
The Legend of Astan's Queen

He Jian and He Mei Ya, known as "Evil siblings", leaders of the Gui assassination sect are killed in an explosion in one of their mission. They wake up to find themselves in the bodies of brother and sister of He family abandoned in woods. Realizing that they are in a different world full of magic, and the bodies of original owners are bullied and labelled as 'trash' by young masters of other clans, they wow to each other to shake this new continent. You guys think you bullied us.. bullshit.. we will show you what bullying truly is...You think you are rich.. look at our He family's new business.. what?... now you are not even the worth of dust under our shoes... Crown Prince and Crown Princess.. You cancelled your engagement with us.. We will make you know what regret is.. Yes.. We will make every single one of you know what regret truly is.. The Elder brother He Jian and his sister He Mei Ya make their mark in this new cultivation world and their hidden forces shakes everyone.. making He family untouchable... Both the siblings meet with various strong cultivators on their journey of magic, martial arts,.....specially the charming and domineering two-faced He Mei Ya.. with her powers she becomes a pristine lotus in the hearts of many.. Their lives are changed completely when He Mei Ya accidentally releases purple eyed devilishly handsome man and her destiny becomes entangled with his for eternity... A road of journey of family.. friendship... love... watch as the siblings along with the evil-doer change the future of entire realm with our little He Mei Ya as the little queen of the black-bellied evil-doer.

neha_ · Fantasy
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47 Chs

Astan, the god of war

He Mei Ya recalled the major events described in the book..

About six hundreds ago, god race ruled over all races. But some races opposed the rule of gods and started to rebel against them.

At first, the god's race did not crush them completely because it's only natural that not all will accept them.

But, later on the atrocities of the rebel clans increased to the point that if they are not controlled, the entire world will be plunged into a deep abyss.

At that time, an internal conflict started in god's race. The god's race split into two factions..

The first one led by Astan, he believed that war is necessary to control those rebel clans.

The other one led by Glastin, he believed that peace talks and compromise can control the rebel clans.

They tried to settle the situation through talks but they failed.

Then under the leadership of Astan, Divine alliance army is formed.

The rebel clans united to form the Hellion's army. It is said to be led by Satan the most dangerous existence and the one who is powerful than gods.

Under the leadership of Satan, races like Necromons, Orcs, Goblins, Rock men, Trolls, Outcasts ( criminals of demon race), humans with evil motives etc formed a strong attack army.

Other races like Elves, Elnas, Ice fairies, Dwarves, humans, demons etc formed a formidable attack and defense army. Under the strategic leadership of Astan, they started to suppress the rebel races one by one.

Across the realms and continents, everyone sang songs about the valor and strength of Astan and hailed him as the God of war.

The gods under the leadership of Glastin did not participate in the war and they remained neutral.

After a few years of war, only about 30 strong fighters remained alive in the Hellion's army.

Satan performed a blood ritual to kill Astan as the entire Hellion army is about to be extinguished by him.

After the ritual Satan became invincible and launched an attack on Astan.

Astan was of no match to Satan..

So, as the final attempt, Astan used all his god blood power to seal Satan.

Satan is successfully sealed but no found trace of Astan in the battlefield.

Many worshiped Astan as he sealed away the Satan using his power.

Many believed that he died, but some believed that he is stuck in some realm and will return someday.

Glastin, who had always been jealous of Astan, started ruling the god's race and condemned Astan as the violator of peace. He condemned Astan as the violator of principles of godhood.

As years passed by all the good deeds of Astan had long been forgotten and his name became a taboo.

" Praising a god when he fought with valour and making his name a taboo later.. Believing him as dead when he went missing.." He Mei Ya's mouth twitched.

'God's race are immortals, if his body is not found at the battle field then he must have escaped and must be hiding somewhere'

" Tsk.. aren't all these fools afraid of retribution if lord Astan returns" He Mei Ya wondered.

Whatever, she believed that this god of war is alive and well somewhere. After reading all the strategies he implemented in the war, she became a huge fan of this god of war.

" If only I could meet him ah!" He Mei Ya sighed.

But, she had no idea that later on she would not only meet him but also his and her fate are intertwined for eternity.