
The legend of Imperial Concubine Li

Male main mother Li Yuqi is only square mainland the first female county king, is also a famous female general, under the yu Rong jun, but also zhzha side of the yu Rong county king. In the ceremony of sacrifice to the king of the jade rong county, she accidentally learned that the king of the jade rong county is not dead. As clew ceaseless clear, found still in the world of yu rong county king. At this time tying and male master involved in a generation of power disputes and love hate disputes, but the power of the East Yue country by prime Minister Ling Qi day master, the war of a servant rebellion let she found a place called the sound of the phoenix building. Ming huang building let she understand the reincarnation and gods and demons, more that the king of jade rong county for men and she respectively left the ancient god beast. She was caught in the plot of The Three Kingdoms, with the change of the situation, she broke into the danger alone, and men looking for the ancient god beast. Looking for the ancient gods is to verify the experience of the myth stories in the prehistoric times. After taming the gods in the Book of Mountains and Seas, the heroine sat down on the ink unicorn, with both sexes of the whip in her hands, and under her hands were the guards of the royal beast, the royal bird, the royal insect and the gods. [including: Fuxi, nuwa, taihao, less exposure, gluttony, poor, a legendary fierce beast, chaos, Hou, real talent of cattle, the Jian, yazi, pu prison (nine dragon son) 】 she (Gui) by the memory of agents and fighting force, collaborative men's son (less) in the mainland, also found the rebirth and the flood period, through time and space to Venus, discover the secrets of the hand that mends, the battle of the gods, Also personally experienced hou Yi shot the sun, Yao Shunyu took the throne (zhushu ji nian contained) of the historical events, and personally see Fu Xi Taihao's son Shao Hao, Fu Xi and Nu Wa reincarnation, as well as shao Hao experienced the evil fight between gods and demons.

Na_Ni_2918 · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 24 The Officials

Li Xiao yu cleared his throat and continued to say, "the son of the royal clan, hang down his head and wait for descendants, hou is LAN, is for the emperor. Vassals were actually superior to vassals. Your Majesty is emperor and calls himself "I"; Vassal states, claiming not valley; The vassal princes are the clans, claiming to be widows and orphans."

Pa pa, Mu Yunzhao clapped his hands, a face praise "it seems that the King of qi palace just don't understand the size of the building, but understand the country."

Li Xiao yu looked proud. "That's natural. Just listen to me and don't interrupt my duke-in-law, Bozi male fifth Jue."

Mr. Muyunzhao made a motion to invite.

Li Xiao Yu proudly continued, "Under the master of Heaven and the priest, bow his head and wait for the oracle, bo is mian xia, is the zong. Under the nobles, they bowed their heads and waited for king Xin.

Mu Yunzhao light a smile "military rank, advise you or good to learn a study is, or is it not to laugh off big teeth? You are not afraid of being disgraced, but the king is your husband, so you might as well be reminded."

Li Xiaoyu looked at Muyunzhao and smiled, damn Muyunzhao! Hold enough strength to give oneself ugly, really hate!

Li Xiaoyu stopped Muyunzhao's way and looked up at him stubbornly, "Since you promised me, you will explain to me what is the difference between the pavilions, pavilions and singing and dancing waterside pavilions. You promised me you couldn't go back on your word like this!"

Mu Yunzhao looked at Li Xiao Yu so stubborn appearance, helpless sigh, this proud wench, the serious time is not serious enough, should not be serious when always inexplicable serious, really interesting and contradictory wench film.

Li Xiaoyu said angrily, "Hey, did you hear what I said? I don't like people who break their word! '

Mu Yunzhao negative hand after pointing not far away to repair is very luxuriant tent said, "the lords plain brocade house, 輤 reed mat house, this house is commonly known as the cloth tent. This windowed tent is also called xuan House, which is xuan toilet. Xiao xiao, this king saw you drink a lot of tea, and staring at this king painted a lot of landscape splashed ink, should be urgent? Can go to that xuan house convenient convenient, slow slow, how?"

Li Xiaoyu glared at Muyunzhao. Is this guy uncomfortable every day he doesn't look bad in front of the public? Look at him that complacent appearance, really want to strangle him! Her face, watched by the servants, gradually turned as red as blood.

