
The Legend Of Chun Ho-Jin [BL]

In the Interstellar world that reliant on 'Star Cards,' Chun Ho-Jin from the post-apocalyptic era was reborn in a new body as a skilled Star Card Maker. Struggling to meet an order due to damaged mental power, he tries crafting two-star cards but faces setbacks. His own powerful mental power isn't refined enough, leading to failed attempts. Determined to fulfill the original owner's dreams, Chun Ho-Jin grapples with mental power issues while aiming to succeed in crafting more advanced Star Cards, and exploring possibilities within this unfamiliar but essential livelihood. Reading Guides: 1. MC Shou/Uke/Bottom 1. Sentinel And Guides setting 2. Although it's BL, the main focus would be still in The MC career as a Star Cards Maker. 3. if you don't like BL I suggest you to not continue reading this novel.

Rotten_CucumberY · Fantasy
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90 Chs

Replaced (Part 3)

With these thoughts in mind, despite his displeasure, the leader of the Heart Of Steel Hunter Squad gritted his teeth and paid the breach penalty.


As for the decision to leave Han Soo-Yi and Chun Ho-Jin behind and not take Dr. Kim, he had never considered it.


Dr. Kim was an Level A Guide!

A Level A Healer!

Their Hunter Squad couldn't afford them under normal circumstances!

It was such a stroke of luck to have a Level A Healer that willing to join them.

This was something they could never have hoped for under normal circumstances!


As for offending these two low level Healers because of this Level A Healer... so what?

They were just two Level C Healers.

If they got offended, so be it.

What was there to be afraid of?


However, just as the leader of the Heart Of Steel Hunter Squad was about to pay the breach penalty to Han Soo-Yi, Dr. Kim, who had been watching from the side, spoke up with a smirk.


Although her expression seemed friendly, her eyes still held a malice, especially when she looked at Chun Ho-Jin.

The scene of him being forced to kneel in humiliation by Park Dae-Gom not too long ago flashed in her mind again.

Fueling her hatred towards Chun Ho-Jin even more.


Not only did they tarnished her reputation when she joined new Healing Center, but she was also threatened by the Solar Urside Hunter Squad to be expelled from the Cheonseong District.

This was such a huge disgrace for her.

Especially, since she was a Level A Healer who was highly sought after everywhere she goes.

However, now she had been ruined because of this low level Guide, someone whose more inferior to her!


The more Dr. Kim thought about it, the stronger her hatred towards Chun Ho-Jin grew.

Initially, she wasn't necessarily going to accompany this Heart Of Steel Hunter Squad into the Dungeon Gate, but now she was determined to go as long as she can make Chun Ho-Jin feel nauseated.


So, in the next moment, Dr. Kim spoke up with a strangely twisted tone.


"Hey, why are these Level C Guides talking so big now? Their healing skills aren't that great, yet their attitudes are getting more arrogant by the minute. You all are just 'Level C Guides,' don't think you're so great just because you can calm a Frenzy state people a couple of times. At best, it's just luck.

When it comes down to it, aren't us Level A Healers more useful? With me, a Level A Healer around, what can you even do? Are you here to polish my shoes?"


"Oh, look at me, I accidentally spoke the truth. But don't be discouraged. As an Level A Healer, I still 'care' about you Level C Healers. A little breach penalty? Don't fret about it. I'll cover it. How about you all come to me and be my 'assistants'? Then it won't be considered a breach of contract for the Heart Of Steel Hunter Squad, right?"