
Chapter 4 You can see me?

The Dark world is divided into four kingdoms which are extremely powerful; The White crescent hills of Witches, located deep inside the mountains with a magical barrier shielding the kingdom from external invaders.

The kingdom was impenetrable and powerful with their forces of Witches who are vast in magical Prowess. Next was the Kingdom of vehement, These Kingdom could be found in the Eastern part of the dark world, a kingdom of the lycans, creatures said to be more powerful than the werewolves and their armies are not to be reckoned with.

There's also the Kuraken kingdom, Most savage and brutal kingdom in the dark world, they are the Wendigos... They feared no one.

And lastly, the most powerful kingdom, Realm of Appolyon, ruled by the evil Vampire lord, The Supreme one.

No other kingdoms dare not go against him.

[Present Day]

Deep into the dark world, beyond the four kingdoms, layed a vast land of deserts, unoccupied by no kingdoms.

There, a ghost kingdom layed, occupying almost every region of the wasteland.

The creatures who occupied these kingdoms were known as trolls, they are at the bottom of the food chain, they are exactly the weaker versions of vampires who feeds on blood to survive.

This Wasteland was ruled by Lord Vergo, rumored to be the most powerful troll to have ever led the wasteland.

The chamber of lord Vergo was exceptionally dark, filled with an army of trolls guarding every corner of the palace -Although no kingdom believed they existed- A young troll limped into the chamber, his body bruised and it generated whispers among the army.

The Troll walked through the dark hall which leads to Lord Vergo chamber.

He opened the dark chamber and the evil and eerie feeling of death embraced him.

He gulped and slowly walked towards the east side of the room where a red candle that was placed on the wall flickered and illuminated the room.

There were three huge chairs, Bronze, diamond and golden placed beside each other, on the bronze chair sat a gloomy figure, obscured by the darkness of the room but only his red creepy eyes could be seen.

"Lord Vergo"

The Troll stuttered, engulfed in fear and panic, standing before Lord Vergo could make the brave wallow in fear.

"Where is Elena...?"

The creepy dark Voice of Lord Vergo filled the void room and the Troll cringed.

"we captured her sire but... But... It was a human... He took her!"

The red eyes darkened and a low growl erupted from the figure.

"A human took her?"

"Yes my lord... His smell wasn't of a vampire, Werewolf or any other creatures... He was insanely strong and he held silver blades... He calls himself silver slayer"

The troll answered.

There was a momentary silence before a low growl emanated from lord Vergo.

"A human... A human took you down and he used silver swords, Only vampires are vulnerable to silver and that means he must be somewhere vampires exist..."

Lord Vergo stated.

"Yes Lord Vergo... The only kingdom that is ruled by a vampire is the Realm of Appolyon, most powerful kingdom..."

The troll stuttered, now feeling more relaxed with the aura of the room.

One unique ability of a troll is to adapt to the environment, no matter how powerful an aura may be, they adapt to it.

" Capture the human and Elena too"

"My lord... It's a suicide mission!"

The troll protested but the red creepy eyes of lord Vergo which seemed to stare into his soul shut him up.

"Yes my lord..."



Father Mathias walked into his cottage with a dead antelope slung across his shoulder, he climbed the two-step stair and they creaked since they were already old enough to have been replaced.

He dropped the dead antelope into the cottage and walked across the room, he picked up the back pack which was placed on the small bed which Scott now rarely sleeps on.

He walked outside and stared into the horizon, his ears tilted upwards briefly and he smiled, he hugged towards the west side, the dried field crunching under his feets as he followed in a single direction.

He stopped beside a huge rock, some meters away from the stream and there, Scott sat, sharpening his huge sword, not noticing someone was behind him.

He frowned as he stared at the sword his son was sharpening.

"Where did you get that sword?"

He asked, startling Scott from behind.

"Ouch... You scared me father..."

Scott replied and he laughed, his throat burning with tension and his body taunted in nervousness.

Now his father had caught him with the sword he had been hiding for the past three years.

"Answer me A$$hole... Where did you get that sword?"

Father Mathias asked again, this time more louder than the last, making Scott flinch at the sudden outburst.

"Okay okay... I saw it four years ago when I was working at Death valley..."

"You did what? If the vampires get to know any of their weapons are missing, they will come looking for us!"

Father Mathias exasperated.

"Nah they won't, trust me..."

Scott answered with a smile and swung the sword expertly, he bent and pressed the button beside the sword's handle and it surprisingly shrunk, not more than a pocket knife.


Father Mathias sighed and threw the back pack he held in his hand at Scott.

Scott caught it expertly and felt the content in it.

"There's nothing in it, just go to the city and get me some Taròe"


“Uh. I just twisted my back while carrying Antelope, this expensive medicine can help with recovery.”Father Mathias Stared into the distance as if his attention was not there.

"In the city. Appolyon?"

Scott gasped in surprise, It's rare for a Werewolf to be in the city, it's only the vampires that occupied the city and the Supreme one is rumored to stay there.

The only werewolves that are allowed in the city are those with the silver medallion and luckily, Father Mathias has one..


Scott was very happy that Father Mathias gave him a privilege. "Oh C'mon father Mathias... I will be back before you even know it..."

Scott replied and took off.

Father Mathias sighed but he still couldn't get over the image of the sword.

"I hope it's not what I think it is..."


Elena walked briskly in the bustling street of the city, her black hood obscuring her face, She seemed to avoid people detecting her and strangely, no one seemed to see her.

She brought out a pendant from her hood and opened it, she sighed as the void space in the pendant still looked the same.

Where could he be?

She sighed and put it back in her pocket while she continued to roam the street.

The thought of the young man who had saved her life never left her mind.

There was something strange about him that seemed obscured, not even her spell could decipher what it was.

He was human, no doubt but possessing insane strength to easily outclass the Trolls were way out of it, he was fast and that silver sword... No, it couldn't be the sword...

His green hair and green sparkling eyes were Strange... Arrrrrrrrrrrrrgh! Frustrating! Nothing Could be more frustrating than looking for a mysterious man.

Thankfully, her spell of invisibility was strong, no one can see her or detect her entering the kingdom until he finds the mysterious man.

Suddenly a figure who had been running carelessly hit her from behind, pushing her away in the process and she was sent falling to the dusty ground while her pendant sprawled on the floor, an inch away from her finger.

Who the hell pushed her? But she was invisible!

"Oh sorry miss... I didn't see you earlier..."

The figure who had pushed her apologized and pulled her up from the ground.

She froze as she saw the figure, wait... It was the boy who had saved her... The one she was looking for! But what surprised her was...

" You can see me?"