
The Legend of the Poison Emerald King

A Douluo Dalu heavily inspired fictional story. What was originally an fanfiction is steadily being rewritten and then turned into an original story of its own. ○ Story Arc 01: The Legacy of a Poison Martial Spirit Master -~The Official Story Synopsis~- It follows the story of our main protagonist Sheng Yi Wang, who is a little boy of unknown origins, presumably with a mysterious background. He lives with his friends and step siblings withinside an orphanage, on the outskirts of a small town. Everything changes when he turned six years old and awakened his first martial spirit essence, which then turns out to be an ordinary [River Grass] martial spirit essence. 《Author's Notes》

Aotsuki_Usaginoha · Anime & Comics
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Chapter 001: The Jade Serpentine Pendant

In the world of Wushu, where martial arts have evolved and developed greatly, thanks to the existence of martial spirits. Martial spirits can take the appearance of anything; a living being, magical beast, weapons, armour, tools, and so on.

At the rightful age of six, where the child's brain is starting to develop, becoming more cognitive, and is capable of executing and understanding more complex thoughts.

The martial spirit essence would have already taken form already, having condensed into a figure and size that would appropriately fit the user's soul, within their own subconsciousness. Most likely influence by the host's ancestral familial bloodline, the attribute of their spiritual roots, and own soul.

And under a little bit of stimulation from an outside source, a type of energy that is known as spiritual qi. The then completely formed martial spirit essence would then immediately awakened, manifesting outside of the user's body, and a spirit tattoo mark would form on the user's body to confirm their successful martial spirit awakening.

So sitting on top of his bunk bed, in a shared dormitory room, was our main protagonist Sheng Yi Wang; sitting crossed legged on his single bed side mattress, in a meditative lotus position, one hand placed on top of each other, just below the diaphragm and abdomen region.

Sheng Yi Wang's breathing gradually began to loosen up quite a bit, having become slightly less erratic and more control, calm and slumber. In the end, it eventually becomes a repetitive cycle, his short breathing exercises, when combined with visual deprivation, would then allowed for Sheng Yi Wang to enter into a meditative state, where all outside distractions are completely blocked. And he is focusing solely upon himself and his internal world.

The twinkling feeling and the warmth sensation of grasping ahold of spiritual energy can be felt, as Sheng Yi Wang then tries his best to will the untamed spiritual energy to gather underneath his abdomen and into his still developing dantian.

Upon a glance, Sheng Yi Wang's dantian and sea of subconsciousness is like a small puddle, with mist and fog gathering on top. The mist and fog would then form water vapor, eventually condensing into droplets of water, later to be added into the small puddle and volume of water, which turns out to be Sheng Yi Wang's spiritual sea.

Inside of Sheng Yi Wang's sea of subconsciousness, when the small puddle of water has reached a great enough size and volume. Something miraculous then started to happen.

There was a slight shimmering underneath the slowly increasing in volume, body of water, which can be certainly described as a small glowing green pebble.

At a glance, the small glowing green pebble does not seem to have possessed any magical or sort of spiritual capabilities, but it is constantly absorbing the refined spiritual energy withinside Sheng Yi Wang's dantian. Until there was a major change towards the small glowing green pebble.

The intensity of the glow of small glowing green pebble gradually increases, the more it constantly absorbs the refined spiritual energy from Sheng Yi Wang's dantian, until cracks then started to form on the surface of the small glowing green pebble's shell.

It then split easily in half, revealing a small tiny green grass sprout, readily emerging from the small puddle of water, which is his spiritual qi pool. Sending outwards waves of spiritual energy fluctuations, ripples forming on the surface of Sheng Yi Wang's spiritual sea, as streams of light then escapes from Sheng Yi Wang's body.

A vibrant green aurora borealis light then condenses onto Sheng Yi Wang's left arm, having successfully formed a lime green coloured spiritual tattoo mark, taking the form of grass vines, originating from the backside of Sheng Yi Wang's left hand and spreading upwards.

