
The Legend of a Prodigy

Far away from Earth, unbeknownst to the even the Gods, lies another planet which supports life. Life on this planet is mostly magical. It's an ideal world to live in. Until it's not. The friendship has been breached within the Palace. The MC goes on a journey with her friends and relatives to bring down the King of Aswad. Will she bring peace back to the Kingdom of Aswad or has it been lost forever? Updates every Saturday and Sunday. Bonus chapters may come on Friday. I do not own the new book cover.The credits go to https://www.pinterest.dk/pin/215117319690520721/. If the creator don't want to upload this picture here, then I will gladly remove it.

Lisanna_Shweta · Fantasy
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39 Chs

Chapter 20 : Earth :- I Got This Weird Feeling

They are getting ready to enter the Aris.

Lisa with an angry smile : Bye! Corrupted Aswad!!

She shouted since only Mr Brown was present. The King put a spell on Reina to forget Lisa and Mr Brown too.

Mr Brown with a frowned expression : You have to say that? We already know now how corrupted the kingdom will be.

Lisa with a soft smile : I wanted to reunite with my friends before I leave.

Mr Brown : Now it's impossible to even think that Reina will recognise either of you. We have to leave quickly before the judges come.

Lisa dramatically speaks : Come Uncle, I will have to live with you alone. You are my only family now!

Mr Brown : I know, but don't forget Grandma.

Lisa : Is she with us now?... No so I don't consider her as my family.

Mr Brown sighs : Fine let's go. We will fulfill our dream.

They boarded the Aris. Comfortable seats of the royalty were given but they were the only ones aboard. The only people on it were the pilot, Lisa and Mr Brown.

[Time skip : *3 days]

(*According to Milkstars time)

Mr Brown was covered in mud. Lisa was unconscious and both of them injured.

Mr Brown with dirt on his shirt and face : How did it come to this?

Flashback 1 day ago

Lisa excitedly : See! It's the beautiful, the Earth!

Mr Brown : I know you are excited, so be patient we will be there in one day!

Suddenly the siren started to ring.

'Announcement' 'Red sign'

Lisa panicking : What happened??

The pilot panicking : There is a rock-like structure coming towards us!! I will take a U turn and we will reach Earth in 2 days!!

They wanted see more of universe so they asked the pilot to do a detour.

Unfortunately, they crashed into the rock-like structure. The impact of the hit made the Aris go in full speed towards Earth. The pilot died because of the crash. Lisa tried to control Aris but failed.


They landed on an island. After a while Lisa woke up.

Mr Brown : Are you fine?

Lisa : What happened!??

Mr Brown explains and Lisa calmly understands the situation.

2 minutes of silence.

Lisa panicked : What!!? So that means we are lost in this foreign planet!!

The voice echoed throughout the island.

Mr Brown : Calm down! We don't know about this planet except that the beings here are special.

Lisa : Thanks for reminding! Now what!?

Mr Brown : Calm down and think!

She calms down and thinks what to do next.

Lisa : Can we use our powers?

Mr Brown : It is definitely a no!

Lisa : Ughh...Then we have no choice but to use speed step.

{Speed step : Once the user activates this power, one step = one metre}

Mr Brown : I guess it's fine in using that but still we are using our power.

Lisa : It must be deserted so it's fine.

Mr Brown : Fine!!

Lisa : Let's go then!!

She activates the power and leaves her uncle behind. It was like playing catch with each other in this dire situation.

Mr Brown : Wait!! Lisa! I have to say something!!

Lisa : Now what!? She stops.

Mr Brown : Haven't you felt this weird feeling? Because I have and the atmosphere feels heavy like someone is looking at us in a curious yet ....

Lisa : I have. She had a serious tone.

Mr Brown : Then what should we do?

Lisa : We should ignore. She says in a playful tone. We should have fun for now.

Mr Brown : Lisa be serious for once!! Atleast think about food!!

Lisa : Ha! Food! We have a pantry here. Pointing the bag in a distance. Maybe it fell as she kept playing in circles. It was with her from the beginning i.e invisible.

Mr Brown : Goodness you are full of surprises. Will we fast or start eating?

Lisa : We will eat little bit everyday. We have to travel to find shelter. That's why I suggested the speed step. Let's go, we are wasting our time.

Mr Brown took the bag that was dropped. It was weightless.

Mr Brown spoke softly : She really stole this bag. I don't mind it but brother is really going to scold us. Well, I have to catch up to her.

Lisa thinking : There are some people here too. They are bloodthirsty. She screams to Mr Brown. Uncle can you come here? I am waiting!!

Mr Brown : Coming!!!

He went next to her.

Mr Brown : What is it now?

Lisa : Hehe....what is the term we call people who drink blood or something?

Mr Brown : Vamp-something. Wait a second let me think.

Lisa : Vamp huh? Maybe you are close to saying it.

Mr Brown : I remembered it was vampire!

Lisa : They drink red blood right?

Mr Brown nods in agreement.

Lisa : But we have blue blood so um what should we do? One : Fight them. Two : Lose them.

Mr Brown : In my opinion, lose them.

Lisa : Let's run with our power in circles.....

Mr Brown sighs : It is a waste.

Lisa continues : ....and kill them.

Mr Brown surprised : What! You are combining the two ideas!

Lisa : Let's go insane yeah!

Mr Brown : Sure but only for today!

Suddenly they felt the tension in the air.

The unknown person came to them. They activated their power and escaped.

Unknown person POV

Those people ran too fast for a human. They are not normal I will catch them.

Unknown person POV end

He had a umbrella for the heat. He rotated his umbrella while thinking about the escapees.