
THE LEGEND OF OSY:The greatest player to ever kick a ball

Osy, a raw talent from the dusty fields of Nigeria has a strong desire to make a mark in the world of football. However his ambitions collide with his parents hopes for him to pursue a career in medicine. Struggling between his passion and family expectations,Osy sets out on a journey to prove that his future is meant for the football field, not the profession. Come along as we delve into this captivating story of ambition, sacrifice and victory as Osy evolves into the greatest football player the world has ever witnessed. *NOTE* This novel has nothing to do with reincarnation , neither does it have anything to do with "system" or "magic/superpowers" This is a pure Sports Novel [Fast paced]. So if you are looking for a Novel solely based on Football, with a touch of drama, Adventure , fast paced Action and with a captivating storyline, then this Novel is for you.. [It's written in a 1st person's Pov] DISCLAIMER: All teams, clubs, players, and events depicted in this novel are purely fictional. The story is a work of fiction, and any references to real-world teams or events are used fictitiously.

Isibor_Osy · Sports
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35 Chs


The aftermath of the ambush was a scene of chaos and devastation. The road was eerily empty, save for the echoes of screams and groans of passengers in pain. Blood splatters stained the bus seats and floor, mingling with shattered glass. I glanced around, heart pounding, and realized I was somehow unhurt. The bullets had missed me.

"Jessica, are you okay?" I whispered, my voice trembling.

"Yes, I am. How about you?" she replied, her eyes wide with fear but otherwise unharmed.

"I'm fine," I said, relieved. "Just stay close."

"Who are these people attacking us?" she asked, worry etched in her voice.

"I don't know, they must be kidnappers," I said, my face showing a mix of fear and uncertainty.

Beams of flashlights swept across the bus, casting eerie shadows. One of the men, his voice commanding and cold, shouted, "Everybody get out!"

I peeked through the broken window and saw we were surrounded by armed men. The leader, a tall man with a rugged face and a deep scar running down his cheek, signaled to his men. They approached the bus with fierce determination, yanking the doors open and dragging passengers out one by one.

The men started from the front, pulling out passengers who writhed in pain. The leader opened the driver's seat fiercely and checked the driver's pulse. Finding him dead, he moved on. The dragging continued until they reached the back where Jessica and I were sitting.

"Come here," one of the men said as he grabbed Jessica by the hand and pulled her roughly.

"Leave her alone!" I shouted, my voice filled with anger and desperation.

A hard smack across my face turned everything black. I couldn't see anything.

When I regained consciousness, the roadside was shrouded in darkness, illuminated only by the dim beams from the bus's broken headlights. Blood stains and bullet marks marred the bus, and shards of glass glittered ominously on the ground. Ahead of us, three other buses stood desolate and empty-We weren't the only bus ambushed.

There were no incoming vehicles on the road- News of the attack had likely spread like wildfire, causing incoming vehicles to retreat.

Out of the passengers in our bus, eleven of us were unhurt. Those hit by bullets lay motionless. The leader, showing no mercy, walked among the injured, finishing them off with a pistol. The man's finger tightened on the trigger, the gun bucking in his hand as the bullet cracked through the air. Each shot echoed in the night, heightening the fear among us.

Screams of terror erupted from everyone as the injured passengers were executed. Jessica clung to me, tears streaming down her face. I tried to maintain my composure, knowing it was crucial in this situation.

"Shut up, everybody," the leader growled, his voice dripping with menace. "If I hear a sound, you will be the next to leave this earth."

He was tall and muscular, with a menacing presence. His scarred face was partially hidden under a black cap, and his eyes glinted with cruelty.

Everyone fell silent, the only sounds were muffled sobs and the rustling of leaves in the wind.

"Now move it," the leader barked.

We were herded into the thick bush, guided by the armed men holding powerful flashlights. The dense foliage formed a narrow pathway, forcing us to walk in single file. I stayed close behind Jessica, my mind racing. I had lost my phone in the ambush. My parents would be worried sick, wondering what had happened to me.

The pathway through the bushes led to a small, dilapidated building. It was a crude structure with peeling paint and boarded-up windows, illuminated by the flickering light of candles from inside. The sight was foreboding, a stark contrast to the darkness of the forest.

We were pushed inside, and the stench of damp and decay hit us immediately. The interior was dimly lit, with candles placed haphazardly around the room. The walls were cracked, and the floor was covered in dirt. We were led into a large room where five other hostages were already huddled together, their faces reflecting our own terror and uncertainty.

The door slammed shut behind us, and we heard the sound of a heavy lock clicking into place. We were trapped.

I looked around the room, trying to take in our new prison. The walls were lined with cobwebs, and the only light came from the sputtering candles. The other hostages looked as terrified as we felt, their eyes darting around the room, seeking any sign of hope.

Jessica and I found a corner to sit in, holding each other for comfort. The reality of our situation began to sink in, and the weight of fear and uncertainty pressed down on us. We were at the mercy of our captors, with no way to communicate with the outside world.

The hours dragged by slowly, each one filled with a sense of dread. The only sounds were the occasional whispers among the hostages and the distant noises from outside the building. I tried to stay calm, but my mind kept racing back to thoughts of my parents and what they must be thinking.

Would they know something was wrong? Would they call the authorities? The questions swirled in my mind, but there were no answers to be found.

Jessica's grip on my arm tightened. "What are we going to do?" she whispered, her voice trembling.

"We have to stay strong," I replied, trying to sound more confident than I felt. "We'll find a way out of this."

The night seemed endless, each minute stretching into an eternity. I glanced around at the other hostages, searching for any sign of hope or a plan. But everyone seemed just as lost and frightened as we were.

As the candles flickered and the shadows danced on the walls, I knew we were facing a long, uncertain ordeal. The fear of what lay ahead was overwhelming, but I clung to the hope that somehow, we would find a way to survive and escape this nightmare.

The room fell into a tense silence as we waited for whatever came next, our hearts heavy with fear and uncertainty.

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