, her face breaking into a happy smile. With just that one sentence, her eyes began to well up with tears. She quickly raised her right hand to wipe away the tears on her cheek and nodded shyly at Renly.

Renly knew that Alex had been waiting for this heart for three years. Three years might seem short when spoken of, but only those who had truly experienced it knew how difficult, painful, and agonizing those years had been.

Smiling, Renly said, "May this be the beginning of good luck." He wished for good fortune to continue, accompanying Alex's healthy growth.

Then, Renly and Annie entered the hospital room. Alex was sitting on the hospital bed, surrounded by seven or eight little friends, chatting and laughing merrily.

Annie broke free from Renly's hand and ran towards Alex, shouting, "Alex, Alex, you must stay strong! And bring back the magic, okay?"

Alex, not quite understanding, joined in the shouting, "Of course, of course! I'll definitely perform some magic!"

In the corner of his eye, Renly spotted Hazel standing at the foot of the bed, her face adorned with a hopeful smile mixed with uncontainable sadness. Upon seeing Renly's arrival, Hazel nodded in acknowledgement without saying much, her gaze returning to Alex.

Renly approached quickly, raising his right hand high. "Tell me, who's the strongest, the most handsome, and the most capable superhero in Sinai Mountain Hospital?"

"Me! Me!" Alex exerted all his strength to lift his right hand, and it met Renly's hand in the air. A crisp, cheerful, and vibrant sound echoed – a symbol of joy and vitality.