
The Legend of Astan's Queen

He Jian and He Mei Ya, known as "Evil siblings", leaders of the Gui assassination sect are killed in an explosion in one of their mission. They wake up to find themselves in the bodies of brother and sister of He family abandoned in woods. Realizing that they are in a different world full of magic, and the bodies of original owners are bullied and labelled as 'trash' by young masters of other clans, they wow to each other to shake this new continent. You guys think you bullied us.. bullshit.. we will show you what bullying truly is...You think you are rich.. look at our He family's new business.. what?... now you are not even the worth of dust under our shoes... Crown Prince and Crown Princess.. You cancelled your engagement with us.. We will make you know what regret is.. Yes.. We will make every single one of you know what regret truly is.. The Elder brother He Jian and his sister He Mei Ya make their mark in this new cultivation world and their hidden forces shakes everyone.. making He family untouchable... Both the siblings meet with various strong cultivators on their journey of magic, martial arts,.....specially the charming and domineering two-faced He Mei Ya.. with her powers she becomes a pristine lotus in the hearts of many.. Their lives are changed completely when He Mei Ya accidentally releases purple eyed devilishly handsome man and her destiny becomes entangled with his for eternity... A road of journey of family.. friendship... love... watch as the siblings along with the evil-doer change the future of entire realm with our little He Mei Ya as the little queen of the black-bellied evil-doer.

neha_ · Fantasy
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47 Chs

A meeting with the emperor

After dismissing everyone from the room, He Jiao closes his eyes and ponders for a while.

In the beginning he thought that He clan is declining as the younger generation is unable to cultivate. After his generation, in the Dong kingdom there have been no cultivators. But suddenly in his grandchildren's generation, all other clans and the Imperial family has produced cultivators except his He family. Out of his five grandchildren none are able to cultivate leaving him helpless.

He always worried that after him there will be no clan head. A clan head should be able to cultivate. Otherwise, it can be marked as the end of the clan and it will be either merged into other clans or it will be annihilated. As He clan has not produced any cultivators, many are slowly waiting for the downfall of He clan.

Thinking about the expressions on the faces of those schemers after they know that He family can cultivate, He Jiao chuckles loudly.

Leaving the aspect of cultivation, He Jian and He Mei Ya are absolutely stunning to look at. Previously, even with their sickly bodies and pale faces they are able to attract many bees and butterflies. Now with their healthy complexions many will be fighting for them. He Ming Yu and He Ming Li are also good to look at. But, they did not make any public appearance. So, they are not known to many.

Now that they are able to cultivate, as He Mei Ya said they may be involved in power struggles. The Crown Prince and Princess rejected them saying that they are waste. He Jiao felt very ashamed at their behavior. But now it's their turn to reject them. After learning that they can cultivate, those shameless creatures will again come for marriage alliances.

So, He Jiao decides that he will meet with that old man tomorrow and ask for an imperial edicts.

Next day, He Jiao leaves the He clan house after meeting with his sons.


At the Imperial palace

" Your majesty, Elder He Jiao of He clan is requesting private audience" Eunuch Fanji announces.

The emperor Murong Lanyu raises his brows with a gentle smile at the thought of meeting his old friend and a faithful general " Let him in".

He Jiao enters the hall with a straight back. The oppressing aura of a general can be clearly felt from him.

'Such a domineering aura.. Sigh.. But there is no hope for his future generations' the emperor sighs to himself.

After coming close to the stage where the emperor is seated, He Jiao kowtows by paying his respects to the emperor "Long live his majesty. This lowly one pays his respects to the emperor."

Emperor Murong Lanyu smiles "Enough. Get up now. No need of these formalities when we are alone. Come and sit here." Murong Lanyu points to the chair beside him.

He Jiao laughs and sits in the chair " You have not changed at all".

Murong Lanyu asks with a trace of concern in his voice " Did you find your grandchildren old man?"

After hearing the question, He Jiao puts an expression as if he aged another 100 years " No, I am still searching for them. We did not find any traces but I believe that they are still alive."

Murong Lanyu sighs " Old man if you want any help ask me. I can dispatch my guards if you want."

He Jiao puts a serious expression "No need. I do not want any help for searching operation. Today, I came to ask for one of the 2 imperial edicts."

Murong Lanyu answers " I promised you. As long as I can afford, I will grant it."

He Jiao explains his intention of giving freedom to their grandchildren in their marriage.

After listening to He Jiao, Initially Murong Lanyu is surprised but he understands that he did this because his grandchildren were insulted by the royal family. So, he agrees to it.

" Bring me the gold silk jade scroll and ink" Murong Lanyu orders Eunuch Fanji. After receiving the scroll and ink Murong Lanyu writes the edict with his own hand and hands it to He Jiao.

" Old man, my grandchildren insulted your grandchildren. I apologize to you on their behalf." Murong Lanyu sincerely apologizes .

" No worries.. Anyway we can't change the past. We have to move on. I will leave now." He Jiao puts a distressed expression and salutes the emperor before leaving.

After reaching the He clan house, He Jiao meets with his sons to share this good news.

" The emperor gave the highest ranking scroll. Even the emperor can't revoke this order." He Jiao announces this news laughing loudly.

If the emperor saw this old man's laughing appearance, he will cough a mouthful of blood by comparing it with his distressed expression a while ago.

'Now everything is set. Jian'er and Ya'er train well.' He Jiao sighs in his heart.