Kid rossie MuYunZhao was continue to jade, a gray-haired, dressed in inky jinyi, take dust eunuchs with two little eunuch came in a hurry, little eunuch bowed their heads and holding a tray made of mahogany, with a big bucket of water on the plate to the MuYunZhao bent over, the face wrinkled face mounded smile, will he have poor eyes packed into a small slit.

"Congratulations to the Duke of Qi, congratulations to the Duke of Qi..."

"Where does joy come from?" Mu Yunzhao proudly raised his head, put down his brush, and looked intently at the smiling Yan father-in-law.

Yan father-in-law is, after all, the king of the East Yue mu Yunjie around the big eunuch, nature is a human essence, the face did not change, voice did not tremble "this first joy, nature is your double happiness, humanity is a night of small entrance, life is extremely happy, nature is congratulatory. And this second joy, naturally, is the Emperor tonight for you to prepare a cleaning dinner, you are still the dragon is not reduced, nature is congratulatory."

Father-in-law Yan took the tray and handed it to the butler of the Qi palace, waiting for Muyunzhao's instructions.

"Well, you've got a mouth to say, here's a gift from the King." Muyunzhao took the ring off his hand and put it into Yan's hand, smiling.

"Lord Qi still cherish our family as always, this carriage we have brought for you, according to your requirements, there are bianzhou silk inlaid with gold high soft pillow and Liangcheng nanmu carved flower roll Angle case, also specially prepared for you this dragon sandalwood incense." Yan put the ring into his sleeve and grinned.

"Well, the king knows your filial piety, you lead the way."

Muyunzhao took a few steps and took a look at Li Xiaoyu. His handsome face was like the first time they knew each other. "Lord Hexin of Xilin, you are welcome to the palace of Qi by yourself, and you are also the fiancee of the king.

Li xiaoyu frowned and looked at Muyunzhao. Was muyunzhao trying to make himself the target of his arrows? She and Muyunzhao just came to the east Of the state of Qi palace but an hour, the ass did not sit hot, the east of the state of qi Muyunzhao was very eager to send someone to pick up Muyunzhao to the palace, even did not let Muyunzhao himself to prepare a carriage, directly sent a carriage to pick up. So eager, I am afraid that the water in the palace is very deep, and around this mu Yunzhao's side is not inevitable.

The evening month pulled the sleeve of Li Xiao yu, just monarch and Qi Wang talk very happy, and even gradually into the shape of a good situation, she just in the side of the quiet imitation if there is no general. But now, the princess wants to enter the palace, she vaguely has a feeling, that feeling is not good, very bad, it seems to happen what general.

Li xiao jade patted the hand of the evening month "no matter, about I want to live in this Qi palace, you help me do next xiaoxiang room good, rest assured."

Rossie jade also know that this is some dangerous, but not with the evening together with the palace, after all their haven't with MuYunZhao dedication of the meeting the bride, not husband and wife, the dongyue countries and west countries at war for many years, now in losing victim to sum, what qualifications, palace in dongyue walking around with a maid?

Muyunzhao looked at the eager evening, he frowned, faint said, "Evening, listen to your master, the king's brother only sent a carriage, even the king can not take you to the."

Li Xiaoyu wrinkled his eyebrows and could not help thinking. Could this muyunzhao have any deep meaning?

She raised her head and muyunzhao looked at each other, Muyunzhao's eyes are very beautiful, from the corner of the eye to the end of the eye, the lines are very fresh and smooth, like the ink line of meticulous brushstroke, flexible and graceful. Black and white eyes, crystal clear without color, the ink painting general romantic eyes, light and shadow flow, vaguely telling what.

Only a glance, she then heart has a little clear, afraid is this palace inside of a turbulent waves. These are still waters, most of all reefs and eddies, so be careful not to get caught up in them.

This palace is full of pear trees, the fluttering of the pear flowers, small small flowers in full bloom, can if white jade, jiao if bright moon, clean if crystal, clear if gem.

A woman walks slowly below pear flower tree, this woman wind bun dew temples, weak sweep crescent eyebrow, ogle eye contains spring, the skin is fine embellish, if soft light is oily, cherry small mouth is not dot and red, delicate and charming if drop, cheek edge two strands of hair silk, blow with the wind face, by add a few minutes attractive amorous feeling, a suit plain white skirt, waist is not filled hold.