
the legend of the destiny kid

this story is about a young kid that destiny is hiding him from a great journey where he will see many people and creatures and makes friends with unexpected ones and also fight for his family and also he will face death at a certain moment and heartbreak in once and endure many losses and live in agony in some point in his life does he gonna face them with a brave heart does he gonna make throw them and develop his potential and become the strongest in all the royaume and the continent and does he gonna protect what he is precious to him in a proper way and if you wanna know what is the fate of our little yone just follow with me and we will see together what future is gonna choose and if his choices gonna affect his life.

DaoistBKRaxx · Fantasy
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where yone family was so happy about his birth because they thought that they couldn't bring kids since they have been married like ten years now so they take care of him in all aspects they make sure he will have a proper study in the village even it was a little bit difficult because the study quality there was not good enough and provide him with healthy and good food.

a few years later you have become six years now and his grandfather has been dead but before he has been death he left to yone an ancient book it was a family heritage that was passed throw that family generation to know the book's secret. which was found by yone first ancestor in a cave near the village where he was in a small chamber that was not too small and rich in aura and many sentences were written on the walls there.

and until now the book is sealed and a phrase was written in him that let the book mystery still unknown until now.

and the sentence that is written there is: when the son of light finds the way the brightest light on the planet will rise and the horns of war will be unleashed and the book of secrets shell bring hope to his master.

so after he took the book he put it in his room and kept it away from his hands. and he continue his life normally in studies and playing in the village and being happy with his family even if their financial situation was no too good because his father was finding a hard time in his job he was working as a forger in the village but he was finding difficulties in his job because the lack of materials which were essential to building magical sword because of the powerful monster that was located there and those who were eating mana stones as a source of food to level up and become mythical monsters. but his father was trying his best to not make anyone know about their situation and afford him all that he need even his mother was working on farms to try to support her husband and they discovered that one is so understand in magic and swordsmanship so they try to provide him with all basic book which can make him build a solid basis but he was finding some difficulty as he couldn't find a proper mentor that can help him because his two parents were only two stars worrier his father was an ordinary swordsman and his mother was a former nun so they have promised him that after he takes the magic test in the decided age they will try to get him a proper train. so he continued his life normally study about history and philosophies and other subjects during the day and in the evening he trained with a sword with his father until sunset.

after a few years with that lifestyle, the time for the mana test has come since he finally is ready for it that test was done by priests to know how much mana the kid has and future potential and natural forces that the kid can control easily and manipulate them freely and feel a bond to them. so one was so excited about this day which is so important to his life because those with great potential were taken by the royaume and trained professionally as they were prepared to be the future protector of the royaume. so he have trying to train more in the morning before time test arrives in the forest that was near his village but suddenly when he was practicing what he have learned from his father peacefully he heard a strange voice coming near o him it is like a terrified girl that was looking for help so he runs as possible as he can to help her as he taught from his grandfather and father so when he arrived at the voice source he has seen a horrible scene that he hadn't seen him since he was a five years old kid.so he have trying to train more in the morning before time test arrives in the forest that was near his village but suddenly when he was practicing what he have learned from his father peacefully he heard a strange voice coming near o him it is like a terrified girl that was looking for help so he runs as possible as he can to help her as he taught from his grandfather.

so when he come to the sound location he found a girl that was badly injured and two guards that were killed near her and three demonic wolves but one of those wolfs was alfa so yone was feeling an unresistible bloodthirst coming from that alpha that let him be afraid since he hasn't deal with this kind of situation before. this outnumber has made him understand that there is no way out of it without fighting those creatures. he felt like his legs were drugs and he was helpless at this moment because the thing is much worse than that time because this once it is a demonic beast that he is facing and it is a demon wolf which is known as the fastest creatures in demonic one. but with that little courage that he still has even if it was just a drop

that was still running across his veins he stand in front of that girl who was juried so badly that she was breathing hard and here two guards that were with her were both dead and thrown away by the creatures it was a bloody scene so face this deadly situation yone have screamed so loud that all the forest can hear him clearly and say: a real man never retry and let others in danger if death has come I will drag you with me to the afterlife even if I brake every single bone of me you can not stay alive demonic creature.

then he heard a voice coming from behind him: I like your courage kid.

Have some idea about my story? Comment it and let me know.

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