

Damon, a young boy that has lost everything to a war,his home,his father and the only thing he had left was his mother. He inherited a strange orb from his father. At the age of seven, he was instructed by his mom to train his body.In a world of countless ability users, Damon has been bullied most of his life until his mother tells him of a lethal secret that could either save the world or destroy it Which path shall he choose?

Agoma_Patience · Action
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1 Chs


"I bet your mum made a big mistake giving to a weakling like you". Damon stopped in his tracks as soon as he heard that statement. He could feel his blood boil. Nobody ever insults my mum like that, Damon said in his mind. He suddenly turned and rushed the boy that insulted him. The had a wind ability at level 4 so he was confident in winning the fight. He made a wind strike with his palm and Damon dodged it. His mother always told him to train his body up to the extent that he could take a full attack from a level 4 ability user even though he didn't have any ability.

The wind user kept on casting ranged attacks at Damon. After a while, he saw that Damon was dodging each of them effortlessly so he charged in for a close ranged battle. The wind user started punching Damon and he kept on dodging and parrying them. Damon began to get tired and a few punches started to get in.

Five minutes later, Damon was on the floor of the school hall out of breath. The wind user created a dagger and stabbed Damon's leg. Damon let out a scream and threw out a desperate punch but the wind user dodged it easily. Damon ran away from the hallway. "Dammit, I should have just run away like mum always tells me. Today is the last day of school and see what I got home a freaking stab on my leg. Mom will be so annoyed." The worst part of it is the fact that the school authorities don't care about it.

When he got home he saw that his mother was in the house. He quickly hid the injury with his bag so his mum wouldn't notice it,although he was still limping a little. He quickly greeted her but as soon as he turned to go upstairs, his mother stopped him as she saw he was slightlylimping. "Where do you think you are going to"? Damon knew he was in trouble so he quickly sat down and told his mother everything that happened his mother was shocked but she smiled and told him that he was brave. Damon was so shocked because usually his mother would scold him so he knew that something was up. His mother quickly shrugged the matter off.

"Look Damon I want to tell you something and you have to promise me that you will listen to me and you will do as I say. "

"I promise " said Damon a little skeptical.

"Before your father died in the Great War he gave me this orb".She said revealing an orb. "He said that when you get to the age of 15 I should give you this orb that he found in the Dimensions of time. It holds a great power and responsibility within it. He was told that you Damon is the only one that can wield it's power. It's also the reason I told you to train your body". "Mom.... so your telling me all this for what reason?"asked Damon. "Because your the only one that can stop the next Great War. " his mother stated.

"There is going to be another Great War?" Damon asked. "Yes".

"If dad gave me this orb, then I must carry on his will."

His mum gave him the orb. When Damon took it, he could feel its power radiating to him. He swallowed the orb and he could feel it's power seeping into him.

After an hour, he saw a message saying

[Congratulations you have successfully absorbed the Chaos orb.]