
The Legend Of The Dark Demigoddess

A boy who suffered a lot of abuse from his father died and was reincarnated in another world as a girl. She got a loving and caring family, friends, and everything she never had. But happiness is not constant in any world. Tragedy befalls the naive Nyxia, resulting in her thirst for revenge. But can she survive this path? After all, Revenge is a one-way road with no comeback. ~~~~~~ Nyxia possesses extraordinary magical talent, making her one in billions. But is her talent solely innate? What about her unusual heritage, which manifested at the age of 15? Is her ability truly just a matter of talent? Nyxia has a sword that can transform into a crow, named Penance. She exchanged her right eye for it and now shares the vision of her missing right eye with Penance when it is in crow form. What is Penance? Why did it choose Nyxia? Uncover all of this by following Nyxia in this world of mysteries, magic, entities, and much more. And of course, the icing on the cake, peak Yuri.

San_Martins · Fantasy
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26 Chs

The Breakfast

I open my eye in the morning. Looking around I can see Claire still sleeping by my side.

I put on some clothes for my morning training routine and I go toward the backyard. In Claire's house, there is a bunch of maids working in the corridors and preparing things, most of them look at me weirdly when I pass.

I doubt that someone would try something but just to be sure I put Penance to watch over Claire.

I arrive in the garden and start to stretch my body. I could see from Claire's window but this garden is even more wonderful up close. In the middle, there is what they call a gazebo, a structure with a fence and a roof with chairs and one table. A person is sitting there with one maid by her side, probably one of Claire's father's wives. She looks similar to Claire so maybe her mother.

I pay her no mind and continue to run around the garden without using mana, it is better to keep the surprise element for safety purposes for now. Plus it is not necessary to use mana anyway, Im just training stamina using mana or not, it won't change the results.

After 30 minutes have passed I get my towel to wipe the sweat and make my way back to Claire's room. In the hallway I pass by Adrian and Kovan, they stop in front of me.

Were they waiting for me? 

"Get out of our house peasant, your existence here is a bother" Says Adrian angrily

I already knew my existence here was a bother. But most nobles tend to think that peasants have brain damage for some reason.

"No" I say apathetically while passing by them

They put on rage faces and Kovan tries to kick my ribs from behind but I grab his leg easily with my left hand. He didnt come to kill so it was a weak attack.

I let go of his leg. Adrian and Kovan seem shocked, I guess normal 15 years kids cant take this or something. They dont speak anything more as I continue to walk to Claire's room.

This was a little weak for a shakedown, maybe they suspect me and are trying to confirm something.

I arrive at Claire's room doorstep and I sigh. 

I can see what awaits me with Penance's eye, Claire is irritated like always.

I open the door Claire looks at me with anger but she doesn't say anything while reading her documents on the sofa.

"I saw you in the garden, that woman tried to talk with you?" She says in a low voice with a hint of anger

I walk to her and I sit with my legs open between her tights passing my hands into her back hugging her and resting my head on her shoulder.

She makes some weird happy noises and hugs me back in a lustful way.

"She didnt Claire" I say apathetically in a low voice close to her ear

"Mmm baby, you always know how to improve my mood" She says lustfully

It is not that hard. I rarely make the first move when it comes to this type of thing so when I do she gets very happy. It is not that I dont like doing the first move, but I admit that I prefer when she does it.

After this, I meditated for about 30 minutes and I could unlock my upper chest area, which took longer than most parts. Took a bath and changed clothes to my usual casual dress, the same I used to see the baron.

We will be going to eat breakfast with Claire's family. Claire insists on making a scene by bringing me maybe she has some kind of plan.

We arrive and it is a beautiful table, a rectangular huge table but most seats are not being used. Claire's father is sitting at the head of the table and sitting on his left and right side are two women, probably his two wives. Adrian and Kovan are sitting on opposite sides facing each other.

As expected her family seemed angry by my presence.

"Why are you walking around with this peasant? Cant you have a little bit of shame?" Says her father with a slightly angry tone

Claire laughs a little.

