
The Legend of Dark Fate

Rain's life had shattered in front of her eyes, on the cursed day when she became an orphan. Everyday had been pretty much the same after that. She took the same route. She sat on the same back bench. She bit her tongue for the nth time, when someone bullied her. She played the same game everyday. It was like her life had ended before it began. That was untill the day.... A Stranger with messed up brown hair and blue eyes walked into her life and changed everything. Ace is a spoiled billionaire, who had lived his live surrounded by things he wanted. He had never been in love, and wasn't even planning to be. For him, it has always been hit it and quit it. But not her. He could look for all distractions, have any girl he wants, but still can't stop thinking about her. So when he decided to have her, why the entire universe is planning against him? If their being together, is going to create a havoc, and risk the entire existence of human life, will they ever discover their love In the search for love and truth, will they both find something which might be greater than themselves? Or will they loose more then they can afford? The Legend of the Dark Fate is a story which will take you on a rollercoaster ride of thoughts and emotions. Divided into four volumes, you will experience Romance, Thrills, Adventure, and the search of true love!!! ********************************* Ace was shuffling things in the dark as he was trying to find the cigarettes and the lights. He cursed inwardly when he heard the thunder outside. The little light was peaking through the barely opened door as it went off, followed by the bang of the door shutting closed. "For God's sake, please tell me you didn't lock it.." Rain jumped up hearing the male voice and, without anything to hold onto, lost her footing falling on her ass. "Ouch!" Her soft voice made Ace realise that it was a girl. He had hoped that it was not one of those attention-seeking girls he normally saw outside. He hated such girls. No, scratch that, he hated every girl. To have feelings for someone, spending all their time and money on them, making her the center of the world, he chuckled and even pitied the thought. He thought that was impossible for him or rather it was something he would never want. ******************************************* Why to read the book? *Relation advices *Tips for girls on how to get a guy *Unique love story *Steamy scenes Note : the image in the cover doesn't belong to me. If you are the owner and want me to take it down or mention your name, please message me.

Author_Serena · Fantasy
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113 Chs

The Cemetery

Rain could hear Reid calling her, but she didn't want to stop, not when she had just winked at him. 

*Horn* *Horn*

"Do you wanna die?" 

She looked around, she had walked in on ongoing traffic. 

"Rain stop" she heard Reid calling her again, but she didn't turn back.


"Idiot girl" 

She ran to the other side of the road barely missing the cars on the road. She knew he would cross the road soon and come to her, but what would she say? She had made a fool out of herself. She couldn't face him right now. 

She quickly hopped on the next incoming bus and took a window seat. By the time, Reid came to the other side, the bus was already moving.

"Rain stops. It doesn't go home" his voice was barely audible over the honk of the bus as it started. 

She clung to the jacket she was wearing, glad that she didn't wear heels, or else she wouldn't have been able to flee from the sight. 

Oh, she promised herself never to go back to the restaurant now. She was petrified. 

Biting her nails, she looked outside, Reid was nowhere in the view now. It was just the empty streets passing by. 

*Yes, she was looking at it now and not think back, maybe 50 years later, she will forget about it,* 

She didn't realize when she had dozed off, it was only when someone tapped on her shoulder, that she woke up.

"It's the last stop, you have to get up," A kind-looking old man said to her. 

She jumped up and looked outside. 

It was dark.

*How long had she been asleep?*

*Where was she?* 

She yawned and stretched her arms, getting up from the seat.

*Was she nervous? No* 

There was no one here who had witnessed her little embarrassment today. It was silent, a little deserted too. 

*Ring* *Ring*

She unzipped her purse while getting down from the bus and picked up the call. 

"Hi," she asked, still yawning a bit. 

"Where are you? It looks a little creepy here" 


Rain had forgotten about her message to Emma. She had planned on something, but right now she wasn't sure if she wanted to do it. 

But then again, wasn't it something that would help her get her mind off the incident?

"Umm...I need you to pick me up" 

Rain didn't know what it was, but Emma had contacts everywhere. Maybe she was really friendly or really helpful as within a couple of minutes someone was there to pick her up. 

"Are you Rain?" 

Rain couldn't see the guy as he was wearing a helmet. He was dressed in a leather jacket and tight jeans and came on a bike. 

She nodded and sat on the bike seat. 

The good thing about the empty road and bike is that you can reach anywhere in minutes and that's exactly what happened. 

Rain was at the cemetery in no time.

"You want me to drop you here? Are you sure?" The guy's voice was almost a whisper as he leaned closer to her. 

He might have been looking a little scared.

"Oh thank god, you are here" Emma jumped out from behind a tree, making the guy squeal.

"Ah calm down, there is no ghost here, I have hung out here for months now" Rain had already started walking ahead now. 

"What are we doing?" Emma asked following her. 

"I will need you too," Rain said to the guy without turning back.

"I saw it on one of those ghost hunting pages, that a group wanted to search for ghosts here" She went behind one of the trees, looking for something. 

"Here wear this" she handed a wig to Emma, who put it on excitedly, "and you" she whispered into the guy's ear, what she wanted him to do. 

"Thanks for assuming I am in" the guy rolled his eyes but couldn't hide the excitement. 

"Is everyone ready?" Rain looked at both of them and signaled them to their position. 

~Step 1: Make them scream~

You won't need much for that in the cemetery as everything is spooky. Just a crow, you have been feeding for long or in case you don't have a crow, a cat will do too. People are scared of both of them.

Rain hid behind one of the stones and waited for the troop to enter. 

All three of them had entered through the back gate, while the troop was now coming in from the front.

"We are here today...Did you hear that?" The first guy was shivering as he looked at the camera the one held. 

"Were you always like this scaredy-cat?" Someone said from behind.

"Uh no.. so we are here to find the ghost who has been haunting this cemetery for long" 

His legs shook as they started moving ahead. 

"You sure, it's not haunted?" He whispered as the camera went off.

The other guy just nodded with confidence. 

"Kaw kaw kaw kaw" 

"Aaahhhhhhhhhhh" all three of them jumped screaming. 

"Shit, just a crow, that almost killed me," the second guy said between pants. 

"Let's get out of here soon" the first guy spoke looking at both sides. 

~Step 2: Appear and disappear~

For this, you need a person who is almost your height and dressed like you. As soon as the other one makes noise, you have to hide. 

Rain and Emma, both wore long black hair, hiding their face with it. The darkness made their clothes almost the same as they wore a dark dress. 

As the guys took a step forward, Rain jumped up from behind a stone and laughed


As soon as she stopped, Emma laughed from another end, making it look like Rain had transported to another end.

*No wonder I laughed like that at lunch today. I might have been practicing the wrong laugh* Rain thought to herself.

"Dude, you said there were no ghosts" the first guy yelled, clinging to the second one.

"And why the hell had you turned off the camera?" He spoke again.

"I- I forgot to turn it on after the crow" he could barely speak after what he had just seen. 

~Step 3: Clapping~

Mostly when you are at a scary place, and you hear a sound from behind, you don't look back, you run forward

Rain signaled to the guy, who nodded his head and began the third act.



"I am not staying here for one more second," the first guy said as he ran forward.

"Wait for me" the second guy followed him. 

"Where is the other one?" The first one asked

"Dude there were only us two" the second guy's eyes went wide as he spoke and both of them ran outside. 

~Step 4: Always record what you have done and put it on social networking sites, so others could have fun too~

Try the steps at your own risk. If you are liking the story so far, add it to your collection. Drop your thoughts in comments.

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