
The Legend of Demon Masanari

Adam was living a life that would make any one jealous of. Riches, cars, houses, women all at his fingertips. But there was things he really cared for and desired, which are relics that belonged to famous people in history. When he heard that Hattori Hanzo's spear will be revealed to the public. He dropped everything he was doing and got on a plane to Tokyo to get his hands on the spear. However, his plans changed the moment he place his hand on Hanzo Hattori's tomb. He felt his entire being being sucked into another world. The last words he heard in the darkness caused his heart to race in excitement. "If you desire the spear, you need to show you're worth it..." He opened his eyes staring at middle age people wearing swords at their sides calling him Masanari. His child like hands holding a wooden sword. His new life as a samurai has begun... Will he become worthy of holding Hanzo Hattori's spear and become the demon he's supposed to be? I'm on discord... If you want to say hi, leave a comment, share the powerstone love or just say hi to me there. mjay#3166

mjayauthor · History
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32 Chs

Scouting Kaminogo

Adam sat on a tree branch looking at the castle in the distance surrounded by the town. "They're in there somewhere. I just have to find them." He looked up at the castle in thought. "If I know people, and since they're high ranking hostages, they'd be the in the castle somewhere." He jumped down and leaned against the trunk of a tree. "I will just need to enter the castle and look around for myself."

He turned, walking away from the town, looking for the sign of Hattori. He looked around the roads, trees and loose rocks in the area. He frowned. "They haven't marked this area. I'll have to enter the town and look around there." He looked at his dusty merchant clothing with a smile, and walked with his horse into the town.

"Halt. What is your purpose for visiting Kaminogo?" He looked at the armored guards standing at the entrance to the town. "Just a dusty, and tired medicinal herbs merchant. I'm passing through and would like to stay to have a rest, and a good meal before heading back home to get check on my harvest."

"Fine. Enter, be aware of the strict rules we have at the moment." He nodded, and pulled his horse into the town. "If your horse shits on the ground, you'll have to pay to get it cleaned up merchant." He turned, looking at the smiling guards. "Yes. Sir. I'll keep an eye on my horse."

"Make sure that you do." He patted the side of his horse as he walked into the town streets looking at everything around him. He found a nearby inn, stopping giving his horse to a servant that came running out of the stables. "Let me take care of your horse for you. Please go inside, I'm sure you'll find everything suitable to your needs." He nodded, walking into the inn and smiling at the owner. "With that sword there it looks like you want to join the lord's army. Is that correct?" He smiled, nodding at the owner.

"You've got good eyes sir. Yes. I've been training very hard so that I can join the lord's army." He watched the owner pointing up the stairs. "There's a room upstairs. You're lucky you arrived now. The lord has been sending out the call to join his army, for the past month. It seems like they're going to attack the Oda, and finish them off in one large swoop, especially that upstart Nobunaga and his dreams of unification."

He shook his head sadly, nodding at the inn owner. "You're right. Things are fine the way they are. The current shogun is bringing people together, and we'll be unifed through them and the emperor."

"Agree with you. I hope you're good with your sword. I'm sure the lord will need your assistance in this coming war." He stopped behind the owner, pointing to a closed door. "This is the room for you. You should go to the castle in the dawn, the rising sun behind it looks magnificant." He nodded at the owner, bowing as they opened the door to the small room. "All our rooms are full, so this is all we have left. As someone who wants to join the lord's army, I can't have you sleep in the stables with your horse. Have a good rest, I'll send people here with food later, if you wish privacy." He shook his head. "No, thanks. I'll go downstairs to eat with the others. I may find some people that want to also join the lord."

"A good mind. Well, I must return to my post downstairs. The servants will get lazy if I'm not there for too long." He bowed at the owner, kneeling on the ground, staring at the wall in front of him. "You're all in that castle. I think it'll be best for me to have a look at you." Standing up he left the inn and walked back out into the noisy street. He looked at the castle in the distance, walking towards it smiling at the people he passed by.

"Sir. You seem to be hungry. Why don't you try some of our famous sashimi, it comes with a cup of our famous saki made here in Kaminogo." Turning to the merchant he looked up at the sign, smiling at the small Hattori insignia. Nodding at the merchant he sat on a stool, watching the merchant expertly cut the fish into pieces. He took a bite, nodding. "You're right. This is delicious."

"Don't forget the sake mister. That's to die for. I spent many years mastering it's taste and texture. I promise you haven't had anything like that before." He nodding taking the small flask with him, after drinking from the cup given. "You're right. I can taste the hard work you've put into it."

"I have many flasks of it. If you want I'll show you how I prepare it later." He nodded at the merchant, while chewing on another piece of sashimi. "I'd like that very much. The local area is what makes this place beautiful."

"Thank you sir. Please come back in a few hours. I'll close my store after noon, and can show you how my family has made the saki here for generations." He handed a few coins to the food merchant, stood up and walked away from the store with a smile on his face. "That was easier than I thought. Those lessons seemed to have payed off after all." He continued his walk to the castle, and stood staring at its white walls reflecting the sunlight.

"Its beautiful isn't?" Turning he looked at another merchant, nodding in agreement. "It is. Do you come here everyday?"

"I come here everytime I need to be inspired to sell something, or a new idea for my business." He looked at the merchants hands, noticing them covered in ink. "You're an artist?"

