

The spark ! Was something I can't forget I know he was a speedstar but what if he was the guy am searching for for good fourteen years and I actually find out it nothing but him ,then were the hell he was doing does years ,what happened to him?_ how did he get superpower's . He is the fastest man alive, I can't say because he is not just a man ,a god,an animal,or an allian precisely . Then who the hell is him , can his body contain all this power ,what if he go rogue ,the entire country is in danger . All I want for him he should always be happy . He is too fast and he fly but never want to use it and there is a lot of secret powers inside of that is yet to unlock .with the darker side of him . He need to know what happened to him in fourteen years ,but in his eyes it was just 7years then why does the time different from earth,that explains it all he was a strange universe that has a different time . will shalom ready to face his past and learn from it . Dive in to our third book on TLOS stay tuned

Prince_Victorey · Action
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9 Chs

My brother

Instantly sam blank out , and the man in black quickly escape from the building.

Few minutes later shalom came and he found out that the sofa was not on it original position, then he went adjust it ,bthen his gaze move to the kitchen . and he found out that there was figure lieing lifelessness on the floor , he quickly went to the kitchen and found out that it was saminer.

WTF.. Who do this , he knew down to check his purse and found out it was still there, and he sighed ,thank God is alive . then sam started to open his eyes gradually and tears started to drop from his eyes.

What happened shalom asked and who knocked you out, I quickly rushed down here after you called me..

Yes shalom I called you the moment I saw figure .

Am do sorry sam I was a bit too late, to say the truth I don't use my speed I only act the way human behave, like boarding a cab .

Am not angry at you shal , it was really a good thing that you where not here on time. Huh !!!

The guy I encounter was no other person but my twin brother.

What !! Shalom exclaimed you never told me you have a twin .

"Yes because I am ashamed of my twin,sam replied. Because he is dangerous. He is working with the league of assassin ,with a dangerious and great leader RA-AL-GU .

NO WAY I think I came across that online .

He is more than that he was the one that train this superhero like batman in gohem city , green arrow in sterling city and Damien who happened to be his grandson the son of batman.

How did you know all this sam .

"He is my brother I kinda sneak in to his closet. Ohh shalom mouthed , but it sounds strange how did he know you're staying here ?shalom asked.

I don't know I think hmm. Wait a minute sam. Quickly remembered something and he went to his room and brought out s jacket and he checked it pocket and he found out that there was a tracking device on his pocket , he quickly took it to shalom, and shown it to him ,.

I have fall into my brother trap , but why is he tracking me unless he has found out where the amlet is.

What are you thinking sam shalom asked and sam replied i think I know why my brother put a tracking device on my ♭ coat because he is looking for a amlet that can take him to a strange planet he believe he can have superpower when he get there.

The moment sam mentioned amlet shalom heart ♥ skip why is someone after his amlet is not that he have explore what was inside of it but he was shock that a stranger know about the amlet, then he muttered within I have to keep it on a safer place before it fall on a wrong hand.