Sheng Yi Wang then readily opening up his eyes, as the spiritual energy fluctuations rapidly stabilises, with the glowing green spirit tattoo mark gradually diminishing in intensity.

With a mere thought, 'arise' an initial command and thought transmission conveyed by the martial spirit master to it's martial spirit essence. Sheng Yi Wang was easily able to summon and manifest his martial spirit essence outside of his body.

Sheng Yi Wang then thought something to himself, and sigh deeply. 'I've managed to successfully awaken my martial spirit essence and become a martial spirit apprentice, but it turns out to be a low grade river grass martial spirit. What a great disappointment.'

Sheng Yi Wang's thoughts were filled with depreciation value about himself and his martial spirit essence.

Though, he is not wrong there within his judgement, to showcased prejudice and underestimating the value of potential of the river grass martial spirit essence.

The river grass martial spirit essence is amongst the lowest grade of plant type martial spirit essence; the lowest of the low. Lacking any sort of fighting, offensive, defensive, and supportive capabilities. It is only until the user of the river grass martial spirit essence reaches the martial spirit scholar stage threshold, where the river grass martial spirit essence is able to undergo spirit evolution.

Through the process of spirit evolution, the river grass martial spirit essence is capable of growing stronger, mutating, and evolving. As well as gaining an additional spirit ability or skill, capable of crowd control, controlling vines, and otherwise support.

'Anyways...' With a mere thought, Sheng Yi Wang was easily able to summon and fully materialised the river grass martial spirit essence within his left hand, as a three inch tall grass sapling then sprouted from the centre of his left palm.

'I'm now officially a martial spirit apprentice. Someone who has only just stepped foot into the world of spirit cultivation.' Sheng Yi Wang thought so to himself. 'I really have a long way to go...' He thought.

Sheng Yi Wang then grabs ahold of the jade pendant that is hanging around on his chest, as he then started to reminiscing of something to himself, internal monologing to himself. 'Originally, I was not a natural inhabitant of this world, but rather someone who has crossed on over into this world and obtained a new life.'

Like any other typical Immortal Cultivation types of stories, our main protagonist of the story Sheng Yi Wang was someone who died back on Earth through an unfortunate 'Traffic Car Accident' being accidentally runned over by a ongoing, out of control truck, Truck-kun.

At the time of his death, Sheng Yi Wang's previous self had actually a wish, that he wanted to go into the world of Douluo Dalu. However, Douluo Dalu being only a work of fiction, the meteoric tear has decided to send him to world with similar spirit cultivation to Douluo Dalu.

The necklace that Sheng Yi Wang's previous self at the time, was wearing. It was made from a piece of fallen meteorite, that said to have hold special properties, capable of granting simple blessings, like good fortune, a healthy body, and so on.

He literally bought the meteoric tear necklace from a mysterious merchant the other day, because it looks kind of a bit stylish and cool. Never expecting it have any sort of effect upon his everyday life. Maybe it was curse or something. It's too late now to regret over spilled milk, and what is more important now is that he is living his new life, his second life within the world of Wushu.

Coincidentally, the jade pendant that is hanging around Sheng Yi Wang's current neck, has a fragment of fallen meteorite made from the same material as the meteoric tear, but at a much more smaller scale, being at the centre of the jade serpentine-like sculpture's third eye.

Sheng Yi Wang's control over his spiritual energy was slightly above average, what usually take a normal six years old child a couple of months to become able to sense spiritual qi. He had learned it in under a week.

For those that have been born to two parents that are already Martial Spirit Master, it is quite expected for the child to be able to naturally used and manipulate spiritual energy earlier on by themselves. The stronger the martial spirit essence of the two parents, and higher realms of spiritual cultivation level, the more spiritual sensitivity to spiritual energy the child are.

That it is a natural given that the more powerful the parents are at the time of conceiving their offspring and child, their spiritual evolved genome and more perfected DNA will be carried on to their offspring, thereby making them much more better than the average newborn human in terms of growth, potential, and spiritual force sensitivity.

