
The Legend Of The Crescent Moon Sword

Choi Bai Lu, who lives in modern times, suddenly woke up as a different person. She suddenly found herself in the Joseon Dynasty, where she had to accept the fact that she had to live as a female warrior named Han Yuram. From a weak girl, she is now transformed into a strong and tough girl. She must guard the Sacred Waterfall from the gumiho who are trying to overpower it and try to find out about the existence of the legendary sacred red stone. On her journey, Han Yuram will meet great warriors who will accompany her to fight the gumiho. Can Han Yuram successfully protect the Sacred Waterfall from the gumiho? Will Han Yuram get the sacred red stone that has disappeared for 1000 years? Follow his journey full of challenges.

Kayinkayinn · Fantasy
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36 Chs

100 Nights Inn

"Rim~ah!!!" Choi Yeon shouted back which sounded thunderous, "give me back my banana!"

"No way! You monkey king!" Choi Rim stuck out her tongue at Choi Yeon and left.

"Yes!!! What kind of brother are you to steal his sister's banana!"

Choi Yeon tried to chase after her brother who had run away from her. However, because she was too focused on chasing her brother, Choi Yeon did not realize that she had stepped on the tail of an animal which turned out to be a wild pig. As soon as she heard the growling sound of the pig, Choi Yeon looked back.

"Ba . . .pig?!!!"

Choi Yeon shouted again. Hearing her sister's scream, Choi Rim stopped her steps, and turned to her sister who was running so fast.

"What's wrong, Yeon?"

"There are wild pigs chasing us! Run!"

"What? Aishh, you stupid monkey king!"

Choi Yeon and Choi Rim immediately shot up and went running as fast as they could to avoid the wild pigs, which started chasing them at an incredible speed.

"Why, Ling Fei?"

Lee Gon looked at his brother as if he heard something unusual.

"There's the sound of fast-moving footsteps heading our way," Ling Fei replied later.

"Is that our new enemy?" asked Lee Gon again when they were in the middle of their journey.

"I don't know, the footsteps are getting closer."

"Watch out, guys!" warned Taeshin.

Everyone was alert and prepared to pull out their weapons. As soon as he heard someone shout, Ling Fei warned Asahi that something behind him was approaching him.

"Asahi, watch out behind you!" shouted Ling Fei as he pointed behind him.

As Asahi looked back and prepared to attack, her lips accidentally came into contact with Choi Yeon's who was running to avoid being chased by a bab, much to the surprise of both of them.

"You pervert!" shouted Asahi who punched Choi Yeon so hard in the face that her body flew up and fell far away.

"Yeon~ah!!!" shouted Choi Rim as he saw his sister fly down so far, and was so shocked when he saw his sister accidentally kissed Asahi.

Seeing Asahi who accidentally kissed Choi Yeon indirectly, his friends looked gape, surprised, and so shocked. An upset Asahi immediately stared at his friends' faces with cold and very piercing eyes.

As soon as Asahi looked at all of them, Ling Fei and the others simultaneously averted their eyes and were busy with their impromptu activities, as they tried to distract themselves from what they had accidentally seen earlier.

"Aishhh, how rude of him!" Asahi grumbled again.

"Forgive my sister. She didn't do that on purpose. We were in trouble earlier. We were chased by a wild pig," Choi Rim tried to explain.

Asahi did not answer. Annoyed and embarrassed by the unexpected turn of events, he walked away quickly.

"Choi Rim? What are you doing in this area?" asked Taeshin as he approached him, who was looking at Asahi's departure.

"We met again," he said quietly and looked at Taeshin's face.

"What are you doing here?"

"We're on an undirected trip and just playing around. Once we get bored, we'll go somewhere else."

Choi Rim was forced to lie. Because how could he tell the truth if he, and his sister, had decided to follow them with a specific purpose.

"Are there many wild animals here?" Bai Lu asked innocently.

Choi Rim laughed with a flat expression. "My brother made a mistake earlier, which caused us to be chased by those wild pigs."

"Where is your brother now? I guess Asahi hit him really hard using his full strength." Lee Gon looked around for Choi Yeon.

"That's Choi Yeon. She's back, looks like she's not doing well."

Ling Fei looked at Choi Yeon who was walking towards them while holding her cheek which seemed to be bruised.

"Are you okay?" Choi Rim looked at her sister's face which looked pained and upset.

"You think?" Choi Yeon gave a sharp and cynical look.

"How are you?" asked Taeshin as he approached Choi Yeon and held her right shoulder, trying to look more familiar.

"No need to be familiar with me. We met two weeks ago, right?"

"What's wrong with me asking how you're doing?" Taeshin replied and did not seem to want to give in.

"Never mind, you don't need to argue. Yes, Choi Yeon! We just met them, don't make trouble again."

"Today I'm so unlucky, my banana was taken by you, chased by a wild pig, and accidentally kissed that two-braided woman. How annoying!!!" she grumbled, looking annoyed.

"You should apologize to Asahi," Bai Lu told her.

"Why apologize? I wasn't at fault! This was an accident. He should be the one apologizing for hitting me!"

"Never mind, there's no point in arguing with this monkey king. He'll never give in," said Choi Rim who seemed to be tired of her twin sister's childishness this time.

Bai Lu was silent and didn't dare to comment anymore. Because he was also quite tired of the big battles that had recently occurred frequently on his journey.

Asahi was seen running towards Bai Lu and the others while still in the gathering atmosphere. "Hey, all of you!" Asahi shouted with her breath caught in her throat.

"What's wrong, Noona?" asked Yeongwan as Asahi came toward her.

"I saw an inn up ahead."

"An inn? Why is there an inn in the middle of the forest like this?" Taeshin was a little suspicious of an inn suddenly existing in the middle of a dense forest like this.

"Let's take a look, shall we? I'm also very curious about the existence of that inn," Bai Li said, which was given a nod by his other friends.

After agreeing to go to the inn that Asahi had told them about, they all immediately rushed to the inn. When they arrived at their destination, the inn looked very mystical. It looked uninhabited, deserted, cold, dark, and unkempt.

"Are you sure you want to go in, Yuram?" asked Ling Fei to make sure.

"Let's just try going in, Fei~ah."

After deciding to go in, they paused for a moment in front of the main door. They saw a signboard that read 100 nights inn.

"It feels very familiar to the name of the inn," Choi Rim said quietly.

"Hey, Rim~ah. Are you sure you're going to go in and follow them?"

"I'm very curious about this inn, Yeon. Let's just go in."

Taeshin started to open a door made of teak wood that looked vulnerable and dirty. Once they opened the door, the situation inside the inn was completely different from what they saw outside. It was luxurious, grand, and there were also a lot of people passing by the inn.

The 100-night inn had 4 floors with 100 rooms, a tavern, a dining area, and one special room that looked suspicious, as it was in the far corner and slightly hidden.

"Amazing!!!" Lee Gon exclaimed in amazement as he saw the contents of the 100-night inn that looked amazing.