
The Legend Of The Golden Eyes

The awakening of a mysterious being lay In the hands Of a young archeologist (Lu Shui Hua). He is one of the most world-known geniuses of all time. He was at the peak of his career and succeeded in every way. He blossomed in everything. He was about to embark on a journey In his career that could change history itself when destiny came knocking On the door. Being lured by his greatest rival of all time in his past life and even in his present life, he falls madly In love with this myth. What will happen when he discovers that his death lies In the hands of his heart's desire? What would he do when he has to choose between the career he has worked hard to accomplish and his destiny? Will he make the right decision? Discord: Beverly_spare#0707 Instagram: Beverlyspare Facebook: Beverlyspare TikTok: Beverlyspare

Beverly_Spare · Fantasy
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53 Chs

14. Feelings for a stranger.

Back in the Country A.

With hurried steps, his black shoes clasped the grounds and the large doors that lead to the presidential office opened wide to accompany him.

His eyes dim, and his expression grim.

Gently, he bowed in greeting. "Your Honor, you called for me".

He made his presence known as the man on the seat of power lifted his eyes from his desk to the man directly opposite him.

"Oh, President Guo Liusen, do come in".

He gestured to the couches at the center of the large room as he quickly stood from his desk and strolled towards him, arranging his suit.

"Have a seat". He added politely and Guo Liusen bowed slightly in respect.

"I trust your flight from Abroad wasn't uncomfortable, sorry I had to rush you, it was very urgent".

"Not at all, your honor, I completely understand ". He added calmly with curious eyes.

For all he knows, if the president had called him urgently, then something is truly wrong.

"Hmm... Five days have passed since Lu Shui Hua embarked on that journey and we haven't heard anything from him". He released a sigh. "The media is beginning to get impatient".

Lu Shui Hua?

His eyes were still on the president as he spoke, fighting his demons to suppress his anger.

Oh yes, of course, the entire world had been buzzing nonstop and desperately waiting to see the next history the infamous Lu Shui Hua is going to unravel this time. Lu Shui Hua this, Lu Shui Hua that...

Everywhere he goes... Lu Shui Hua, every screen he opens carries the name Lu Shui Hua, and now this? For fuck's sake If he hears the name Lu Shui Hua one more time he could go nuts.

Every damn thing about that fool drives him crazy. From his face to his smile to his voice... his entire existence is like a curse to him.

"Ahem... Your honor, maybe he needs more time to sort out whatever it is he is doing ".

"Sort out? what is there to sort out? The whole world is expectant... The pressure is unbearable, the desperation is choking and this tension everywhere should be our starting point to enhance to greater heights. Do you know the great impact this is going to bring to us? We need him and his next big discovery now! He stated matter-of-factly with impatience written all over him.

Guo Liusen looked at him with disgust as he rolled his eyes secretly at his words, already exhausted by his actions. This old fool obviously wants his help and is being dramatic about it. He couldn't believe he wasted his precious time hurrying all the way like a madman only to discuss his mortal enemy.

He exhaled. "How can I be of assistance to this situation, your honor".

"Aha, now that you've mentioned it, President Guo, I only need one request from you". He added.

"And what is that, your honor?"

He smiled. "You run the entire media, President Guo, as a matter of fact, the entire press in the entire globe centers in your palm... that is where you come in".

"Hmm". Guo Liusen's lips lifted to his words.

This sly fox...

"I want you to put in the words." He said plainly. "Create more traffic, and stall them".


Lu Shui Hua's eyes widened in astonishment as the captivating words of the Huo Nüshén washed over him like a forbidden spell.

H-He's master?

"He was seen as a curse and a seductive temptation to the people, but in truth, he was the divine gift bestowed upon them by the universe itself. The bestower of abundance and prosperity, the protector of mankind," Huo Nüshén spoke with pride-filled eyes.

Unable to find words to express the emotions surging from within him, Lu Shui Hua remained silent, his stare locked on the Huo Nüshén

"I found him through the ancient echoes of energy that reverberated beneath the earth, trembling in awe of his potent presence," Huo Nüshén continued, his voice meshed with mystery "He defied all controversies and beckoned me with such irresistible power that I was powerless to resist his commands."

"And when I discovered that the possessor of such raw power was nothing more than an innocent infant, confusion, and disbelief engulfed me. Just like you, I was thrilled by the enigma of how much might emanate from a mortal body, from a mere child. Yet, I couldn't resist picking him up."

