
The Legend of Game

Our protagonist, Sophie Athena Gerald is a famous gamer in their world. One day, Sophie and her gaming group disappeared without a trace. When they woke up, they found themselves in a strange and unfamiliar place. Only after they manage to be a group again did they found out that there was a traitor among them. Will they survive the strange and unfamiliar world? Who is the traitor and the mastermind? will they find out about the truth?

hua_hsiung23 · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
9 Chs

Chapter 3


Hi! Thanks for reading. I'm sorry for the two weeks breaks. This chapter was suppose to be updated yesterday, which was 7 May, but I was really sick. And right now, I haven't fully recover yet. So, I am so sorry if this chapter is short. But I promise that next week I'll be posting a longer chapter or maybe two chapter. It depends, so I'm really sorry for the breaks and for the short chapter.


He opens his eyes and looks at the ceiling.

'Hmm? This isn't my apartment's ceiling... That's weird, I don't remember going to anyone house last night. As far as I remember, I was sleeping on my bed.'

He looks around. 'Yep, definitely not my room. But this place is oddly familiar.'

'But the question is, how did I get here?!' He thought to himself. He sit up and get a better look on the room. 'Ok, let's remember back how did I got here.'


In an empty room, a man with shiny yet fluffy curly silver-blonde hair sat in front of a table and a person with dark brown hair behind the table. The person was closing a dark blue file on the table.

"So, Mr. Lloyd Ezekiel, is this your first job? or have you ever work on any company or any job before?" The person with dark brown hair asked.

"I have worked before, but on a bakery sir."

"So, this is your first time on taking this kind of job?"

"Yes sir."

"Have you ever went to a job interview before?"

"Yes sir I have."

"I see. So tell me Mr. Ezekiel, why do you want this job?"

"Well, I believe that I have what it takes to apply to this job sir."

"I see, you have the confident in you."

"Thank you sir."

"I believe in this file says that you haven't graduate from degree yet, is that right?"

"Yes sir. I still have two years left."

"Why don't you want to apply after you finish your study?"

"Well, my sister will start applying to a university here next year. But my parents are not here anymore. So I want to help her pay for her university and for her living expenses. I'm also starting to short in money lately."

"I see."

The person then started to wrote something on a paper. The they look at him again and asked.

"If I say that you have to start right away, can you do it?"

"Oh... Yes sir, I think I can manage that."

"Good." They then wrote down again on the same paper. "Mr. Ezekiel tell me, out of all the candidates, why should we hire you?"

"Well, first of all, I believe I look very good looking. And as far as I know, my look is very rare in this land, right?"

"Well, that is true, your look is very rare."

"Second, I am great at posing and I am a photogenic."

"Anyone can be good at posing."

"That is true, but I am also good at singing and acting."

"And how do you know so?"

"Well, I have participated in acting and singing competition in junior high school and high school."

"But you take art and design for gaming course?"

"Ah, well you see, when I was in high school, I want to make a game that created by myself only. But I also have passion for this kind of job you see."

"Well, that's good to hear I guess." He wrote again but on a different paper. "Alright, one last question, what are your salary expectations?"

"Well, for the first few months I expect for a few hundreds. But after a year or more, I expect for about a thousand or more."

"I see."


"Can you start tomorrow morning, Mr. Lloyd Ezekiel?"

"Hah? Oh, yes sir."

"Good. Congratulation, you pass the interview, Mr. Ezekiel. I hope we can see you tomorrow then." The stood up and held out his right hand.

"Thank you sir." He shook hands with the person.


"So brother, how was your interview?" a feminine voice over the phone asked.

"Well, I was nervous at first, but it turn out good. And I got the job." Lloyd said.

"WOW! Congratulation then!"

"Mn, thanks. How are you Adelia? When are you going to moved here?" He asked while entering his apartment.

"I'm good. I'm thinking of moving there after I actually get a university there."

"Oh I see. Where are you going to live at? Do you want to live with me?" Lloyd went to the kitchen and grab some foods in the fridge.

"Brother, I'm already 19 next year. I'm thinking on searching a share house somewhere nearby the your university's rent houses. But I can only rent a house there if I get the university."

"Alright then. Let just hope you get to apply on this university. I guess I'll talk to you again later Adelia." Lloyd took out a pan and oil.

"Oh ok, are you going to go shower?"

"Oh, no no, I want to cook, so that's why I am ending the call." He turn on the fire.

"Oh I see, alright. Talk to you later. Bye."

"Okay bye." Just after he said that, Adelia ended the call.

He continued to cook his meal.


'Wait, why am I remembering that day? Isn't that day like half and a year ago? No that's to far. Let's try to remember a few months or a few weeks ago.'


Lloyd had just came back from his classes and was entering his apartment. He was thinking of just laying down on the couch after he enter. But to his surprise, there was present kind of box at his coffee table at the living room.

'Wait, how did this thing got here?'

He took the box and search for who the box is from, but he found none.

'Well, let just think about that later.' He sat on the couch and put the box in front of him. "But this box is really big huh. Let's see what this baby have inside."


It had been a week since he got the box. He was in a gaming group and in that group, every member of the group got the same thing.

"I don't want to sleep yet. But why does I feel especially tired today? Just a little bit more..."

Lloyd continue to play until he fell asleep without himself knowing. A few minutes later, the light from the screen became so bright, his apartment was covered in the light.


He get up from his bed and tidy up his bed. 'So I didn't slept at my bed at all. Am I in the game? But how?' There is a tall mirror on the corner of the room. He went to the mirror to have a better look on his body.

In the mirror he sees a person with long curly purple hair. The person have black eyes for the white and pink iris. 'Huh, I guess this is my new body. Isn't this the avatar I made in the game? Does that mean I got inside my character that I made. Wait... at the starting game, we need to make a life setting for the character we made.. Does that mean I have her life now? Oh, I kind of regret now...'
