
The Legend Of Baron

Baron. A man born out of his era, even his own landscape. His legend has been known for ages, but since his presence arose. Iganthia is found, the end is near.

Carter_Hochstetler · Fantasy
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6 Chs

The Legend. Reborn

In the world of Yugo. Glass like pillars cover the entirety of the planet. Shades of blue and white fill the cold and vast sky. Snow covers almost the entirety of the planet. Some would say the planet is uninhabitable, but for the ones living there, it is heaven itself. Peace and solidarity has reigned on this landscape for centuries. The people. referred as Inglates, native to the Ivan tribe, are the foothold of life found on this wasteland of a planet. Making life prosper is no easy task to accomplish here. Vegetation is spread far and wide between the wintery wasteland of the planet. Although, it is certainly accomplishable. With the aid of ancient magic technique, the natives have been here for ages. Generations and generations have passed since the beginning, and as knowledge has been gained. Desirable technologies have been uncovered from the planet around them. As time passed, cities spread far and wide. Houses and larger complexes were made of triangular shaped roofs to compensate for the continuous snowfall. Buildings were able to move upwards on their own as Ice grew in length as years pass. It was as if the planet itself wanted to be bigger than the ones around it. The planet had grown quite large since it's newborn phase. No one had ever heard of planets growing in size before. Not even the Inglates themselves knew why the phenomena occurred on their own planet. In the center of town there seemed to be a calling, people holding up their picket signs and in duality, they shouted. "The legend has appeared!" Over and over, as others passed by keeping their heads down to avoid confrontation.

Hi, I'm Anna, I come from the city of Agnathia. My age is 19. I have been planning to find some sort of occupancy in this town to see if I can begin making a worthy income. Although I'm new, I enjoy seeing how busy and lively everyone is around me. You'd think in a place where everything looks white and various shades of blue, people wouldn't enjoy their surroundings. Living here it's quite the opposite. The city life compared to my old home, is a great breath of fresh air compared to each other. Not sure how much fresh of air I can get considering how much it snows here. Regardless, I have just left my loft to find my self something to eat. Even though, Food here would occasionally be scarce, thanks to the magical practices of the "Gated." We are able to create an abundance of necessities. Of course on a planet where warmth is scarce, and growing vegetation for consumption isn't an easy task, more like impossible. With the help of the Gated's warmth, we are able to be well fed and prosperous. Houses and buildings are made habitable through those who are Gated. Vents that come beneath the surface of the city are in every house that bring warmth. Sadly, we only get to feel the heat from the vents when everyone is preparing themselves for the harsh night. Nobody is out during this time. The nights usually bring about new several feet of snow. It's as if the planet says to leave, even though we live here. The way the city combats the weather from being suffocated, is it's ability to raise itself through a large hydraulic system. I've always liked to joke that our planet is incredibly defensive of itself. It obviously doesn't want anyone here, but regardless of what it wants. We are here.

My lineage has never seen an overall benefit of surviving here, but that's one of the reasons why I chose to move into one of the greater cities. If there is a real reason to begin life on this planet, maybe opening my horizons will show me a greater path. My parents used to tell stories of how my ancestors used to be able to control the landscape around them. I've never been able to use a power such as that, and my parents always said it was legend. I've always loved those stories. I used to think about how living on a different planet was as well. As a kid I day dreamt about the various lives of others might be somewhere in the vast realm of space. How many other shades of color there actually may be. As well as, how many things there are to uncover. And yet, I have never questioned my existence. I am here to aid my family, I am here to make money, and I am here to ensure my families safety.

I have one younger brother, and two parents. One issue that occurs often are the attacks from certain creatures that appear from the snow. No one knows what they look like, or how they even manage to attack innocent civilians. This is due to the cities defenses being so high. Every nightfall, walls are raised around every corner possible. No one in or out. People do die, and it's only because they can't get back inside their own homes. Getting lost is very easy when it comes to a landscape that consists of very little geographical features. Tragic deaths of course, but I make certain that I don't go outside any time after dusk. Even if it means I wake up terribly hungry. Hunger is indefinitely, a different level when compared against death.

I work at the local gathering facility the name of it is "Reapers," what we do is work for the big boss. His name is Kannon he has to ensure that we all go out and find useful resources that can be used within the city. Reapers get their name from how we look, our gear makes us look like ghosts in the snow, but that's required in case we are caught by the Dreadnaughts. That's the name given to the creatures who feed on us. For our safety, we tend to go out in groups and occasionally larger ones, depending on the distance. Teams consist of those who carry supplies like food and water, and there are the scavengers who are the ones with repelling gear. Those are the badass members who cave dwell and are equipped with large rifles in case any Dreadnaughts are spotted. Then there are members like me, a radio specialist, keeping track of all our positions and making sure communication between us and other groups are secure. The reapers main duty is to search for and recover items of value including, cloth, leather, or food that is taken from dead creatures or persons, and any supplies that dead travelers have left behind. There is also one more thing, there is a mixture of a liquid and solid that is found in various parts of Yugo. It is what helps give the Gated the ability to protect the city. This resource is known as Luna, coming from the word light. Since it has a property within it's molecular structure that makes it luminescent in the dark. The more Luna we gather, the more profit we make back in town. If we are lucky, we can get dinner for free depending on how good of a bounty we scrape up. It's uncanny how many we find dead after making their way towards civilization. It's sad knowing how many people are out there with all the hardships, but I did my time in that life, I was willing to do anything to get out, just like the ones who turn up dead have. The only reason I made it was, my family's village is not terribly far away. My village can be found about two days of travel across the world from Agnathia. My family and local village is also lucky, since we get supplies that are high in demand from the city I live in now. I can't imagine the lives some people live if they are father away than I am. Due to my employment here, My village has a larger priority of goods over ones that are farther out. This planet is unforgiving, not a single day can be wasted by anyone. Other than the people in charge, which is why the people in charge live the high life. Supposedly, the Gated are the ones who created this city and are responsible for bringing lost lives together. Even so, Agnathia is a symbol for hope to others, and that is something to cherish.

As I was walking around trudging in about ankle high sleet, I made my way towards the center of town. My stomach was growling and I needed to eat some grub at the local shop. Even though this world can be seen as bland with the lack of color, I am fond of how beautiful ice can be. I'm lucky in a sense, blue and white is all everyone here will ever know. It may seem depressing to others, but to me, ingenuity and effort is what peaks my interest at my core. If someone has enough talent and effort to create a piece of work no other has seen before, my heart is succumbed to the value that is due to their creativity, Art is no easy feat with the tiny pallet that this land provides. It's the least I can do to help keep my mind at ease. If I find an artist I like, I'll donate a bit of my paycheck towards their next project depending on how much their new artwork encapsulated me. Tons of bright blue ice structures can be found within the city, and can be found in the center of town. Beautiful ice sculptures always reminded me how creative people really can be, in this world of darkness and irreverence. Even though art was made of several shades of ice, they could always be viewed from a different angle and viewed with large amounts of satisfaction from the perspective that was depicted from the creators mind.

As I was scurrying along eating my load of bread, I heard peoples' voices in the distance, all in tandem as well. "The legend is here!" over and over. Booming across the courtyard. I made my way ever closer, till they came into view. Their signs stating the same as their words. What in the world could a legend be in the world covered in snow? I thought back to my parents referring to this legend, and how it was supposed to bring a change to Yugo. Nevertheless, I kept walking, I was really hungry that day since I worked a big shift. I made it back home just in time to ensure my safety in case the walls were raised that night. I made my to the Grub shop and ate a lovely meal. I couldn't help myself but to ask for seconds, how selfish of me.