
Unexpected Turn of Events

The dark world was not actually as dark as the name suggested. Actually, it was a beautiful land far different from the one Ochieng' and his companions came from. The whole place was reminiscent of autumn. The plants, the earth and everything around was just red. The winds that swept past the spacecraft carried the red leaves along with them.


Even though Ochieng' and his companions were in shackles, their eyes could not help but light up in amazement upon seeing the world they were in from the transparent windows of the spacecraft. Even though this place was different from their land, it was beautiful in its own way.

"Where are you taking us to?"

Since the place was just full of one colour, the group was quickly bored. Ochieng' could not help but ask the women coldly. He had been angered by the fact that he was captured by women he did not know. For all this time, he was silent, not uttering a single word. He could not hold it any longer and if he did not get a satisfying explanation, the world would feel the wrath of the legendary Ordainers. Unfortunately, he did not get an answer.

"I asked, where are you taking us to?"

This time, his voice was louder and his look changed to a savage one. He started struggling to free his hands, swinging his body in a bizarre manner. Veins of different sizes bulged out of his entire skin giving him a dangerous vibe. His eyes became red and he looked like someone in great pain. The six women felt an ominous feeling rising in their hearts and they started panicking. Without warning, they sped up the spacecraft. However, they were too late...

Bright light appeared on Ochieng's eyes before spreading in the entire ship. The handcuffs shackling Ochieng' snapped as though small pieces of string. Before anyone present understood what was happening, an explosion occurred.


Following that, small parts of the spacecraft filled the air and everyone was sent flying several meters away. Everyone fell in a sorry state before spurting mouthfuls of blood. White clouds filled the point of explosion. A man, currently sodden with perspiration stood quietly within the clouds. After a few seconds, he fell on his knees, looked towards the sky and roared.

The sky darkened causing the surrounding temperatures to fall. Anomalous strands of lightning started falling from the sky to cover the young man. The injured Kuru, the six women and the five beasts rose to their feet just to have a clear view of what was happening. They completely disregarded their pain.


The Great Saint was busy conducting a ritual to help Mboya, Okeyo, Mwiga, Apeleka and her two companions acquire strength suitable for the war ahead of them. The Holy Chambers was quiet except for the slow and careful incantations of Great Saint.

The Holy Chambers of the Hall of Righteousness was located at the fifth floor. It was one of the most exquisite places in the Hall of Righteousness. It was divided into two parts; where the head of the Hall of Righteousness dwelt and the Holy Chamber which covered three quarters of the entire floor. The Holy Chamber was a large room with blue and yellow curtains arranged alternately across the walls. The curtains were two meters wide and four meters long each. The walls of the chamber were about four meters long, so, they were all covered. The floor was made of white shiny tiles and at the very centre, there was a round pool of water of around three meters in diameter and only a half a meter in depth. The pool emitted white smoke all year round, an indication that the clear water inside was ever warm.

It was said that the floor was constructed by saints sent by the One from above himself. The water was however poured from the heavens to the pool. Legend had it that drinking the water removed toxins from one's body and thus increasing one's lifespan significantly. However, drinking from the pool was no at all easy, for extremely difficult incantations had to be made before. That was the reason why only Ordainers got the opportunity of drinking the contents of the pool once they were ready to go and fight the Black Fiends.

This was the floor where the Ordainer was cleansed before meeting the One from above in the top most floor. It was also the floor where scrolls containing secrets of Ordainers was hidden. The chamber looked empty with only the pool of water but in truth, there were shelves on the four walls which contained those scrolls and other artifacts that were only useful to those around the Ordainer. They were invisible because a spell was cast on them.


Great Saint's voice was crescendoing and his face started showing signs of contortion. It was apparent that things were becoming difficult, even for himself. The five humans that sat cross-legged around the pool of water started trembling uncontrollably. The bird on the right shoulder of a young woman was looking more miserable. The general guardian nevertheless tried as much as possible to sail through this difficult process.

"Cough! Cough! Cough!"

It was not as easy as he thought it would be. The general guardian coughed painfully three times before spouting dark red blood. The others passed out living the general guardian standing there without knowing what to do. He was just about to go and help those people when his vision turned dark.

When he came to, the site that welcomed his eyes made him feel fainthearted and he felt like crying:

The large beautiful room a moment ago had been reduced to nothing but a large room with broken tiles, walls with black patches all over, the beautiful pool was now an empty hole full of ashes. Scattered within the messy floor were people who were covered with ashes. If they were not gasping for air like he saw them do, one would have thought that they were all dead.

"What have I done?"

The general guardian widened his eyes in incredulity. He knew he would succeed, especially after he was instructed by the One from above herself. Who could have thought that the difficulty was that exaggerated!

"I should help them before it is too late."

He was a saint and his recovering ability was far-fetched. He immediately stood up and tried his magic but to his surprise, he was as powerless as any other ordinary men found everywhere in Keniya.

"Supreme Monarch, tell me you are pranking me and I will go back to my palace and have a good time with my wife."

This time, he cried. He was now tired, scared and exasperated at the same time.

If he knew that even the Supreme Monarch was even more surprised than he was, maybe he wouldn't have been that devastated.