A spiritual energy measuring device, that is hanging around upon Sheng Yi Wang's right wrist then changes; instead of the big arrow head being stuck upon the number zero, it moved to the number 1. A clear indicator that Sheng Yi Wang has successfully entered the 1st layer of Spirit Apprentice Stage.

The Spirit Apprentice Stage has ten sub levels, similar to the spirit cultivation of the Douluo Dalu Universe, instead of having the individual being forced to absorb the spirit ring of a spirit beast that they killed in order to advance in their spiritual cultivation. Blood essence, spiritual herbs, and their own life-force spiritual qi can be used as a substitute to attempt to breakthrough into the next spirit cultivation realm.

The second marks on the spiritual energy measuring device, resembling marking lines upon a watch inbetween the two numbers, showcased at what spiritual cultivation sub level you are at withinside that particular stage.

The spiritual energy measuring device only goes up to the Martial Spirit Apprentice Stage, Martial Spirit Scholar, and Martial Spirit Master. As anything beyond the Martial Spirit Master Stage will require a more upgraded and up to date spiritual energy measuring device.

In addition, despite the spiritual energy measuring device resembling an old fantasy like style wrist watch, it does not have the capability to accurately measure the time of the day, but rather is a tool to help in aiding and measuring the spiritual energy of up and coming recently awakened Martial Spirit Apprentice.

There is also a number counter which showcased how much spiritual energy a particular individual has, right under the central focal point of the spiritual energy measuring device.

'My spiritual energy point upon my Spiritual Energy Measuring Device has reached 10, a clear indicator that I've just recently entered the 1st layer of Spirit Apprentice Stage.' Sheng Yi Wang thought so to himself.

Like anybody would expect, every 10 points upon the Spiritual Energy Measuring Device is a layer of the Martial Spirit Apprentice Stage. With the Martial Spirit Scholar stage being 100 points, the Martial Spirit Master Stage being 250 points, and so on.

With each cultivation stage of a Martial Spirit Master, the spiritual energy point that is required to advanced to the next martial spirit cultivation levels, eventually the number count will grow too large to be counted, and the whole system would become obsolete. It's like any typical game-like system story or novels, by then your character would have already become too strong and godlike, that those so called numerical digit values no longer matters.

As only winning or losing in a fight is all that matters, the definite outcome is how the character or protagonist execute the rite of skills, ability, and power to get to the outcome in the end is all that matters.

'What is this wierd feeling I'm feeling?' He thought.

There was a sudden feeling growing from withinside his chest, a sudden growing sense of tightness, started withinside the left side of his chest.

His heart then started to beat louder, thumping erraticly withinside his chest, growing louder every second. Badumpt! Badumpt! Ba...

A green liquid then started to ooze out from withinside the depths of Sheng Yi Wang's sea of subconsciousness, as two pairs of emerald green glowing eyes, one big and one small, emerging from withinside the depths of Sheng Yi Wang's sea of subconsciousness.

Like a ferocious wild lion, the strange creature with four glowing green eyes, then gave out a loud ferocious roar, which seems to shake the entirety of Sheng Yi Wang's spiritual sea.

"Gurgh!" Sheng Yi Wang unconsciously made a sound, as he then tightly grabs ahold of the left side of his chest, thereby scrunching up his clothes, but the sense of tightness withinside his chest ceased to increased in intensity.

It wasn't until a couple of seconds later that something miraculous had occurred, the left side of his chest, more prominently around the area where his heart should be. A second spiritual tattoo mark then gradually started to form upon the surface of his body, it then slivers and moved around on top of his body and skin, like an actual living snake.

The second spirit tattoo mark then finished forming, with the green light gradually dimming, thereby revealing a serpentine-like green centipede.

Without taking off his clothes and pyjamas, Sheng Yi Wang was easily able to somewhat gauge the appearance of his second martial spirit essence, judging by the image of the serpentine-like green centipede spirit tattoo mark left on his body.

'My second martial spirit essence seems to be a beast type martial spirit essence, somewhat of the insectoid category, kind of like a centipede of some kind.' Sheng Yi Wang thought.

