
Chapter 45: What a mess to make

Her pretty ruddy face is even more, and he is calmly released, at this time behind the voice of Wang Xuan teasingly, "this midnight beauty into the bosom, when did Uncle Bao learn to love?"

As she spoke, Wang Xuan had come to Mr. Wei jie and looked around her and smiled vaguely, "Jie girl, may I borrow Uncle Bao?"

To borrow? Why would the king use that word?

"Why, musical girl, how unwilling are you to forbid this?" Wang Xuan's words brought Back Le Lin's sanity.

She quickly crushed the burning incense stick in her hand, stiffly put the golden needle back into the bag, and said in a calm voice, "The elders are going to the front yard. I don't know what will happen tonight. I go ahead."

Le Lin just want to go forward, was Wei Jie jie jie stopped her way, she asked in surprise: "Prince Wei?"

"There are so many people and wonders to-night. I don't trust you to go alone." Mr. Wei jie said without thinking about it, but Wang Xuan jie raised her eyebrows, and Le Lin's face turned even redder as Wang Xuan whistled.

Wang Xuan smiled, "It's like something interesting happened here, and the front is more exciting, so we can go together."

Less shocked by Wang Xuan's prank, Le Lin stepped forward a few paces quickly, leaving Wei Jie and Wang Jie exactly abreast.

Wang Xuan's face was still full of laughter, but her tone was reproachful. "Shubao, why did you show your innocence just now? It's not going to help you plan tonight."

Mr. Wei jie did not answer, but just stared at the back of Ms. Lele jie in front of him. He wanted to put the woman exactly in his sights to protect her peace and quiet.

"You think you're all right because you don't? Did you really lose your heart trying to protect that musician girl? In vain by Jiaming's tease, you so you wei jia's face in what place?" The smile on Wang Xuan's lips grew larger and larger, but the anger behind her words grew larger and larger.

As the area was crowded with guards, Mr. Wang could only speak in a subdued voice and communicate with Mr. Wei Jie as little as he could hear, and even the jie on his face could hardly be discerned.

Who did wang Xuan care so much and care so much for? Isn't that his affectionate brother Wei Jie?

"Face? Wei home full door was destroyed that day, early... Didn't..." The corners of his mouth curled up, the same cold face, but with a self-deprecating smile.

"So you choose to feel sorry for yourself?" Wang Xuan obviously disagreed, and he jerked the sleeve of Wei Jie, pretending to say something as interesting as that.

WeiJie is coordinating the turns to Wang Xuan, tilting to the ear, only to hear the sound of Wang Xuan near her teeth, but the face is enthusiastic, "you put the happy home girl tonight is a considerate, dragged her from the fire in hearth, and removes her late at night and you are alone, urging the dirty water all ran at you, you really good one."

"Or else, I am a man after all, and she is a weak woman." His mouth corners up, as if to hear a funny joke general, nodded, but the tone of the answer is so irritating.

The guard next to him looked sideways and wang Xuan did not know that the guard would pass the message to Jia Mi?

Naturally unable to show anger, Mr. Wei jie looked exactly the same as cheerful with his face, but jie felt full of fire and a smile on his face.

"You are a nice and charming childe, and you are really happy to protect the flower. It doesn't matter what kind of predicament you will encounter when you are judged by the month denier. It doesn't matter what kind of attitude le Shangshu has towards you and how the prince tells you. Really angry crown is the beauty." Beaming a smile, Wang Xuan looked sharply at Wei Jie, and her words could be reproachful.

"I am most grateful for your compliment." Mr. Wei jie smiled and jacked his eyebrows slightly, an expression which shocked Wang Xuan.

Ms. Wang jie put an end to her smile and grabbed Mr. Wei Jie's arm. Mr. Wei jie stopped and looked sideways at her.

Wang Xuan leaned close to his ear and said, "You have brought the Taiyuan Wang family into direct conflict with the Jia family.

With this, Wang Xuan suddenly burst into laughter, holding her stomach and laughing. Lelin stopped and looked back, wondering what they were doing.

Jie Wei looked at Wang Xuan with a gay smile and corners of his mouth corners up. Tightening his hand on a piece of red ink painting paper, he spake in a slightly louder voice, and jie said in a manner that could be heard by all the guards around him, "I shall never change a matter that I have fully set my mind to. Since I have put it into action, I shall wholeheartedly meet it."

Then, no matter how exaggerated Wang Xuan's smile was, he looked back at Lelin and walked a few steps quickly. Standing beside her, he leaned forward and said softly, "Let's go, musician girl."

"The maharaja..." Lelin looked uneasily at Wang Xuan, who stopped smiling and looked stunned.

"Never mind him." Mr. Wei Jie said and stepped forward.

Le Lin looked at Wang Xuan in embarrassment. At this moment, Wang Xuan's eyes burst with a look, which made her tremble and hurried to catch up with Wei Jie, leaving only Wang Xuan's eyes blazing.