"Hahaha. I wouldn't call myself an artist. More of a poet that uses painting, instead of words. I've never been good with words." Turning, he looked at the castle walls again. "How the walls reflect the light off it, shines the light of our lord into our soul." He frowned in thought, turning to look at the merchant closely. He saw other merchants standing near him, smiling he looked at the merchant. "It really is a beautiful place. I'm sure the lord of the castle here would live a life of beauty and peace."

"I'd agree with you on that. With how this castle was built, its clearly a place of peace and prosperity. What do you see when you look at it?" Smiling he turned to the merchant. "I see a radiant light, and beauty that no words can express, and can only stare at it as an uneducated person."

"Hahahaha. It sounds like you too can be an artist, with words like that. Well. I'm sure you enjoy your time here in this peacful place, and enjoy the view. I'm told the dawn light, turns the walls of the castle gold. I hope that you can see that." He nodded at the merchant, bowing towards him. "Thank you for your advice. I'll do that, since I'm staying for the night. Tomorrow, I shall go to the army, and request to join their ranks."

"Ahh another merchant soldier. Excellent, I know the lord is looking for many more for their coming offensive. Perhaps, I'll see you there tomorrow." He watched in silence, as the merchant turned, walking into the busy streets of Kaminogo. He turned, and stared at the castle walls. "The lord of this place is an interesting one, pity he doesn't know his guards give him away when he tries to disguise himself."

He looked up at the sun, walking away from the castle, back into the streets, and watching the sashimi merchant start to close shop. He smiled and waved at the merchant, as they recognized him. "Ahh, you're here to take me up on my offer. That's great. Please follow me." He smiled as he followed the sashimi merchant through the streets, talking about random topics, while he looked at the places they were pointing. "Not bad. He really knows places to hide, and the guards route."

"Sir. Lets stop and talk with my friend first. He's also a lover of my sake, and as they say its always better to enjoy it with others, and not by oneself." He nodded, and followed him, into a medicinal store. He took a long breath, smelling the herbs and ingredients around the store with his eyes closed. "Just like back at Kurama." He looked at the person standing in front of him smiling. "Hello sir. Welcome to my medicinal store. Its been in my family for years." He nodded as he looked at the other guests in the store. "I can see you've looked after this place very well. I also have a few herbs and tonics that I wish to sell you."

"Ahh, so not only do you enjoy my friends sake, you also want to sell some of your wares?" He nodded, smiling at the both of them. "Well, come with us, I have a private room, that we can talk business in, while my servants here will look after the store front." He followed the two men through a side door, and into the read courtyard of the building. He looked around admiring the bonzai and gardens. "This place is very beautiful."

"Thank you sir. We still can't talk business here. There's still a few ears in the walls. Come to my tea house in the garden. We can talk business and have tea." He entered the small hut, kneeling as the other two entered closing the small door behind them.

"Hello young Hattori. Its nice to see you again." He bowed at the two men in front of him. "It seems he still doesn't understand our position." He smiled at them. "This isn't about position this time, its about seeing a friend, and family member after a short time apart."

"He's wise as his father says. So you saw the castle. Not to hard to enter?" He shook his head. "Not difficult at all. Even the lord of this place, he's easy to spot, he even spoke to me while wearing a merchant disguise."

"You saw him too?" He nodded. "I did, he spoke about the walls of the castle turning gold in the dawn light."

"That sounds like him alright. He likes to be among the people, and hear what they say about the castle, and him." Smiling at the both of them. "I gather you've been busy with scouting the area, and the location of the family."

"Yes. That sake I gave you has a map of the area inside. When you get back to your room, have a look at it." He nodded as he touched the sake flask in his robes. "Young Hattori, do you have an idea, how we're going to get the family out of the castle before its attacked?" He nodded. "I do. Seeing the lord of this place gave me an excellent idea, but it also means that we'll need to prepare for a few days, and I'll have to let the young lord know about it."

"What do you plan young Hattori?" He smiled. "I'm planning we take some clothing and armor from the night watch, with the correct lantern, and walk right into the castle, taking the family with us." He saw the both of them smile. "A real Hattori. Don't worry about the required clothing. We'll handle it on our side, we should be able to get them all out without having to storm the place, especially with the young lord waiting."

He nodded at the both of them, drinking the tea he was given, looking through the small window in the tea hut. "It seems our time is up. Thank you for the delicious medicinal tea you have here sir. I must rest back at my room." He stepped outside into the garden, watching a servant walk up to them. "There's an artist to see the manager of the store. He wants to discuss the art of medicine with you." He smiled, nodding at the two of them. "I also must be off. See you both, thank you for the sake, and the business. Please let me know of your decision in a few days. I'll be at the inn."

"As you wish sir. Thank you for wanting to do business with us." He bowed, turning to the exit of the garden and walked out the side of the building back to his room at the inn. "I have to thank the lord for this idea. Its ingenious." He knelt on the floor of his room, and poured out the sake, producing a small wax sealed map, opening it with a smile on his face. "The young lord is going to like this news."

Hi all. Sorry for the late upload. As you know I'm moving house, and dealing with all the difficulties that entails. I have a special treat for you all, that once everything settles down, from my move. I have a large mass release of chapters for all the readers to feast on.

Remember, your ps and collection love. Thank you all so far for your collections and powerstones. We're nearing that 100 goal. So thanks for your encouragement.

Let me know in the comments below if you also want to follow me in discord, or twitter. I'll be opening my twitter account soon, so if you want to follow me, let me know and I'll add the details.


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