
The Legend Of The Golden Eyes

The awakening of a mysterious being lay In the hands Of a young archeologist (Lu Shui Hua). He is one of the most world-known geniuses of all time. He was at the peak of his career and succeeded in every way. He blossomed in everything. He was about to embark on a journey In his career that could change history itself when destiny came knocking On the door. Being lured by his greatest rival of all time in his past life and even in his present life, he falls madly In love with this myth. What will happen when he discovers that his death lies In the hands of his heart's desire? What would he do when he has to choose between the career he has worked hard to accomplish and his destiny? Will he make the right decision? Discord: Beverly_spare#0707 Instagram: Beverlyspare Facebook: Beverlyspare TikTok: Beverlyspare

Beverly_Spare · Fantasy
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53 Chs

16. The Dark Side Of The Legend.

"Alas, the profound Ignorance of the people tragically became their own inexorable downfall." Huo Nüshén spoke with dark, penetrating eyes filled with an indistinguishable blend of hate and sorrow. The seething rage within him manifested physically, as his very body radiated an alarming heat that began to unsettle Lu Shui Hua.

"The green water flower is the only element capable of putting my master into eternal rest, it is his ultimate weakness... His curse, their curse." Huo Nüshén exhaled. "That element ignited the beast wavering within, and their hate brought it forth."

"From that fateful day, the tender affection, devotion, and noble cause my master held for humanity dissolved into nothing but darkness. Their once unbreakable bonds severed eternally, sealing their fate."

"Their ceaseless betrayal and unwavering embrace of darkness birthed a monstrous guardian. The power of the universe who stood ready to devote himself to their cause, prepared to wage all their battles, and willing to shield them across generations became the harbinger of their doom. They never realize that just as he possessed the power to manifest unimaginable abundance and prosperity, he also held the power to transform into an executioner, the embodiment of nightmares and anguish. He could become an unparalleled force of destruction and terror, his very fangs once employed to safeguard them now gnashed against those he once shielded. He could revel in their cries, callously forsaking them to suffer in the clutches of their captors."

Huo Nüshén locked eyes with Lu Shui Hua. "They, themselves, unwittingly sowed the seeds of their own doom."

Lu Shui Hua swallowed hard, a knot forming in his throat.

"The torment first befell the land..." Huo Nüshén took a sip of his drink, his voice filled with an air of solemnity. "The entire East Coast was submerged beneath a deluge of flood and darkness, as the gates of hell swung open wide, unleashing the gruesome demon of death upon their souls."

"Thousands of lives were claimed within the initial throes of their suffering. Nothing remained unscathed once the initial blow had been struck... It was only a matter of time before the entire nation was besieged by the wrathful spirits hungering for their lives. Famine gripped the land, followed by relentless wars that mercilessly extinguished countless lives. Women found themselves bereft of the ability to bear children, communities were plagued by rampant diseases, and the earth ceased to accept the bodies of the deceased, even resurrecting those already interred."

"Demonic forces began waging war against humanity, and hundreds of thousands perished, their souls forever lost. Those fortunate enough to survive were compelled to flee, seeking solace in the safety of hiding places, clinging to whatever semblance of life remained."

Huo Nüshen exhaled once more, his breath escaping through his flared nostrils.

"But that was merely the prologue to their torment, for the very creature they had summoned still watched ominously from a distance, biding its time to unleash its terror, perched atop the mountain peaks."

"It took the fearsome guise of The Dragon of Flames, alarming another era of death and torture for the multitudes that fled into the mountains, and for those that fled into the sea, they were met by his other form... The beast that rested in the waters, A Serpent with an unpenetrable amour-like skin that breaths out flames of fire".

"He was unstoppable". Huo Nüshén breathed out. "No one, No one could stop him... no one."

Lu Shui Hua, speechless and still, could not fathom words out of his mouth. Everything Huo Nüshén just said felt like something out of the movies... words could not comprehend his thoughts.

"S-So how was he stopped?" He asked, but immediately he did so, Huo Nüshén was up on his feet, strolling out of the room and leaving him behind confused and curious.

what the?