
The Legend Of Magical Princess

Once upon a time, there was a beautiful kingdom called Wonderland. The king was blessed with a daughter who born in grace and intelligent. She is a very brave and talented princess. One day a messenger from Darkland come to see the king. The messenger brought a troupe of hand in marriage for the princess. The propose for this event is to build a new bond between the two kingdom as they have a bitter past. Will the princess be there to help the king? Are they going on a war? Or it will be an epic adventure? What will happened next? lets check this story out... Start: 9 November 2020 End: ?

Margenta_Violet · Fantasy
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4 Chs


Once upon a time, there was a land full of magic called Euthopia. Euthopia consist of 5 kingdoms. There were Wonderland, Fairyland, Queensland, Greenland and Iceland. All of the kingdoms lived harmoniously together.

Among the 5 kingdoms, there were two powerful kingdoms that had great power throughout Euthopia. These powerful kingdoms called Wonderland and Fairyland.

There was a forest that separated these two great kingdoms, it was called the Hidden Forest. The forest was very deep that would make whoever goes in may lost their track.

In the Hidden Forest, lived many horrendous beasts, deathly traps and eerie creatures. Legend says that there was a magical tree that grows in the forest. The tree holds mysterious power. It's called the 'Enchanted Tree'.

The 'Enchanted Tree' grew deep in the woods far from the people and lived among the creatures. The tree had a very powerful magic which consisted of fire, water, air, and earth.

Wonderland was a magnificent kingdom that held holy power. The king and his ancestry were blessed with divine magic that made them the ruler of Wonderland. Wonderland was ruled under the power of wind as the people believed that the king was the descendants of the Wind God, Aeolus. The kingdom lived a peaceful life. Everyone was very kind and helpful. But, this harmonious land didn't last long until a war broke out resulting the people and the environment on the land suffered badly.

A hundred years ago

A brutal war broke out in the land of magic. It was between Wonderland and Fairyland. This war was the most scariest war ever happened in Euthopia. Many innocent people suffered and died in the war.

In the war, Fairyland was badly defeated by Wonderland. Fairies in the Fairyland got cursed. All of them were transformed into wicked witches. Those bodacious and lovely living forms turned into monstrous beasts and poisonous plants.

Thus, the Fairyland turned into the Darkland. The atrocious kingdom consisted of all dark arts and awful creatures. Everyone was scared to set foot in this odious kingdom. There are also horrifying stories that tell whoever go to the Darkland will never return.

A decade later

King Jonathan of Darkland wanted his glorious kingdom back. Therefore, he and his army attacked Wonderland. King Arthur on the other hand was prepared with thousands of army to protect Wonderland.

King Jonathan was badly injured. But that didn't stop him from revenging for his kingdom's sake. He ended the life of King Arthur with his sword.

"This is the end, Arthur. I will take my throne back!", said King Jonathan.

"Why do you have to start this war? Killing poeple won't solve anything. You have to stop this!", said King Arthur.

"What did you say? I have to stop this? Did you see what your father has done to my kingdom? He ruined everything! And now..it's time for me to take revenge!", said King Jonathan.


Those kings fought each other.

"You have to stop this war Jonathan. There's still time for you to change your mind", King Arthur said.

"I WILL NEVER HOLD BACK like last time, and I WON'T CHANGE MY MIND!!", King Jonathan said furiously.

"HIIIAAAARRRRRRGGGGGHHHHH.....!!", King Jonathan attacked King Arthur.

"Farewell..King Arthur...shingggggggggg..!!", King Arthur was killed by King Jonathan.

"One day my descendant will avenge for me", said King Arthur.

"Nooooo!.....FATHERRRRR!!", King Arthur's son, Prince Edward screamed.

"To The king!", said one of the soldiers from Wonderland.

"Father..father...wake up.. I'm here..", said Prince Edward.

"My Son... Take care of our kingdom. Remember this, war isn't always the answer. Be a wise king and a good father. I'm sorry for everything I've done. Goodbye my Edward", said king Arthur with a smile before his last breath.

"No..noo..father..wake up! Open your eyes.. please.. NOOOOOO!!!", Prince Edward cried out.

"Ohh..Look at you..So pity.. You must be his son right? Hahahahahahaa!!", King Jonathan laughed at Prince Edward.

"I'm... King Edward Jaiz...WILL TAKE REVENGE for what you've done to my father!", said Prince Edward.

"You...A king? Don't make me laugh. A king like you would never survive in this world. You're weak and pathetic. Just like your father", said King Jonathan sarcastically.

"Hiiiarrggghhhhhh! You've killed my father. HOW COULD YOU!!", said Prince Edward angrily.

"You want to fight huh? Let's see who is the truly king!", King Jonathan said.

"Shinggg...shinngggg...shhriinnggggg!", those two fought.

"Arghhhh!", yelp Prince Edward.

"Hahahahahaa! Such a weakling", scorn King Jonathan.

"My lord! We need to retreat. Our kingdom is being attacked by the Red Moon", said King Jonathan's right-hand man.

"Hmphh...", King Jonathan sighed.

"Be prepared... this is just the beginning...Prince Edward!", said King Jonathan.

"Prince are you alright? Oh noo...you got injured! We need to get to the infirmary", said Admiral Dylan.

"He's too strong", said Prince Edward.

King Arthur's son, Prince Edward tried to fought back but it was to late. King Jonathan had retreated to his Darkland. Therefore, the victory sided to the Wonderland. King Arthur's corpse was taken back to the palace for burial. That's the end of the bloody war.