In ages past, two great forces clashed resulting in the birth of the four great realms. As two civilizations evolve without knowledge of each other, a war is waged in a realm parallel to earth between a good wizard and an evil Sword Master. Two centuries after the war, the son of the evil Sword Master rises to take the throne and plans to conquer earth. For this purpose, he begets a son who would lead his army in their conquest. However, this son grows to be kind and desires no meaningless battles. Little does he know that he is about to be dragged into an inter-dimensional war that threatens to destroy everything in existence.
In this world, there are many forces at work. Much more forces than humans realise. No matter how strong these forces are, there must always be a balance between nature and super nature. Nature consists of those things around us, the things we can see, the things we can touch. Nature is the outer part of all things. Super nature on the other hand is very different, it consists of the things within us, God, our souls, our inner power, that is Super nature.
Long ago, nature and super nature clashed. From this great clash, the realms were born. Four realms in total. Heaven, the realm above, Hell, the realm below, Earth, the Western realm and Endregen, the Eastern Realm. At the centre of these four realms was the great Indaishin Gate, an inter-dimensional gate used to travel to these four great realms and other sub-realms.
Heaven and Hell were created first and then Earth and Endregen came next. Earth and Endregen grew together but both realms knew not of each other. Earth inherited the will of nature and Endregen inherited the will of super nature. Thus humans who dwelt within earth grew to be materialistic whereas Endreginians grew to be spiritual. The Endreginians sought to grow stronger by taming Super nature. The more they sought power, the greater the existences they discovered.
The two great founders of Endregen discovered most. They were the great Wizard Alpheon and the Sword Master Abaddon. Wizard Alpheon discovered the existence of the Indaishin Gate and the other three realms. Sword Master Abaddon discovered the existence of the Galagan, great monsters from Hell who wanted to exist within the other realms, the Amooma, magnificent heavenly beings that could be summoned to aid Endreginians and the Sekan, powerful weapons that resided within the soul of an Endreginian.
The two men sought to hone their skills and outmatch each other. This competition turned into a war with both men having supporters behind them. When Abaddon discovered the existence of other realms, he sought to conquer them but Wizard Alpheon was against this idea so Endregen was turned into a battlefield. The more Abaddon's lust for power grew, the more his spiritual nature changed until Abaddon himself became a Galagan. He was so powerful that all Galagans submitted to his will.
The war waged on and it was obvious that Abaddon was winning. However the wheel of power turned when Wizard Alpheon travelled to the other realms and gathered four special items, an Amooma's feather from Heaven, a Galagan's horn from hell, a human's tear from Earth and a Sekan from Endregen. With his powerful magic he combined these four items and created the Z-Ex! The most powerful Sekan to ever exist. Then, Wizard Alpheon entrusted this Sekan to an earthly prince, Prince Arthur. This prince battled Abaddon's army with his six companions and Abaddon was defeated and sealed. Thus, balance was maintained between nature and super nature. However, unknown to all...Abaddon had a son, Gilgamesh who grew to be even more selfish than his father. It was after King Arthur's death that Gilgamesh revealed himself and conquered all of Endregen. The fortunate thing was that Gilgamesh loved beauty so the beauty of Endregen remained but the people were more or less slaves.
Gilgamesh then forced Wizard Alpheon into hiding, then he turned his sights to earth. Gilgamesh lacked one thing however, he lacked the power to travel to the other realms since he had grown so powerful that he could not pass through the Indaishin Gate, so he decided to have a weak son who could follow in his footsteps, then he would teach his son how to control his power so that he could travel to the worlds whenever he wanted. So Gilgamesh sent his most trusted General to earth to capture a human girl whose nature could temper his super nature. He would have a son with this girl and this son would be balanced in both nature and super nature.
Gilgamesh succeeded in having a son however unfortunately for him, this son had such great power that his mother died giving birth to him. Everyone was relieved because they felt Gilgamesh's plan had failed. Gilgamesh laughed at their ignorance for an evil as relentless as him knew:
"What greater way to temper power than to fill it with fear?"
Thus, he named his son Raygaard and filled his son with such great fear that Raygard never learnt how to harness his great supernatural abilities. When Gilgamesh saw how weak his son was becoming, he now sought to fill him with strength but Raygaard was different. He had no interest in power, all he wished for was to find the love he never had.