
The Legend of Lio

Synopsis: In a far-off futuristic realm at the peak of the love of football, where futuristic technology and ancient magic coexisted, a young football prodigy named Lio thrived. His talent on the field was unmatched, drawing awe and admiration from all who witnessed his skills. However, jealousy festered in the heart of his best friend, who sabotaged Lio during a crucial scouting match. The betrayal led to a severe injury leaving Lio handicapped. As he fell from grace, anger and determination fueled his spirit. Gradually, Lio envisioned a path of revenge, a quest that would lead him to unexpected realms beyond imagination, pushing the boundaries of sports and magic alike. Would he rise to the challenge, and conquer the world of football as the star he was born to be? or will he fail and let the ones who wronged him have their way over trampling on his dreams.

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59 Chs

Chapter 42: Dominance Unleashed

The locker room buzzed with the excitement of a narrow lead and the fierce determination to hold onto it. Lio sat on the bench, trying to shake off the lingering tension from the Black Talons' underhanded tactics. As the team prepared for the second half, Coach Gadiona approached him, brows furrowed in a look of both admiration and concern.

"Lio," Coach said, his voice low but intense, "you've been playing like a beast out there. I can't believe you're doing this well, especially considering the debuff you're carrying. Most players would have crumbled."

Lio gave a tired but confident nod, brushing a hand over his arm where the talon striker had left that cursed sensation. "It's been... a challenge," he admitted. "But I wasn't going to let them get away with it."