
Dungeon Grinding (1)

The triplets found themselves in a cavern with magma in the surroundings and also a lava river flowing down a few feet away. There is only a stone bridge separating them from lava river.

"Let us grind and also harvest to make money" said Ram taking out his Axe while others took out their weapons.

"Where are the enemies?" asked Girish looking left and right. "Hmm, looks like we need to move forward to encounter them" said Bhargav.

"No" said Ram looking up at the ceiling. The fire wolves were walking on the roof and looked at the triplets a prey. Bhargav and Girish looked at the ceiling and found the enemy. The fire wolves had a thick red fur with fire on their necks, paws and tail.

"Great job Ram. It looks like your assassin instincts saved us from danger" said Girish. "Yeah" said Bhargav as he was blaming inside because his battle instincts did not alert him.

"Beware of this wolves. They may not be powerful, they are tricky" said Ram. The fire wolves suddenly created copies of themselves.

"What the hell?" shouted Bhargav. "Be on guard, Bhargav" shouted Girish.

"Let's use water magic and wipe them out" shouted Girish. "Water Cutters" shouted all three of them and three blades appeared suddenly and cut through the illusions.

One of the wolves jumped and blasted fire on Bhargav from his left side. "Mana Barrier" willed Bhargav and a barrier appeared all over him shielding him from the attack.

"Well done." said Girish and he used his first form of Sword art on the wolves. The copies disappeared and some of the real fire wolves got afflicted with poison.

"Nice one. It's my turn now" said Ram and released "Dark grenades", a form of dark magic. The bombs dropped on the wolves and ground. The dark energy exploded from them and every wolf in the area got affected with "Blind" status effect.

"Three eyed Trident art First form Bullhorn pierce" shouted Bhargav and performed it. The wave was so big compared to that in the old schoolhouse that every wolf in the area got killed.

"Wow, the attack power was high, brother" praised Girish. "Yeah. I may have magic, but I am more of a melee combatant. You guys aren't no pushovers. The number of wolves inflicted with poison was more compared to before and your Dark grenade attack is at another level" said Bhargav.

"Well, after the level ups the enemies which get inflicted with poison has increased substantially" said Girish.

"My dark grenade's power has also increased over time" said Ram with few words.

"Let us take turns to use magic, rather than one person using it because once that person's MP is deceased others will be at a disadvantage." said Girish. Others nodded in agreement.

"Let us take reverse triangle formation" said Bhargav. "Okay, who will be in the back" asked Girish.

"Ram, will be in the back because if there is a surprise attack from the back he can defend it" said Bhargav.

"I see" said Girish. When it comes to strategy and leadership, Bhargav was the best choice. When comes to countering surprise attacks and guarding the back, Ram was the best choice. Girish is more about balancing offense and defense.

The red wolf bodies disappeared and in their place there was wolf skin, gold coins and potions.

Let us all store 1/3rd of the loot" said Girish. "Yep" said Bhargav.

The loot went directly into the inventory. There were 10 wolf skins each, 2000 gold and 2 Hp potions, 3 MP potions and 2 Stamina potions. They got 5000 experience for each wolf and they all got a total of 50000 experience.


Name: Bhargav Dev


HP: 12500/12500

MP: 15500/15500

STR: 80

AGI: 70

VIT: 90

INT: 69

LUCK: 55

Next Level up: 40000

Skills: Three eyed Trident art (Advanced), Gun Shooter (Advanced), Water Magic (Advanced), Wind Magic(Advanced), Space Magic (Advanced), Light Magic (Advanced), Dark Magic (Advanced), Time Magic (Advanced), Fire Magic (Advanced), Earth Magic (Advanced), Teleport (Beginner), Mana Barrier (Beginner).

Abilities: Trap setting (Advance), Financial ability (Advanced), Military Strategy (Beginner).


Name: Ram Dev


HP: 11500/11500

MP: 21500/21500

STR: 65

AGI: 82

VIT: 84

INT: 105

LUCK: 85

Next Level up: 40000

Skills: Red Moon Axe Art (Advanced), Gun shooter (Advanced), Earth Magic (Advanced), Fire Magic (Advanced), Time Magic (Advanced),Water Magic (Advanced), Wind Magic(Advanced), Space Magic (Advanced), Light Magic (Advanced), Dark Magic (Advance), Teleport (Beginner), Mana Barrier (Beginner).

Abilities: Eavesdrop (Advanced), Financial ability (Advanced), Military strategy (Beginner).


Name: Girish Dev


HP: 12100/12100

MP: 18500/18500

STR: 75

AGI: 75

VIT: 90

INT: 95

LUCK: 65

Next level up: 40000

Skills: Serpent Fang Sword art (Advanced), Gun shooter (Advanced), Fire Magic (Advanced), Light Magic (Advanced), Dark Magic (Advanced),Earth Magic (Advanced),Time Magic (Advanced),Water Magic (Advanced), Wind Magic(Advanced), Space Magic (Advanced),Teleport (Beginner), Mana Barrier (Beginner).

Abilities: Rune Crafting (Advanced), Financial ability (Advanced), Military Strategy (Beginner).

On seeing the status window, their faces became bright. The struggle to level up will now be gone due to dungeon hunts.

