
The legend of Black Violet

"AWZ & Black violet Curse" follows the journey of a young adventurer named AWZ a boy who can't feel anything in his life, as he sets out to break the curse of the Black Violet.

ShinAsher · Fantasy
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12 Chs

Forgotten Colors

Violet lay lifeless at my feet, and I had returned to my human form. As I gazed upon him, the image I saw was different now, for this was what they called "the color." The wind caressed my face, and I caught a whiff of the black violet flowers' scent. It was an alluring fragrance, but as I looked back at Violet's body, my heart felt like it had shattered. Up until this moment, all that had happened in my life seemed like a black-and-white nightmare, where I was a lifeless being taking from anyone and everyone who crossed my path.

The lump in my throat grew, and I buried Violet's body before plunging my sword into the ground and collapsing onto my knees. I was tired, sad, and alone. I made my way to the giant black violet flower and continued to hack away at it with my sword every day and night. Every day, a bit less remained, and progress was disheartening. But there was someone out there watching me, a girl with red hair who never left my side. she gave me hope.

And after a month of tireless labor, I was finally successful in cutting down the last of the flower. The snow stopped falling, and the black violet flowers that hadn't blossomed in years finally came to life. Once the flower fell, the cold vanished, and spring took over. The landscape, once only seen in black and white paintings, now appeared before my eyes in all its colorful glory.

Finally, the spell on this world had been broken. Just like the carvings on the stones of the heavenly city, a young boy sat amongst the vibrant blooming flowers in a colorful world of his own. Nightfall crept in, just like the night when the full moon shone, and I no longer felt the presence of that person watching me from afar. I sat near the former place of giant black violet flower, staring at the fire, and she came over to sit beside me. She spoke of recent events, reminding me of her offer to turn me into a vampire and silence my emotions forever. It was a heavy topic, and I lowered my head, acknowledging her words.

She injured himself, and I drank me drops of her blood - under the light of the full moon, I experienced a new sensation as my hair turned purple. I looked at him and told him it had been done, and he nodded in agreement, "Yes, you're becoming more like a vampire with every passing moment," he said. Slowly but surely, I felt the emotions and power of a vampire brewing inside of me.

Ai approached me and suggested I close my eyes and place my hand on my chest if I wanted to silence my emotions. I could feel my heartbeat and imagine my heart slowly turning to ice until it stopped beating, and my emotions were silenced.

But I refused. Nineteen years of living without emotions were enough for me, I said. I want to continue living with all of my emotions intact instead of giving up and becoming lifeless again. All of those who sacrificed their lives for me are not dead. They live within my heart as memories of the past, making me stronger each day.

I want to spend eternity with you, I said.

Ai smiled, and we continued to sit there, surrounded by blooming flowers, under the light of the full moon.