
The War

After having a duel with Ochieng' two weeks ago, the guardians of the Crimson land had gone to the Lord of darkness's palace to train. It seemed like they had won the previous battle but in reality, they had also incurred some injuries. If Ochieng' did not flee, maybe he would have sent almost all of them to the Netherworld. Since then, the Crimson world had been so calm that no one could believe that a terrible war was due.

At a certain area in the Crimson land, many Black Fiends alongside their leaders gathered to train. Their leaders spent their nights trying to be stronger every day. The High Priest had been missing alongside the Ordainer. His golden staff was required for a few rituals but it couldn't be found. Another could be crafted but to find someone to take over the position was akin to looking for a pin in a field of grass. This had made some of the leaders of the dark world feel like they could fall apart.

They were busy doing their normal things when from the south, they saw one of the aerial creatures they used as messengers approaching. It's speed, look and style of flight signified only one thing: an incoming pandemonium.

Everyone stopped to wait for whatever message it had. When it landed, it delivered its message immediately, "They are here. The humans are here. They have come prepared and the men patrolling the barrier are already dead. The Central Province is already in chaos, the people there are also dead. They are heading North and I am sure the results are not going to be any different from what I saw earlier. You must hurry and do something."

"You have done well Messenger. Have you contacted Keeper? You know you should coordinate with him before coming to look for us." One of the leaders asked with a meaningful yet serious look.

"The Keeper serves us no more, one Guardian God killed him just a week ago. He had been killing our people without reason." The Messenger answered.


The Messenger surprised the leaders with that kind of news. Without wasting a second, they left the place and headed North.

The Black Fiends had grim faces as they travelled. Those faces constantly changed from solemn to sorrowful ones and vice versa as the journey continued. Along the way, lands that had been vibrant in the past were quiet and corpses of their tribesmen were scattered all over. The crimson trees had withered leaves and continuous chirping of birds was absent. Fear crept into the hearts of those Black Fiends and strength left them the more they travelled.


While the Black Fiends made their way towards North, the five remaining Guardian Gods had already descended on Crimson land.

"This time, we are going to end his life." One of them smiled confidently.

They had lost two of their members and after witnessing Ochieng's strength, they knew a terrible fight was going to happen. Even so, after training alongside Lord of darkness for two weeks, they were confident of victory.

The five Guardian Gods glowed as they flew towards North. Their speed was so high that no mortal could see them. It did not take them long to arrive. They found seven humans and six peculiar beasts locked in an intense battle with leaders of the dark world. What was more strange was what those humans used as weapons. On top of a hill nearby, they saw a young man seated cross-legged enjoying the show with a smile and eyes closed. From time to time, he would lift his right hand and a few Black Fiends would die.

"Ordainer!!" One of the gods shouted.

Before this god shouted, they made sure to make the Black Fiends capable of seeing them without dying. Otherwise, they would have involuntarily helped their enemies. The Black Fiends and the humans were preoccupied, they didn't even see the gods.

Ochieng' turned his head towards the gods with his eyes still closed before ignoring them altogether.

"You imbecile. Today is the day we send you to your ancestors." One of the gods shouted angrily before charging towards Ochieng'. The others followed.

When they were just about eighteen feet from him, he opened his eyes and stood up. Not expecting to be attacked, his guard had been down all along. He was sent flying to a nearby valley where the others could not see them. The gods did not expect to hit him, they followed excitedly.

"This time, only one strong man is going to be left standing."

As soon as the five men arrived at the valley, they saw Ochieng'looking at them with blood-red eyes. He looked angry and what he would do next was unknown.

"Cut the crap and let us end this young man." A god spat.

The young man and the gods started by fighting barehanded. One against five was unimaginable but Ochieng' was doing quite well. His speed, timing and reflexes made him beat the five gods without them landing a blow on him.

Feeling strength leaving them, the old men decided to use their powers. One of them started releasing green energy that looked corrosive. Another released water, another wind, another sand and another lighting. These energies were sent towards Ochieng' with a force so great that the surrounding vegetation dried before turning to dust. Ochieng' who had retreated a few steps back cast a defensive barrier around him.

When the energies landed, even though Ochieng' managed to neutralise them, the barrier was destroy and he was forced to retreat several steps before stopping to throw a few mouthfuls of blood. This is when he knew that the real battle was beginning. He was just about to use his powers when he saw the men fast approaching him with glowing bodies, even before he did anything, they were already on top of him, trying as hard as possible to suppress him. He cast another defensive barrier, but that was destroyed not too long later and he was forced to lie down and bare with everything the gods did.

'If this continues, I am going to die'. Ochieng' thought worriedly. He therefore gritted his teeth and forcefully stood up. Lifting his hands, he opened his palm and what followed next was the five old men being blasted in five different directions before falling miserably on the ground sending clouds of dust in the air.

"The fight has just begun and like I said, the strongest will remain standing."

With a stern face, Ochieng' said coldly, his figure standing straight. He looked like a god ready to destroy a whole planet. When the miserable old men saw him, fear crept into their hearts.