"You will understand soon enough Father" Claire says casually


On the top of a building in Venzerain, a shadowy figure holding a metal pipe could be seen. With a black cloak covering its whole body and eyes that resemble the eyes of a predator, he moves toward the edge of the building, on the horizon is a white mansion.

The figure lies on the floor and puts the pipe-like thing close to her eye. The figure's eyes glow slightly green and it's now seeing closer to the mansion. He could see a big window, inside a huge table with a family.

The figure is breathing calmly, waiting for his prey to arrive like a patient hunter.

Soon a woman with blonde hair enters the room, alongside a kid with black hair. They trade a few words before sitting down. The figure finds it strange that the kid sits down on the woman's lap but her line of sight is still perfect.

The kid makes a grim smile and the figure feels something bad, a feeling in its guts, but he needs to complete this mission, a kid cant stop him.

Suddenly the figure feels a stare, an intense stare coming from his side. When he looks to his left he put a puzzled expression. A crow is looking straight at him without moving a muscle.

The figure got distracted by its stare, lost in thoughts of what it could be. After a minute or two the figure wakes up and returns his attention to his prey but something is strange now, the kid is not there anymore. 

The feeling of something being wrong only grows and he tries to pack his things and run away but it is too late. There is something behind it, the figure puts the pipe behind and presses the trigger and an explosion happens letting out a projectile. It hits a person, but a person made of darkness, the person disappears and a sword appears on his neck.

The figure tries to fight but his right arm gets sliced in a blink and before it can scream in pain, a punch strikes its head making it go unconscious.


Easier than I thought it would be. It is using a rifle so I guess this dude has no experience in fighting really but there is something to say about his instinct. But a rifle... I heard about them in my past life but never saw one, I didnt know they existed here too.

Hopefully, he is not dead, I need to torture him and see what I get.

I grab him by the neck and drag him with me toward the mansion, he is bleeding a little and leaving a trail of blood.

Arriving at the mansion gate some guards open the gate with scared looks on their faces. I walk apathetically into the garden and then enter the house making a trail of blood through the whole path.

Some maids pass through me and give faint screams and run away. I pay them no mind and just continue to walk slowly toward the dining room.

When I get to the door, I open it slowly and walk inside. Everyone in the room gasped some in fear others in surprise but Claire seemed overjoyed.

"What is the meaning of this Claire?" Says her Father with a slightly angry tone

In their point of view, I just ran out of the room and came back with a no-arm guy after all, I understand his doubts. A shame but now they have a slight idea that Im not a normal kid.

"Sit down Father, the show is about to start let's hear" Says Claire with a mischievous tone

I throw the guy into the corner of the room with some strength making him wake up.

"Slow or fast, choose" I say apathetically

I walk toward Claire and I sit on her lap again. Claire feeds me with pancakes, my favorite but still loses to cake.

The assassin dont seem to be understanding. I put my hand forward and moved my index finger down, as soon as I did a tiny chain got out of his shadow piercing his stomach in a non-vital place.

"Who made the contract?" I say apathetically while Claire feeds me more

Everyone in the room is astonished.

"What contract?" Says the guy with a weak voice coughing blood a little

Sigh... but maybe this is a good opportunity to test a new trick.

I look at him and make a hand sing, putting my middle, ring, and inky fingers up and making my index form a circle with my thumb.

"Simple Void" I say

A circle of darkness surrounds the man slowly raising the walls and closing him inside. Everyone in the room gasped and Claire's father rose from his chair afraid.

Darkness is the absence. If a tree falls in the forest with no one to see or hear, did the tree really fall? Simple void creates a space where you cant see, hear, or feel anything. There is only a void, a place where you cease to exist.

I hardly can use this because of how slow it is and how much mana it costs but maybe in the future I could create an even bigger space. But there is a doubt in my mind. If I get stuck in the void with my enemy how would I leave? technically inside I dont exist which means that there is a chance of me getting stuck forever in non-existence. It is a paradox because if I dont exist the magic wouldnt too as it is made with my mana.

Claire put another piece in my mouth while she spoke.

