
The legend of Imperial Concubine Li

Male main mother Li Yuqi is only square mainland the first female county king, is also a famous female general, under the yu Rong jun, but also zhzha side of the yu Rong county king. In the ceremony of sacrifice to the king of the jade rong county, she accidentally learned that the king of the jade rong county is not dead. As clew ceaseless clear, found still in the world of yu rong county king. At this time tying and male master involved in a generation of power disputes and love hate disputes, but the power of the East Yue country by prime Minister Ling Qi day master, the war of a servant rebellion let she found a place called the sound of the phoenix building. Ming huang building let she understand the reincarnation and gods and demons, more that the king of jade rong county for men and she respectively left the ancient god beast. She was caught in the plot of The Three Kingdoms, with the change of the situation, she broke into the danger alone, and men looking for the ancient god beast. Looking for the ancient gods is to verify the experience of the myth stories in the prehistoric times. After taming the gods in the Book of Mountains and Seas, the heroine sat down on the ink unicorn, with both sexes of the whip in her hands, and under her hands were the guards of the royal beast, the royal bird, the royal insect and the gods. [including: Fuxi, nuwa, taihao, less exposure, gluttony, poor, a legendary fierce beast, chaos, Hou, real talent of cattle, the Jian, yazi, pu prison (nine dragon son) 】 she (Gui) by the memory of agents and fighting force, collaborative men's son (less) in the mainland, also found the rebirth and the flood period, through time and space to Venus, discover the secrets of the hand that mends, the battle of the gods, Also personally experienced hou Yi shot the sun, Yao Shunyu took the throne (zhushu ji nian contained) of the historical events, and personally see Fu Xi Taihao's son Shao Hao, Fu Xi and Nu Wa reincarnation, as well as shao Hao experienced the evil fight between gods and demons.

Na_Ni_2918 · Fantasy
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26 Chs

Chapter 1 The Fallen Infanta

"Princess, princess, wake up..."

Ears spread a burst of call, Li Xiao Yu ho opened his eyes, coldly swept to the voice of the place. She was surrounded by strange surroundings, and in front of her was a little girl in an ancient costume.

Night, blood, broken limbs... The pictures flashed in my mind. Isn't she dead? She remembers inhaling poison gas after being betrayed by a partner during an underground assassination deal. Now it looks like she did.

A memory that did not belong to the information of her time was forced into her head and she fell back to the ground.

"Princess, princess, how are you?" The little girl caught her and sobbed, "Infanta, infanta... If you don't wake up again... The evening moon is not alive... Whoops."


By pressing his painful head, Li Xiaoyu had accepted the situation. As the world's top ranking killer, no matter what kind of situation, can do calm, quickly adapt to the environment.

"Don't cry, I'm not dead yet." Li Xiaoyu held his sore head and said, "Xi... Moon, right? Bring me some water."

"Oh ok, princess, you rest for a while and I'll get you some water."

For water? Looking for?

Only then did Li Xiao Yu notice that the place she was in was a mess, full of people dressed in rags, it seemed that a disaster had occurred here. She is going to call the evening back, at the moment or don't run around the good, but had disappeared the evening figure.

During the time that Evening moon left, she had sorted out her identity and situation.

She is the prince of The Kingdom of Xilin, because the road met with chase, and fled to here.

She gasped and rested her eyes on the earthen wall. Now her body is too weak and she needs to regain her strength.

Just calm down for a moment, Li Xiaoyu suddenly opened her eyes, in the refugees in twos and threes of the conversation, she heard the sound of hooves.

"Everybody keep quiet and hide." Li Xiao Yu suspected the arrival of the pursuers, sound to the surrounding refugees told way.

"What's the matter, girl? "Someone asked aloud.

Li Xiao - yu's eyes coalesced. "Hooves sound."


But they clearly didn't hear anything.

While the refugees were still wondering, the sound of hooves came nearer and nearer until at last they could all hear them.

Their faces suddenly changed, and they hurriedly gathered their belongings to run.

"Wow!" came the cry of a child, "Dear, dear..."