The strange creature with four glowing green eyes then readily emerged out from withinside the depths of Sheng Yi Wang's spiritual sea. In all of its glory, revealing its magnificent dazzling form towards the audience and readers, as a several foot tall serpentine-like centipede then emerged from a clear body of water.

It's main body is covered in a layer of thick emerald coloured layered carapace. With tons of sickle bladed like appendages, poking out from the side of its snake like body. And four pairs of reptilian like leg appendages, much like a dragon's claw, able to easily tear through flesh with ease.

A dragon's head, with added some prominent facial features, head structure that of a centipede, long feelers, horns, etc.

Sheng Yi Wang then closes his eyes, and saw the faint outline of the large several foot serpentine-like centipede before outright dives back down into the depths of Sheng Yi Wang's spiritual sea.

'So that is what my second martial spirit essence looks like. It's pretty cool...' Sheng Yi Wang thought so to himself.

As a two to three foot long emerald scaled centipede magical beast then readily emerged from underneath Sheng Yi Wang's shirt, crawling upwards in the large open area,

where the head part of the shirt usually pops out.

The emerald scaled centipede then crawls alongside Sheng Yi Wang's left arm, towards his left hand, before crawling underneath and dissappearing into the other holes of his shirt.

Sheng Yi Wang then thought something to himself, 'The centipede martial spirit essence is certainly alot much smaller in real life, when steadily being compared to the strange large one withinside my sea of subconsciousness.'

'So that must be the centipede's true martial spirit body.' Sheng Yi Wang assumed, which he is not exactly wrong there, but rather the image and concept of what it will eventually evolved into when Sheng Yi Wang eventually reaches the Martial Spirit Master realm.

However, the figure of the centipede's matured form when Sheng Yi Wang eventually reached the Martial Spirit Master realm is not definite, as spirit evolution can also lead to different mutations and variants of the same kind of race and species.

Sheng Yi Wang's spiritual energy measuring device then acted up, as the spiritual energy guidance counter then steadily rises, jumping digits until it reaches the peak of 19, just 1 more digit until he successfully reaches the 2nd layer of the Martial Spirit Apprentice Stage. What a shame. But, nevertheless, a fortunate set of circumstances that had allowed for Sheng Yi Wang to immediately increased his spiritual energy in such a short period of time.

'I've almost reached the 2nd layer of the Martial Spirit Apprentice Stage. What a shame that I could not immediately breakthrough to the 2nd layer immediately after awakening my second martial spirit essence.' He thought so to himself.

Unexpectedly, the eyes upon Sheng Yi Wang's jade serpentine pendant then began to glow, somewhat resonating with the appearance of Sheng Yi Wang's second martial spirit essence.

'Huh...' Before Sheng Yi Wang could began to take notice of the glowing green jade pendant hanging around upon his neck, he started to hear weird noises, more like whispers of some kind, sounded like a man's voice, entering his ears.

Shortly afterwards, the recollective parts of what he heard, when combined together withinside his mind. It formed a complex schematic, ancient chinese characters when combined together to eventually create a spirit cultivation technique.

'Heavenly Poison Body Cultivation Technique!' It is it's name, previously Sheng Yi Wang has no recollection of ever learning about the spirit cultivation technique, or knowledge about its existence. So how did it come to be. And exactly did he get his hands on it. And what relationship does the Heavenly Poison Spirit Body has with himself and his past.

Questions keep popping up withinside Sheng Yi Wang's head, but there is no definite answer, but everything eventually leads back to the jade pendant hanging around upon Sheng Yi Wang's neck.

Unbeknowst to Sheng Yi Wang at the time, whilst he was still focused upon the Heavenly Poison Spirit Body Cultivation Method that he recently acquired from the jade pendant that is dangling around his neck, as the eyes upon the jade serpentine pendant gradually dimmers, a small faint outline of a figure could be seen withinside the diminishing pair of eyes.

The strange figure withinside the diminishing eyes of the jade serpentine pendant then smiles before dissappearing, like a blown out candle, as the light withinside the pair of eyes fades. So does the figure of that said person.