
I Have A Chat With Myself

Once, I heard a quote that said: "Life is all about challenges, so if you want to live your life, accept the challenge". Yeah, right.

What I would say is that it would be best if we never took the bait in the first place. And I advise you, dear reader, to save yourself before it is too late. Why? Well, maybe I should tell you my story.

My name is Orion Fistore. I am a 15-year-old youth from a small country on Planet Earth. Nothing abnormal happened in my life. I was what you could call an average, boring person. School and then home studying, rinse and repeat; that is basically my life.

However, on the night of my fifteenth birthday, something happened that changed the course of my entire life.

On that night, I had a dream. Well, I have dreams every night, but this night's dream seemed more realistic; like a vision. I saw myself outside a mansion surrounded by a forest of tall trees. Atop this mansion was a statue of a majestic bird having its wings spread wide open. I turned and... WOW! it was the biggest maze I have ever seen. Not that I had seen an actual one, but still it was big.

My gaze went back towards the mansion. I almost freaked out when I saw a man in black robes, which surprisingly almost has the same appearance as me. The man had dark long hair and completely black eyes. Have I mentioned that the time was night? he seemed to fit so well with the darkness that it was a bit hard to concentrate on him.

The man eyed me like I was prey waiting to be chewed by the predator.

And suddenly he spoke with my voice, "Hello Orion," he smiled, "It seems that it's time for us to finally meet."

But before I could respond, the scene in front of me faded. My eyes opened to the sight of my mother who was about to scream, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!".

So it was going to be a hectic morning whether I had that dream or not.

And to my surprise, the dream was still stuck in my head. Usually, my dreams would be forgotten after I wake up, but this one was still haunting me like it happened in real life. I set that to the back of my mind and got to school like every day because in the end, a dream was just that and nothing more. 

During one of the boring classes, I dosed off a little bit. While I was sleeping, I heard a voice, my voice, in my head, "Hello, Orion."

"Um... Hi?" I unconsciously answered.

"My apologies about what happened last night," he replied. "I should have talked to you in person rather than freaking you out in that dream."

"Wait..." I reviewed the talk many times, "WHAT???!"

"Don't tell me you thought it was a normal dream?" he asked with some amusement clear in his tone. He had a point. Like I said, this dream felt too real to be a dream. But I can't still believe that my voice is talking to me in my head, less than a crazy dream.

"Oh.... So you're the man from the vision?" I asked slowly, trying to confirm my thoughts.

"I believe that is obvious enough," he admitted. "Nevertheless, I will be seeing you this evening so be prepared to meet me. Goodbye."

"Wait!" I shouted to him in my head but no answer came.

And just like this, my day couldn't be less crazier. Or that's what I thought.


Author note: Chapter has been updated as of April 14, 2024.

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