"He grew like any mortal would, from an innocent infant to a mischievous child, to a rebellious teenager, and finally, to a captivating adult, defying the laws of nature with each passing stage," the Huo Nüshén whispered, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "And with each passing day, as he grew stronger, and more formidable with eyes glowing like the sun, his overwhelming aura intimidated even me until I acknowledged him as my Master."

As Huo Nüshén's words enveloped him, the confusion on Lu Shui Hua's face melted away, replaced by an intoxicating warmth he couldn't resist. Memories of his childhood emotions surged forth, but this time, they were what he had never experienced. This stranger had effortlessly ignited a flame in the deepest recesses of his heart, leaving him with an indescribable feeling.

"It wasn't long before he embraced his true purpose," Huo Nüshén continued, his voice a warm caress. "Because of him, the land overflowed with abundance, and victory became their loyal companion in every battle. He shielded them from malevolent spirits and creatures that sought to shatter humanity's existence. Despite his immense power, he willingly served as their slave, tending to their every whim and enduring their cruel demands."

"Growing up without family or a name, he was forced into a life of servitude, subjected to humiliation, disregard, and constant belittlement by everyone, young and old. Yet, he remained the embodiment of gentleness among those frail beings, selflessly caring for them," Huo Nüshén murmured, his voice filled with a wicked mix of hate and disdain.

"They never recognized the gift of his presence, the source of all their blessings right before their eyes," he added, his expression impassive while Lu Shui Hua shivered in hopeful anticipation.

Huo Nüshén wasn't finished, and his words continued to weave their rageful web in the heart of Lu Shui Hua.

"And it wasn't long before he was falsely accused of theft and condemned by the elders, treated as nothing more than worthless refuse... but, as I said, a servant's words hold no weight in the twisted laws of humans," he exhaled, his breath mingling with the whispers of his heat. "They burned him alive".

Lu Shui Hua held his breath just as those words were aired.

"What?" He couldn't believe his ears. "W-Why?" He questioned. "Y-You said he possessed all those extraordinary powers, so why didn't he utilize them? Why didn't he defend himself?"

"Because to him, humans are the feeblest beings, to be safeguarded rather than eliminated. To him, they are uninformed and delicate."

Lu Shui Hua's mouth hung open in disbelief.

"Time, and time and time again they demonstrated that they were undeserving of his protection, of his care, and yet, he disregarded all those instances like mere shadows."

He exhaled deeply after a moment of silence.

"His extraordinary second reincarnation manifested after eons of enduring in his timeless, immortal state. He embarked on his destined purpose with determination, and everything unfolded as predetermined. This time, he emerged as the revered chief of Armies, fearlessly leading them into countless battles. With each encounter, he fought ardently, securing resounding triumph after triumph, while safeguarding his soldiers with an unwavering embrace of warmth and compassion."

The glimmer of hope in Huo Nüshén's eyes and the faint smile gracing his countenance faded as he shifted his gaze back to Lu Shui Hua. In that moment, Lu Shui sensed an impending revelation of something far graver.

"However, regardless of the care and benevolence bestowed upon humanity, they remain creatures teetering on the precipice between illumination and shadow. A mere nudge to the left can awaken the darkness within, causing them to inflict suffering upon others."

"Following a monumental victory, they all rejoiced and feasted together. The air crackled with celebration, reaching its crescendo as jubilation permeated every corner. Yet amidst the revelry, He was beckoned by the multitude, the king's orders echoing through the throngs, escorted by the palace guards."

"Upon entering the palace, he was led before the throne and forced to kneel, his posture reminiscent of a condemned criminal. Accused of treason and betraying the nation's secrets, as well as consorting with the king's concubine, Huo Nüshén exhaled a breath tainted with disbelief. "At the stroke of midnight, he was executed for a crime he knew nothing of."

Lu Shui Hua closed his eyes, overwhelmed by the unfathomable magnitude of it all. A peculiar ache gripped his chest, the origin of which eluded him. He couldn't comprehend why this stranger's tale resonated so deeply within him.

"Every subsequent reincarnation concluded with even greater malevolence," Huo Nüshén confessed, averting his gaze from Lu Shui Hua.

"The third, he reigned as a king only to be betrayed; the fourth, a master poisoned by his own servant; the fifth, cast into the depths of the sea for rescuing an innocent life; the sixth, beheaded for a crime he did not commit... And so it continued, an unending cycle of torment, until the final stroke of shattered trust."

Final stroke?

Did he stop believing in them?

What does that mean?

"The last stroke metamorphosed into an inescapable curse."