"Father, dont worry, Nyxia is only handling an unwelcome guest" Says Claire mischievously 

I deactivate Simple Void and the man is back, but his face is completely emotionless. He is an empty shell, there is nothing inside his head, but he is crying, tears are falling nonstop in his expressionless face. 

I cant say for sure but inside the void, you dont exist, so the laws of space and time dont exist either. For us was only a few minutes but for him could be an eternity.

"Speak" I say with a cold voice

The man's voice is completely devoid of emotion as he speaks.

"Work for the nameless ones. I dont know who the contractor is, I have no information about the bosses. An inn on the east part of the city called Oasis, I go there and say the code to the keeper. Klevalagle Mezameglain Furetaizo" He says

So he is just a piece. From what I can perceive these nameless ones are serious and professional, nothing like Krag's gang back in Gevineia.

Adrian and Kovan seem nervous but Adrian is worse, he can hardly hide his anxiety. At the party last night I could have an idea but Adrian seems to be childish and reckless, Kovan on the other hand is more intelligent and composed.

Claire's Father seems to be amazed, he sits down and laughs a little.

"Daughter, where did you find this kid?" He says with a mischievous tone

When he talks like this remember me of Claire a little.

Claire laughs.

"As I said before, Nyxia is my wife, what do you think Father?" Says Claire mischievously

A woman on the left side gets up angrily and punches the table.

"Stop joking Claire! Who do-" She tries to say but Claire's Father hits the table and looks at her bloodshot

The woman sits down again in fear.

"I think you made the right choice Daughter, forgive me for my warsh words from yesterday, my eyes deceived me" Says Her Father, he almost cant contain his joy

As Claire said, im a monstrosity even among geniuses. No family would refuse a future powerhouse. Her father is a businessman after all.

"I will assemble the guards to this oasis inn right this instant!" Says Adrian getting up from his chair anxiously

"Sit down, before you trip again" I say with a cold voice

He is about to yell angrily but Kovan stops him. Going against me right now is not a good idea for them, Claire's father is backing me up too.

"I will handle it" I say apathetically

Adrian sits down again angrily

"Why we dont start by self-introducing to our new family member?" Says Claire mischievously

Knowing their names wouldnt hurt for sure.

Her father likes the idea and agrees.

"Im Marquess Perlonie Faeson. Welcome Nyxia" Says Her father gently

His attitude completely changed, thats is a little admirable as he is putting everything he feels underneath his family's strength.

The woman from the left speaks.

"Im Marchioness Cermine Kezle" She says

As I thought, people who are already nobles dont change their last name when married, as for peasants they acquire the last name of the person they married.

Now is the woman that I guess is Claire's mother on the right.

"Im The second wife, Tersa Beian" She says

She is mostly apathetic to everything. At least that is what I can see, maybe she is a snake like the others.

After that came Adrian and Kovan. They respect me a little more now, as Claire said before they care more about strength, and they cant really go against Perlonie's decision.

Now is my turn I guess.

"Im Nyxia, 15 years old" I say apathetically

"Baby! Are you not forgetting something?!" Yells Claire annoyed

Claire starts to pass her hand into my body and whispers in my ears.

"Baby say it please" Whisper Claire lustfully

Sigh... this is a little embarrassing. Whatever I guess.

"Nyxia Faeson" I say slightly annoyed

Claire makes some happy weird noises and rises from her chair carrying me happily spinning around. Everyone is looking at us weirdly but it is not an unknown fact that Claire is weird.

She put me on the ground and announced that we would be leaving, we had already eaten enough.

I stop in front of the assassin. As Penance is right now roaming outside the inn named Oasis I cant use it to kill this guy.

I put my right leg in the air on the side of his head and I kick his head making it twist and break. His head is now facing the opposite side of his body. Blood is flowing in his eyes and mouth.

I can see for an instant before leaving the room with Claire. Cermine is on the verge of throwing up her breakfast but controls herself. Everyone seems a little disgusted but Perlonie is laughing a little. His personality really resembles Claire's.

I should wait until night and go toward the Oasis Inn. Going all in without information would be dumb. I need to see what they can do first before eliminating the threat, and maybe I could get some information about the White Wolf.

This night seems promising.