"Don't be afraid, my son." A beautiful woman rushed to the child, put her arms around him and comforted him softly.

Li Xiaoyu's dark bark is not good.

Sure enough, as the beautiful woman put her arms around him, a straight arrow shot rapidly at his head.

Li Xiaoyu put his hand on the child's head with one hand and pulled the beautiful woman with the other, Shouting, "Get down! Everybody get down quickly!"

The arrow struck the ground, kicking up dust.

Then more dust and arrows!

'Everyone to the woods, where it's safe! "Suddenly someone shouted.

Li Xiaoyu frowned, trying to warn everyone not to move. But in the meantime, hearing someone take the lead, we all stood up, hoping to escape into the woods for a chance of survival.

But they can't run faster than the arrows behind them!

But in a twinkling of an eye, more than half the refugees collapsed.

"Ha ha, that's funny, that's funny!"

There was great laughter, and Li Xiao - yu's hand clenched in her sleeve.

Fun? Killing is fun? !

A well-dressed man rode up surrounded by a crowd of black men.

I saw the man in the brocade holding the bow and arrow in his hand, looking at the body lying on the ground, as if he had met something very happy, laughing, "It's really funny, you see, they are lying on the ground, can not get up again."

Sounds like killing people is just eating breakfast.

"Green source... It's Qingyuan, the murderer who is worse than a dog and pig!" The beautiful woman beside Li Xiao yu whispered with endless resentment in her voice.

"Green Source?" Li Xiaoyu searched in his memory, but did not know the man.

"He's the son of the Lord of Qinglin. It's the beast that slaughtered our village, the beast... I can't believe they came here to kill us."

The beautiful woman held her son in her arms and held his mouth tightly. Her voice broke into horror. "Husband... "Xianggong"!"

In front of her, a man was crawling towards the beautiful woman in a mangled way, saying something as if telling her to run away.

"Prime minister!" The beautiful woman did not care about anything else, so she put her child into Li Xiao yu's arms and ran to her husband.

"You! Come back..." Li Xiaoyu shouted after him. But beautiful women don't listen.

"Let's go... Brisk walking..." "Said the man wriggling on the ground to his wife.

"No... No, prime minister!" Beautiful woman sobbing, see to xianggong's black dress person, more panic, "don't!"

Voice just fell, that black man knife has fallen!

Blood was splashed all over her face.

"Aaargh, you beasts! The beautiful woman saw xianggong blood splatter on the spot, crazy general to the black man.

The lackey of that green source sees beautiful woman so overpower to jump at him, sneer 1, give knife to lift up. 'Death!

Li Xiaoyu looked at the falling knife and her delicate lips were almost torn by her. She wanted to rush out and crush them all, but now she was too weak, too weak.

So, she can only endure!

Li xiaoyu put her hands over the child's eyes and ears, trying not to let him see how his parents had died.

"Stop it." There was a light sound, and the man in black did not drop his knife.

Qingyuan clamped his horse's belly and lifted the beautiful woman's chin with his bow. "I didn't realize there was a beauty like you in this pile of junk."

The beautiful woman looked at him with hatred and spat in his face. "Brute, if you kill my husband, you will not die a happy death!"

"Ha ha you are just a bitch, also dare to call me a beast!" Qingyuan took the beautiful woman's arm and said, "You take a good look at me. Today I'm going to fuck her bitch in front of everyone!"

With these words, he ripped open the beautiful woman's skirt, exposing her white skin to the air.

"Let go, beast, let go of me! "Xianggong"! "Xianggong"!"

Qingyuan laughed and pressed her to the ground. "Call, call, the louder the woman calls, the more excited this childe is!"

"What a sin..."

"That brute..."

The rest of the refugees watched and closed their eyes.

"You killed me, you killed me! The beautiful woman clutched her belly pocket so that Qingyuan could not break through the last barrier. "Beast, you kill me! I'd rather die than obey you! '

She'd rather die than get dirty.

Qingyuan laughed and said, "Haha, you think you have the right to choose. Don't worry, I will first rape and then kill, send you to meet with your husband."