"Let us move forward and be cautious" said Ram. Girish was on the left side and Bhargav was on the right. Ram was on the back in between them.

They walked slowly and walked along the bridge with caution. When they are in the middle of the bridge, they heard wolf barks and saw wolves dropping down from above on to the bridge from behind.

"You two should go first" said Bhargav hurriedly. "Why?" asked Ram. "You two will move to the end and launch spells on them while I take them head on. There is not other way, if we hastily fight them on the bridge, we will die by falling on lava" said Bhargav.

"We are counting on you." said Ram. Ram and Girish walked on the narrow bridge slowly. The fire wolves came running on the narrow bridge. Some wolves fell down into the lava.

Bhargav clenched hi hand into fist and put it forward. "Rock pillars" said Ash and rock pillars emerged from lava and became big.

"Now catch me, you mutts" said Bhargav and jumped onto the left pillar. He landed on it. Some of the wolves tried to catch him in air and jumped after him, but "Wind Hammer" shouted Girish and Wind in the shape of hammer appeared to the hit the wolves which were thrown away and landed in lava.

Bhargav landed on the pillar. The wolves walked back and took the walls and climbed on to the top of the cavern.

"Red Moon Axe First form Phantom cross Axe" shouted Ram and the cross went and hit the wolves on the cavern ceiling. Some of the wolves died and disappeared while others fell into lava and died. The three systems were collecting the loot even when they fell into the lava.

Bhargav took out his orbal gun and launch a "Fire ray" which burned wolves on the walls to crisp. Three wolves jumped on Bhargav and bit him. He got attacked. Some of the wolves from other side of the bridge attacked Ram and Girish. The wolves launched a fire blast from their mouths, but due to narrow space, they got hit.

Bhargav had lost a lot of Hp, while others did lose significant amount of Hp. "You mutts" shouted Bhargav and released his battle aura which blew away the fire wolves. Even Ram and Girish released the auras.

The fire wolves were threatened by their display. More wolves started approaching from the ceiling despite the fear. Bhargav kept jumping and led them on a chase from left to right. "Guys, its time." said Bhargav.

Ram and Girish smiled. The weapon art of all three had 10 forms. All three of them had mastered 5 forms.

Until now, they have only displayed first form in front of others. Now, it is time to bring out the second forms of their art.

All of them shouted simultaneously:

"Three eyed Trident art", "Red Moon Axe art", "Serpent Fang Sword Art".

"Second form"

"Million Trident Rain", "Giant Axed Claw", "Plasma Sword Blast".

Million Trident Rain has caused million blue coloured Tridents to appear and kept on hitting the wolves in all directions.

Giant Axed Claw caused a gigantic axe to appear and take the form of a claw and slashed away full packs of wolves.

Plasma Sword Blast a gigantic beam of plasma energy appeared and it blasted hundreds of wolves in the vicinity.

The experience point notifications kept ringing in their heads and they have ascended 4 levels.


Name: Bhargav Dev


HP: 17000/17000

MP: 22500/22500

STR: 120

AGI: 110

VIT: 130

INT: 109

LUCK: 95

Next Level up: 180000

Skills: Three eyed Trident art (Advanced), Gun Shooter (Advanced), Water Magic (Advanced), Wind Magic(Advanced), Space Magic (Advanced), Light Magic (Advanced), Dark Magic (Advanced), Time Magic (Advanced), Fire Magic (Advanced), Earth Magic (Advanced), Teleport (Beginner), Mana Barrier (Beginner),Fire Immunity(Passive), Magma Immunity (Passive).

Abilities: Trap setting (Advance), Financial ability (Advanced), Military Strategy (Beginner).


Name: Ram Dev


HP: 16000/16000

MP: 26000/26000

STR: 105

AGI: 122

VIT: 124

INT: 145

LUCK: 105

Next Level up: 180000

Skills: Red Moon Axe Art (Advanced), Gun shooter (Advanced), Earth Magic (Advanced), Fire Magic (Advanced), Time Magic (Advanced),Water Magic (Advanced), Wind Magic(Advanced), Space Magic (Advanced), Light Magic (Advanced), Dark Magic (Advance), Teleport (Beginner), Mana Barrier (Beginner), Fire Immunity(Passive), Magma Immunity (Passive).

Abilities: Eavesdrop (Advanced), Financial ability (Advanced), Military strategy (Beginner).


Name: Girish Dev


HP: 16600/16600

MP: 23000/23000

STR: 115

AGI: 115

VIT: 130

INT: 135

LUCK: 105

Next level up: 180000

Skills: Serpent Fang Sword art (Advanced), Gun shooter (Advanced), Fire Magic (Advanced), Light Magic (Advanced), Dark Magic (Advanced),Earth Magic (Advanced),Time Magic (Advanced),Water Magic (Advanced), Wind Magic(Advanced), Space Magic (Advanced),Teleport (Beginner), Mana Barrier (Beginner),Fire Immunity(Passive), Magma Immunity (Passive).

Abilities: Rune Crafting (Advanced), Financial ability (Advanced), Military Strategy (Beginner).

"Nice" said Bhargav grinning at the status. All the material was added into the inventory. They got two passive skills as rewards.

"Now, let us go forward, until we get to the boss room" said Ram. Everyone made their way forward with smiles on their faces.