A young goddess gets reincarnated to a lowly wolf. In order to become one with her true self, she has to go through the battles of he'll under the reign of King Vincent Hades, Ruler of the underworld. Love awaits but torture, betrayal and despair also await. REWRITING
Third person Pov
Zena also had a diary of her own, these are what some of the few pages say,
"To rampage past my jaws with ecstatic glee, tainting my reality with vivid illusions
So my greying heart and I don't go hungry.
Please, someone, please, please, please, please, please, please, please, please. So I can sing over the red's lure before I start grumbling and misbehaving. So I implore the sky that spoils and scorns me to rise above the lies of my endless bitter cries. Allow me to bask in the bliss of delusion. Even if I dance in the truths of isolation for the rest of my life. May anything sweet corrupt me with its joy. I miss you terribly. How many times do these phrases have to come in my dreams and in my heart? In the midst of silence, I tugged. When the pace is quick, it is forgotten, but at times like these, when the night descends again, it is remembered.