
The Legend of The three villians

Blud_boi · Sci-fi
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12 Chs

The tale of Shadow

Shadow was a kid who didn't know if he had parents he never even met them. Some said they left them others said they died but shadow didn't care the only thing he wanted was to kill, Shadow was a kid who was young but powerful he made other kids cower with fear as as he bullied them he loved it to see people in pain, he didn't care what people thought of him all he ever thought about was making people feel pain as he himself thought that he was the only person who knew what pain was then Shadow met someone this person was almost exactly like him they were mean and hated everybody and they became good friends but one day he left the village for a week and when he came back all he saw was Corpses and burning houses including his friends then Shadow left to the Village not knowing what had happened all he thought was kill people and make them feel pain Shadow himself was very depressed and as he grew up his anger and strength the grew with him and in every village he had ever gone to they had kicked him out for they thought that he was big threat so he set off for 2 years he was alone no one to talk to the only thing that he could do was kill animals hunt eat drink and do and do the normal things that a human needs to survive he was born alone and tired the only thing he could think about that was always on his mind was killing people he didn't want this in his mind but it was just that way when he got his powers those voices in his head got worse they were louder yelling at him screaming at him till he finally beat those voices.

and he was alone for another 2 years at this time Shadow was 14 years old and he never really knew what it was like to have siblings or parents or even friends the only friend he ever had was back at the Village when they were 9 years old and now shadow is called the source of all Darkness people call him a demon some call him the devil but the only people that can match up to his strength or the people in the main city.

which he one day hopes that he could go do kill people to show people how strong it really was now that the voice wasn't in his head felt like he was Stronger like he could defeat anyone in the world he made a promise to himself No Matter What by the time he turns 18 he will infiltrate The Town Hall and kill every last living being in it ever since shadow has been on the journey looking for someone or some people that he could call his friends or even in this case his family.