
The Legend of the red eyed girl

Larisa, the sole daughter of the king, has grown up in solitude. Her father, frequently absent on expeditions, leaves her and her brother in charge of the state. In this isolation, her only solace is found in the company of Maynard, the duke's gentle son. Over the years, an unexpected love blossoms within her. As she navigates the complexities of love, Larisa is also thrust into a position of power, with all its responsibilities and challenges. Her journey is marked by a determination to pursue love while adapting to newfound authority, and she is prepared to overcome any obstacle that stands in her way.

Swaaan_dawn · Fantasy
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26 Chs


In a small office a man sat at the desk reading military reports. Three taps and then a pause before three more taps came from the window.

The man set down the files and knocked twice on the desk. A man clothed in black entered the window without making as much as a sound.

He knelt on one knee and greeted, "General," He then stood straight and handed the General an envelope.

The General reached out a hand covered in scars of various sizes and received the envelope. He tore is open and took out the file inside and started to look it over. It was a file containing information about Selah Wormwood and the Marquis Wormwood.

The man dressed in all black started to report, "The duke's son left to deliver the provisions to the flood victims and that is the Princess's new study partner."

He paused and looked at the general, seeing that he didn't react, he went on, "Should I send someone to get rid of her as per usual,"

The General looked up and raised an eyebrow with a slash scar on it as he asked, "Per usual?"

Arlo knelt back down again, "You gave me the instruction's that I should have killed all of the princess's study partners so that she always lonely,"

Jaylen chuckled as he leaned back in his chair, "I did say that, tell me how my little sister has been doing over the years," he then said in a mock sad tone, "Has she suffered a lot?"

Arlo remained silent knowing he never really asks this question to receive an answer.

Jaylen sighed as he answered himself, " her must be a living hell being hated so much."

"Then General, what should I do about the new study partner?"

Jaylen lazily waved his hand, "No need to do anything, it will all be over in a months' time anyway."

"Yes General,"

Arlo was about to ask to be excused when Jaylen suddenly asked, "How is the task concerning Mauling kingdom?"

"The rumour that Iralah Kingdom is now week due to a devastation of natural disasters has successfully been spread, Mauling Kingdom had already started to send more troops to the border and they may attack soon enough,"

"Good, you can go now,"

Jaylen got up from the desk and went back to his room and got in bed to have a good night's sleep after knowing how his enemies are suffering.

He soon opened his eyes to a scene that was engraved into his very bones, he wasn't in his plainly decorated room in the General manor at the border anymore. He was back in the cold palace.

"Is it enough for you dear?" A voice full of worry asked as a blanket was added to his body.

Jaylen glanced up at his mother's eyes heavy with eye bags. His chubby little hands reached out and hugged the tired woman in silent comfort. Mother, don't worry so much about me, I will get better soon. But he didn't have the strength so speak.

Consort Mara became more worried, "What's wrong dear, are you feeling uncomfortable anywhere."

Jaylen did feel sick but he still did not answer his mother and just hugged her tighter. He had been running a fever for days now, his Mother had tried to seek help but no one wanted to give a deposed Consort any attention.

The doors of the room were harshly kicked open letting in the cold winter air and Jaylen shivered.

A woman dressed in royal blue and purple clothes with a multitude of hair ornaments made from the most expensive materials casually walked in, an entourage of four maid servants followed her in, while four manservants closed the door and stood outside guarding it.

Consort Mara stood up from Jaylen's bedside after tucking him in and stood in-front of the goddess like woman.

"What are you doing here, come to laugh at my misfortune?" Consort Mara asked angrily.

Queen Letitia carefully handed the baby Larisa in her arms to her nanny Fern who stood behind her. Fern took hold of the Princess and went to a side room with her twin sister Fay following behind her.

After Fay and Fern were out of sight, Queen Letitia sent a very strong slap to Consort Mara's face that made her fall to the ground with a split lip. Queen Letitia was a general's daughter that has practiced martial arts from a very young age so her slaps were particularly strong.

"Mother!" Jaylen shouted as he tried to get out from bed but was too weak to, after a couple tries he still failed and fell back on the hard bed.

"It's alright dear, mommy is fine." Consort Mara comforted him.

Queen Letitia scoffed at the scene, "I was told that the prince has fallen ill, and it's been quite a few days now?" She asked.

Consort Mara looked up in confusion, "What do you want, wasn't getting me and my son banished to the cold enough for you."

Queen Letitia bent down and took hold a fist full on Consort Mara's hair and pulled her face closer to hers, "You killed two of my children, do you really think this would be enough for me?" She said in a deathly cold voice.

Consort Mara felt a chill looking at those cold blue eyes, maybe it was the trick of the light but for a second she thought she saw lightning flashing in her eyes. It was like staring at death itself.

Queen Letitia threw her roughly back on the floor.

"The king said I can do anything to you but not kill you, but I cannot harm the prince no matter how much I want to skin him alive in-front of you so you would know my pain over my children's murders."

"I swear to make your life a living hell, now I will give you a choice, it's up to you to take it."

Consort Mara said warily, "What choice."

"You offer yourself willingly so that I can whip you till my heart's content every other day in exchange for food and medical supplies, or you resist and I tie you up and whip you anyway,"

Consort Mara was flabbergasted, " Is that even a choice."

Queen Letitia looked at her as though looking at an insect, "Of cause it is, I would be much happier if you offer yourself up thus the rewards,"

"Have you chosen?" Queen Letitia said impatiently.

Consort Mara glanced back at Jaylen who had seemingly passed out from the fever and glanced back at Queen Letitia, "I will receive the lashing willingly."

"Good choice, you know what to do." Said Queen Letitia as she uncoiled the whip handed to her by the maid.

Consort Mara Silently turned her back to Queen Letitia, only the sound of a whip corroding with skin filled the room, Consort Mara bit on a lump of cloth to stop any sounds from her mouth, afraid of waking Jaylen up.

What she didn't know was that He could still hear everything in his sleep and his heart ached for his mother who took such injustice for his sake.

He abruptly got up from the bed while breathing heavily, his forehead covered in sweat. He looked around and found that he was back in his General's manor at the border. He sighed and wiped his face with his hands and his heart slowly calmed down.

He can only find peace after getting rid of that witch's daughter, his mother would also finally rest in peace knowing he has gotten rid of the pair of vixens that ruined them.