When I reached the door of her room, I heard waves of sarcasm coming from ahead, so blatant and so sharp that I could not bear to hear them.

Le Lin pursed the lip Angle, as expected tonight clear things is for her.

Haven't listened to the front said some our favorite stylemakers, I saw the bed yi wrapped in a quilt, disheveled hair covering the face, shoulders like shaking the chaff, and the ground but is bound, backhand shear, behind corners of the mouth with blood, cheek red, even beaten by people, the earth and his XiaoBanJie nails, nail end with blood, don't know is who.

All the elders standing in the room were livid, and Jemi caught Jaf who was still chattering. Jaf looked back with a stunned face and just saw the people behind her. When Jaf's eyes fell on Lellin, there was astonishment and disbelief on her face.

"How?" Jaf mumbled, before the next half of the sentence was interrupted by Jamei.

"What's the matter with you, sister?" Jammi clenched Jaf's arm reproachfully, turned her back to the crowd, and stared at her. "It's just a handmaid's play on food. Why do you condescend so low? It's a private affair, and you shouldn't be so, no matter how warm you are."

Jaf, of course, sensed what her brother was saying and stammered, her angry face away. "He knows me, and he can't control his temper when he sees something that is immoral."

Jaf apologetically to the elders behind her blessed body, only to raise her head, but saw Wei Jie has stepped out half a step, blocking le Lin half body, so that she could not stare.

Was it so protective of Lellin? This put Jaff's heart twisted, she refused to let the Wei jie as intended.

Jaffu turned to look at the su Ling eyes into a harsh color, and Jia Mi is squinting at the Jie Wei jie, this uncle bao is know how to provoke his sister, let his sister make mistakes, very good, it seems that just the lesson is not enough.

Le Lin was a little surprised, how did this son suddenly stand in front of her?

Wang Xuan's face flashed with a touch of depression, but wang Yu saw her at such a fast speed that she coughed and patted wang Xuan on the shoulder. Pei Xian and Pei Li walked slowly behind Le Lin.

How did Jiemi not understand the pei brothers' meaning?

Some reason? This year, the lost pei brothers still plan to support The Wei Jie, and compete with him jia Jie?

When really overreach oneself, very good, for a while he Jammi let this Jade run ice jie Wei turbid, full ugly fall!

"Who are you and why are you so flustered? But what's the reason for being here?"

Voice square falls down, this element ling flurried of raise a head, look at the instant with jiafu, jiafu's eye toward the direction of Le Lin glance, this is hate attack on element Ling immediately roll down from the bed, only wearing a bellyband kneel there.

Element ling is that kind of panic, eyes inside full of tears, voice hoary and ugly, "return to everybody master's words, slave girl name yue element Ling, is the close servant girl of Lin. Maid tonight you when a moment to see a young woman then take a leave, then know nothing."

The last person I saw was Lelin, but after that I knew nothing... O...

I have to look at the art of language. I don't know what happened to her, or did she frame her and confuse her? This ambiguous words, like true not false, as expected is a fierce wench.

Le Lin just wanted to explain, but saw Mr. Wei Jie turned around suddenly. She could not understand what was going on, and saw Mr. Wei Jie seize her arm, "Rocker girl, how can you do this? How could he be so careless?"

His eyes met hers, and she had no intention of falling...

However, he reminded her, just now we focus on the element ling body, do not know she is in the end which state.

Mr. Wei jie responded quickly and gave people the impression that she, Ms. Le Lin, had been distraught by Ms. Su Ling's accusation.

But it is up to people to tell whether they are alarmed by the revelation of their shortcomings or enraged and confused by groundless accusations.

About, she remembered The Words wei Jie, she is at the moment more jie, explain not to explain, the best is to know nothing.

That is, she believed that Mr. Wei Jie would exactly protect her promise, and immediately her eyes were full of tears. When she looked up, tears fell down her cheeks, and she could hardly describe a poor man.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Wei... I shouldn't have... I shouldn't have... I didn't know why she said that. I rushed to save you late at night. I made trouble for you. Just say half, she covered up mouth already, be that kind grievance.

Mr. Wei jie tightened his mouth and said slowly, in the presence of the audience, "Musician girl, I know what you mean. You can rest assured that I am there."

Le Lin sobbed and nodded her head, and I looked sympathetic, leading Wei Jie to put on a spirited performance.

"Green, eh? What do you mean by that? You don't know anything about your girl coming to see me, do you?" He carries high eyebrow, cold and jun of tighten up chin, the look in the eyes is like a knife, frightened live that original frightened element ling.

"Prince Wei... Niv..."

"Still, after you this take leave, do not know a trace actually have another he say, and this have another he say which kind, among them be connected dare not with outside humanity zai?" Wei Jie stared at suu Ling, just to see her cold sweat frequency, life and play a trembling.