
The Gods

As soon as Ochieng' disappeared, the five men heaved huge sighs of relief. Even though it seemed like they held the upper hand, they knew better than anyone that Ochieng' could very well kill them like the other two. They also went back to where they had come from.


A week had gone by since Ochieng' had a battle with the six old men. Since then, the Crimson land had been peaceful and no one dared crossed the barrier to go to Keniya. It seemed like they had given up but in truth, they were making preparations.

Almost everyone living in Keniya had been taken to the deserts of Northern areas. The chosen wizards had build a camp with magical tents for them. The citizens of Keniya did not like the idea of living far from their homes, the camp was therefore filled with gloomy people who were not interested in whatever thing that was done to them.

The acting leader of the chosen ones decided to tell these people about Ordainers and the crisis that was in the offing. The populace could not believe their ears but they never had better choices. Okeyo, Mboya, Mwiga, Apeleka, Jakony and Labosa were there to help the chosen ones. With them, things were extremely smooth for the wizards and witches.

Kuru, Oyamo, Jade Eagle and the four lions had gone to where the tribe heads, seers, warriors and medicine men of different tribes had been stationed. This was after they had gone to deal with Black Fiends only to realize that they had been saved the trouble. They had told these people about the impending war and they all had been diligently training.

Ratong' was busy showing a certain warrior a swords skill at a certain corner of the training ground. It slapped that fellow with its wings when he made a mistake, scold him angrily sometimes, nod in approval other times... the warrior longed for the end of the session for he did not like it. The lion lifted its massive left wing to hit the warrior when it saw something that made it halt its movements. Within the crowd, he saw someone who caught his attention.

"Ochieng' is here?" It's eyes lit up in excitement.

Leaving the confused warrior behind, the lion rushed towards Ochieng' with a speed so great that its wings almost snapped. Kuru, Oyamo and the other beasts also noticed Ochieng's presence. They rushed towards him and the two humans hugged him tearfully as the animals licked him joyfully. They were extremely happy. This left all the warriors looking in wonderment.

"Take me to the deserts of the Northern areas." Ochieng' requested after they were done with the pleasantries.


The Supreme Monarch had been despondent since Ochieng' was taken away from them. When that happened, she made a move personally and went to the firmament to let them know her plans. However, shortly afterwards, the Hall of Righteousness collapsed and all the Saints were rendered powerless. Her despondency shot to the peak after the connection between the young man and the heavens was terminated without warning. The Maker of Ordainers—her fourth brother—who had been responsible for taking care of the Ordainers had always locked himself in his room since he lost track of Ochieng' a week ago.

Today, the Supreme Monarch had decided to invite his five brothers to discuss something important. This was after the Heir of Communication gave her a vital information earlier that day. The Heir of Communication had most of his spirits wandering in Keniya, watching over that land so that he would know everything that was happening there at any given time.

In a small hall within the heavenly palace, a round wooden table rested in its center. Around the table were chairs made of gold. Five men and a young woman were currently sitting on those chairs. The table was filled with trays of delicacies mortals could never think of. These were the remaining six immortal gods of Keniya.

The eldest was the Heir of Wisdom, the wisest of all the immortals. He saw things in several different perspectives. Because of him, the palace was always at peace and it was run smoothly.

The Acme Prophet was the second immortal. He was the prophet of the palace and saw the future. Through him, these immortals communicated with people who were even more supreme to them.

The third was the Maker of Ordainers. He was responsible for the births, well being, trainings and burials of the Ordainers. The fourth was the Heir of Seasons; a god responsible for the two seasons known in Keniya. The rains dropped thanks to him. Draughts were all there thanks to him.

The fifth and the youngest of the brothers was the Heir of Communication. Supreme Monarch was the youngest and the only girl in that family.

Lord of darkness was known as Heir of elements before he was forced to flee the heavenly palace. While still there, he could use wind, fire, water and lightning to do whatever he wanted He was also capable of manipulating time and space. However, falling out with his siblings also meant giving up most of his powers. Since he was also smart, he still managed to obtain most of those powers to help him defeat his brothers and sister.

The six were currently seated at the table waiting for what the Supreme Monarch had in mind.

"Brothers, greetings." The young lady greeted before diving straight to the point, "The Ordainer has appeared and he is now more powerful than he should be even at his peak. However, he is injured and can barely use all his powers. What should we do?"

Maker of Ordainers was really excited upon hearing that the Ordainer had appeared. Upon learning that the young man was injured, he wanted him brought to the palace. He even forgot that that was quite impossible.

After a serious discussion, the gods agreed that Ochieng' would be taken to the Saint land where Maker of Ordainers and the Heir of Seasons would help Ochieng' heal. After that, the gods would meet again to find a way of helping Ochieng' help them win the impending war.