
The Legend of Harry Potter Schoolmaster

Traveling to England in the 1980s, Jon Hart was ready to study and work hard. Not wanting a letter from Hogwarts, disrupting all his plans. What is the cruelest thing for a student who is ready to devote himself to scientific research and has carefully planned for more than ten years? That is to tell him that this world is not only unscientific, but magical! ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// I do not own this story nor the story of Harry Potter. I just want to transfer it here for convenience, so that it will be easier to read. I also change some grammar errors as well as spelling errors, If you do see something wrong, then please do comment it. If the author wants to take it down, then please do tell in the review section or the comments.

zcbmo29 · Book&Literature
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Report Letter

With the arrival of June, the weather became muggy and clear.

Every day, Jon would find house elves from the kitchen to serve a few pints of iced pumpkin juice. Then, with Astoria, he would sit by the lake or under a tree, enjoying the summer breeze while reviewing the medieval witches. They would discuss the detailed process of the hunting plan and the five major exceptions to Gamp's Law of Transformation.

However, such a comfortable life was short-lived, as the exams soon began and an unusual silence fell over the castle.

During lunch on Monday, the second graders walked out of the Transfiguration classroom one by one, feeling humiliated and unable to even walk straight. They complained about the difficulty of the exam, saying that it turned their books into turtles!

"I feel like I've become a turtle," Astoria whispered to Jon as they walked out of the classroom.

"It's okay, they all look the same!" Jon comforted her.

Jon didn't encounter any difficulties in the exams for other subjects. The Defense Against the Dark Arts exam consisted of the opening spell and the Patronus charm, which posed no difficulty for Jon.

In the Potions class exam the next morning, Snape stalked through the cauldrons, observing the progress of their swelling potion creations. But as always, he didn't find anything wrong with the potion Jon made.

When Snape left, he wrote a string of letters on Jon's test paper.

The Defense Against the Dark Arts exam was a small adventure. They had to wade through a pond with Grindylows, navigate a maze with a Red Cap lurking inside, and finally cross a swamp to solve a Sphinx's riddle.

The difficulty was not high, as it covered all the content they had learned in class. When Jon finished the exam, Lupin gave him a approving look.

The Herbology exam proved to be more challenging than many had expected. They had to transfer and re-pot a Devil's Snare. Many students encountered difficulties, but Professor Sprout kindly assured them that she would not fail any student.

The last exam for the History of Magic took place on the morning of June 6th. With the end of this exam at 11:15, their entire semester seemed to come to an end.

As Jon left the examination room, he bumped into Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge. Fudge was wearing a pinstriped cloak and was talking to several wizards, one of whom held a nearly two-meter-long axe in his hand.

But Fudge didn't notice Jon, as his eyes were fixed on the far side of Hagrid's cabin.

Continuing upstairs, Jon finally reached a window on the eighth floor of the castle and took out a brass telescope.

He first glanced at Hagrid's cabin and saw Buckbeak, the Hippogriff, lazily eating grilled fish over there, completely unaware of the upcoming trial.

Then, Jon shifted his gaze to the area around the Whomping Willow, a few hundred yards from Hagrid's hut. He saw a yellow cat and a large black dog sitting by the Whomping Willow, as if they were discussing something.

A slight smile appeared on Jon's face.

He effortlessly put the binoculars back into his bag and went to the cafeteria to grab a bite to eat.

He declined the invitation of several classmates to "play Quidditch in the afternoon." After lunch, he went to the owlery by himself.


Once again, the white owl landed on Jon's shoulder, becoming affectionate with him.

"Joe Green, my dear," Jon whispered, "You need to go to London again. This will be the last time."

The owl nodded, indicating its understanding.

Jon found a spot free of bird droppings, sat down, and checked the time one last time.

First of all, today was June 6th. According to the calculation formula for sunset time, he had already determined that today's sunset would be at 7:00:38 in the evening.

Sunset marked the appearance of the moon, and since tonight was the night of the full moon, it was also the time for Remus Lupin's transformation.

After Lupin transformed into a werewolf, Sirius Black, in order to protect his godson Harry, would assume his Animagus form to fight the werewolf. After being seriously injured, he would lose consciousness and regain his original form by the lake, attracting the attention of the Dementors. Snape would finally capture him alive.

The entire process wouldn't take too long, about 10-20 minutes.

Jon had sent Joe Green to and from London ten times before, just to calculate the time it took for the owl to deliver a letter to London. Based on his attempts and calculations, on a sunny and windless day like today, Joe Green would take approximately 5 hours and 10 minutes to deliver the letter to London.

Therefore, he only needed to send a report letter to the Ministry of Magic in London at 2:10 in the afternoon. By around 7:20 in the evening, the Ministry of Magic would know that Black was present at Hogwarts, and they would immediately contact Minister Fudge, who was spending the night at Hogwarts.

Fudge would eagerly bring the Dementor to the crime scene and take custody of Black, who had been captured alive by Snape. This would deviate from the original book, where Snape woke up the sleeping Fudge and handed Black over to him and the Dementor.

Jon didn't need to worry about what followed. With Dumbledore's help, Harry and Hermione would use the Time-Turner to rescue Black and allow him to escape...

No endings would be changed, but Jon would have the identity of a reporter.

The reward for capturing Sirius Black was as high as 3000 Galleons, or rather, it had even risen to 5000 Galleons a few days ago.

And they would reward half of the amount to the whistleblower who provided detailed information about Black's whereabouts!

The Ministry of Magic was an official organization, and a reward announcement in black and white was a necessity!

Jon took out a piece of parchment paper and a pen and began to write earnestly:

"Dear Mrs. Amelia Bones,


I am an ordinary second-year Hogwarts student, Jon Hart.

We met once in Azkaban (I was with Professor Dumbledore at the time), so you may remember me.

There is a very serious matter that needs to be reported to you. A few minutes ago, I saw the wanted criminal Sirius Black inside the school, near the Hogsmeade Lake and beside the Whomping Willow.

I got scared and ran away. Black didn't seem to notice me.

I was going to contact Professor Dumbledore, but I don't know where his office is, and I can't find him!

So, I can only write to the Ministry of Magic for help. I hope that the Ministry of Magic can dispatch law enforcement officers in time to apprehend Black and bring him to justice!

P.S. Before Black is re-incarcerated in Azkaban, I hope that the Ministry of Magic can keep my report confidential. As a Muggle-born Hogwarts student, I am very afraid of Black seeking revenge.

Thank you!

Jon Hart"

Finally, he wrote a striking line on the envelope: "Report: Information on Sirius Black's Whereabouts."

He attached the entire letter to the owl's foot and told Joe Green, "Take this letter to Mrs. Bones, the Director of the Ministry of Magic and the Magical Law Enforcement Department!"

Mrs. Amelia Bones was a relatively friendly and responsible senior official in the Ministry of Magic (the Magical Law Enforcement Department was second only to the Minister of Magic). Jon felt it would be safer to address the letter to her.

As he let go, the white owl disappeared into the sky.


Jon walked out of the owlery but was hit by a very small owl flying straight into him.

While clutching his chest, Jon noticed a piece of paper floating at his feet.

He picked up the note, and the contents were brief:


If nothing comes up, please come to my office around four o'clock, and the password is 'cold lemon juice.'

Albus Dumbledore"