
Chapter 3: The First Battle

"Welcome to the Rank battlefield, 5 seconds to the heroes reached the battlefields, behold." Montoon gives announcement to the participants.

"I will be on the top lane alone." As the battle start, Fei Ya who feel confident with her little experience tell the others that she will going to fight alone on the top lane.

With a normal expression, the other teammate walk in pair. Zi Long was pairing with Mi Ya walk to the middle lane. While, Tigreal and Na Na going to the bottom lane in pair with Tigreal walk in the front.

They all fight with their own basic skill and same as the enemy team.

On the top lane, Fei Ya who is still new in the battlefield found difficulties as she didn't know how to use her skill to attack the enemy as she just go forward and going backup under the turret. The enemy is Roger who is semi-Marskman-Fighter class has achieve his third skill and nearly kill Fei Ya who have difficulties to use her new skill.

When her life is near 30%, Zi Long who has finish attack the monster jungle near her which have reach his ultimate skills run from the bush and yell at Fei Ya with anger, "Ready your second skill to stunned the enemy and jump forwards as I hook the enemy."

With no any hesitation, Fei Ya follow the instruction and jump towards Roger after Zi Long hook up him and being stunned by Fei Ya second skill make him as the first person who died in the battlefield.

With a small smile, she run to get Zi Long who have finish attack enemies minion and going to continue his job to help Mi Ya in the middle lane. As she shout and say thank you to him, Zi Long didn't respond and with a smaal smile continue his step forward.

Before he going more furthur, then he stop and yell in moderate voice, "Go recall to the base and restore your health. We still have task to finish this match." Then, he continue his journey to the middle lane.

On the 10th minutes after the match start, The enemy has lost 6 out of 9 turret, while Zi Long team only lost 3 turret.

Thanks to Zi Long experties, the enemy team have less opportunities to run forward when they saw Zi Long who already have 7 kill with no death and 2 assist run towards them using his ultimate skill. While, the other team has successfully destroy enemy turret.

On Fei Ya's lane, she start requesting others help if she have difficulties when challenging 2 enemies.

"Request backup." a sound of Na Na from mid land as she is being ambushed by 3 of the enemy team. Thankfully, she has bassic skill that allowed her to escape with immune power and successfully recall to the base. By that time, Tigreal and Zi Long from bottom lane rushing towards mid lane with Mi Ya and Fei Ya from top lane also rush towards mid lane to help.

"Heiya.." Fei Ya open her ultimate skill with his second skill ready after she jumped out from the bush stunned Roger and Gord at the back of their other teamates. With Tigreal ultimate skill, all the enemy stunned again and being freze by Mi Ya second skill and again being stunned by Na Na who was just arrived in the epic fight and Zi Long take the last resort by killing all the enemy one by one with his ultimate skill. "Unstopable, Double kill, Tipple kill, Maniac, Savage..!!" the shout from the audience who watch their fight and feel amazed by their team combo in the final fight.

After all the enemy wiped out by Zi Long and his teamates, they all rushed to the enemy base and destroy the main tower in the middle of the enemy base. With a help of their minion, they successfully destroy the enemy main tower and won the match.

After that great match, Fei Ya decided to find Zi Long to make his as her mentor. This is due to the reason as this is her first time for being in the Land Of Dawn and wanted him to teach her more about the place. Besides, she also wanted to know more about the match in all those different battlefield as they are in the same class of heroes.

"Hump, it will be a waste if the person who got MVP* in the match wanted to take me as their apprenties." Fei Ya thought to herself as she failed to find him.

As this story were according to my thoughts, I don't know how to write more in this chapter. But, I'll try my best to write the next chapter.


Littleman2134creators' thoughts